There are different types of conspiracy theorists:
Christian conspiracy theorists
Socialist conspiracy theorists
World Socialist Web Site
State of the Union speech: Bush declares war on the world
The State of the Union speech given by George W. Bush Tuesday night was among the most menacing and belligerent in American history. The US president outlined a program of limitless and perpetual warfare, on every continent, and against any regime that stands in the way of the rapacious American ruling class.
Bush threatened to attack Iran, Iraq and North Korea-mentioning the three countries by name. Despite his apocalyptic warnings about "thousands of dangerous killers, schooled in the methods of murder, often supported by outlaw regimes," these countries had nothing to do with the September 11 terrorist attacks, a fact acknowledged even by the US government.
Despite Bush's attempt to resurrect the rhetoric of World War II in his reference to the "axis of evil," it is the US government and Bush himself who are following in the footsteps of the Nazis. One would have to go back to the diatribes of Adolf Hitler to find comparable bellicosity in the public declarations of a major world power, and comparable cynicism in the lies and provocations employed as justifications for military aggression.
A program of world conquest
The comparison is an apt one, because like Hitler and the Nazis, American militarism has embarked on a campaign of world conquest and world domination. The State of the Union speech was a declaration of the unbridled appetites of the military and of the most ruthless, corrupt and criminal sections of the American ruling elite, who find their direct representative in George W. Bush.
Like Hitler, Bush presents an upside-down view of the world in which small and weak states are mortal threats to the most powerful and heavily armed. In 1938-39, Hitler demonized first Czechoslovakia and then Poland as threats to the national security of Germany, before invading and laying waste to each. In 2002, Bush targets North Korea, Iran and Iraq, declaring, "The United States of America will not permit the world's most dangerous regimes to threaten us with the world's most destructive weapons."
There's also organizations conspiracy theorists center their theories around.
Will humanity bring about a New World Order through secret societies?
A New World Order: Thoughts and Perspectives from the Illuminati Manifesto
By now, many, if not most of you, have heard various politicians and media figures speak of a New World Order. What exactly does this mean? What kind of order is it that they speak of? Who is going to implement this New World Order? How will it be implemented? What types of people understand or subscribe to the New World Order? Will it be established by some dishonest Christian conspiracy theorists, con artists who are busy spitting out books on all sorts of theories with the assumption that they have a large audience filled with gullible and naive people ready to make them rich and famous? The real issues have never been clearly defined by those who speak out concerning a New World Order; the real issues are what is and who is this New World Order?
What the New World Order entails, among other things, are the many issues that would be considered taboo in today's day and age. However, like all great idealists, philosophers, and scientists,' proponents of the New World Order, namely The Illuminati Order, are pioneers in the field of human and social responsibility. We are providing practical and logical solutions to the many issues and questions authoritative figures in high positions would not dare speak of in public for fear of loosing their positions and/or their reputations.
Throughout the ages, however, a seed of enlightenment has been planted and nourished by what most people refer to as radicals. A new philosophy took hold and matured over the centuries. It has been safeguarded by various secret societies such as Freemasonry, The Illuminati, and other similar organizations. This philosophy is the philosophy of realism, of practical application to problems that face mankind. This philosophy is known as Objectivism. Although it has been hijacked by Randists (people who claim and believe that Ayn Rand was the inventor or originator of this philosophy) it is only the ignorant and poorly educated in the field of philosophy and literature that prescribe to such belief. Unfortunately, this is the case with most Objectivists. There are two types of people who claim Rand as the originator or founder of Objectivism.
Objectivism is a collection of original thoughts of many individuals over the centuries. People who have books to sell and big salaries to maintain ( parasites and parasites) are the idiots, liars, cowards, and deceivers who still maintain that Objectivism was founded or originated by Ayn Rand. Those dumb enough to believe such nonsense should read John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and other founding fathers, Pope, Cicero, Branden, Nietzsche, Aristotle, and a multitude of other authors and philosophers; there are too many to list here.