Well done Andi. Love your posts - keep em comin.
guess who just got engaged???
no date has been set yet, but the engagement will be short.
probably sometime this summer.
Well done Andi. Love your posts - keep em comin.
im sure nothing surprises the people who regularly post here.
but what really shocks me now is that as a child i genuinely believed some of the most preposterous, stupid and moronic things ever committed to papyrus.. take the nephilim.
well they were mutants.
Why haven't they done this story as a Drama at the Convention? Can you imagine all those brothers stomping around in stilts with their bedroom curtains draped around them, causing mayhem in the middle of a football pitch!?
Then there would be the modern-day parallel, with mom and dad counseling their rebellious son about associating with the worldly girls at school. “Remember what happened to those bad angels, Randy?”. “Yes Dad” “Well, you don’t want the same thing to happen to you?” “No Dad” “Now, have your breakfast and get ready for the field service!”
while i was in the borg, i never knew anything about the personality dynamics within the gb.
the idea that it was "jehovah's organization" canceled any curiosity i had about the matter.. since i've become a full-blown evil apostate, my research has led me to believe that, just like any other governmental regime, there is a serious divide in the gb between the liberals and the conservatives.. it is also my understanding that one of the strongest and most influential personalities on the gb is ted jaracz.
and that his influence is a serious impediment to the much-needed reforms in the org.
They are rarely named in the society's publications. I was brought up to see them as loving, cuddly "uncle" types, with our best interests at heart. They keep getting these swathes of inspiration from above. They carefully peruse all the Circuit Overseer reports to see what our needs are. Yes, they keep getting engulfed by the spirit while they carefully research all the historical data – don’t bother doing it yourself guys, we do it for you – and it’s not possible for us to get it wrong – we have the spirit and you don’t. Isn’t that nice of them? Perhaps they have a direct telephone line from God. Oh, but they are so humble – and consequently they are referred to as “the slave”.
which is worlds most civilized nation?.
what do you reckon, if there is indeed such a thing as the most civilized country.. to be civilized means:cause to improve from a savage or primative form of human society to a more developed one.. so that rules out any country that allows its inhabitans to run round armed to the teeth.. the country would need good standards of living, and education.. laws that allow maximun freedoms without impinging too much on other people.. good safty codes and regulations and good care for elderly .. so who is doing it best in the world at the moment?.
Up to recently I would have said Britain and France, but it seems that lots of people in both countries seem to think its OK to vote for Nazis, so lets scratch them off our list.
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/ebayisapi.dll?viewitem&item=866419376 .
closer .
solid stone is just sand and water, baby.
Thanks for that link too, I'm going to email that link to death!!
That reminded me of the lego bible story link that was sent a few weeks ago, I'll have to look at it again!
http://www.theonion.com/onion3816/god_re-floods_middle_east.html .
hmmmm not a bad idea at all
That was a great article - thank you for drawing it to my attention. I love the Onion. It's almost as funny as the bible.
im sure nothing surprises the people who regularly post here.
but what really shocks me now is that as a child i genuinely believed some of the most preposterous, stupid and moronic things ever committed to papyrus.. take the nephilim.
well they were mutants.
I’m sure nothing surprises the people who regularly post here. But what really shocks me now is that as a child I genuinely believed some of the most preposterous, stupid and moronic things ever committed to papyrus.
Take the Nephilim. Who were they? Well – they were mutants. Yes mutants – mentioned in Genesis 6. Nephilim translated means “feller”, someone who knocks someone else down. They were reallly big crazy fellers weren't they?
How did they arrive? Well. “the sons of the true God began to notice the daughters of men, that they were good-looking; and they went taking wives for themselves, namely, all whom they chose” (Gen 6:2). Just a moment, “sons”, what do you mean – do spirit creatures have gender? I thought God invented gender on Earth so that the Earth could be filled – surely spirit creatures don’t reproduce? And why is Jesus always referred to as God’s only son? Why were these angels sexually attracted to humans? How did they perceive that these women were “good looking”? This all seems very human to me! Surely they were perfect beings? Surely the feelings that they had within themselves were given to them by God? If this is so, God is rather unkind giving spirit beings human-style sexuality!
If these spirit creatures were perfect, they would be able to metamorphosise themselves into perfect men with perfect genes. Their offspring would not be crazy mutants. I would have thought that if they had this brilliant skill to turn themselves into humans they would have made sure that they didn’t produce defective sperm.
Well, God was mad about it naturally and he decided to kill them all in the flood. He killed everyone except Noah and his family and two of every animal on earth in a massive shoebox covered in tar.
Now we can all be very grateful to God that these Nephilim don’t exist anymore, all we have are their skeletons in museums. We do have them in Museums don’t we?
Oh, dear…
can a person make themselves sick by their beliefs?.
this is called the "nocebo" effect and it's getting some critical.
attention by researchers.. www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/a2709-2002apr29.html.
http://www.meassociation.org.uk is one.
If you talked about CFS in the UK, nobody would know what you are talking about. The articles in the Awake! didn't translate too well this side of the Atlantic. Anyway, ME and CFS are exactly the same.
To be honest, I think a lot of it stems from depression, feelings of inadequacy. I've often felt really down during my life - a total worthlessness feeling, i.e. I'm not the model witness my parents want me to be. This can make you feel genuinely ill - god knows it's certainly made me feel ill!
Anyway, these feelings of inadequacy can easily spiral down into illness. It seems more common with women. No wonder - I particularly feel for the sisters - they are so oppressed by their husbands and all that "headship" crap.
Agoraphobia is another one. Lots of brothers & sisters have that.
I want to make it clear that in no way do I feel their suffering isn't genuine - brothers and sisters in the hall often feel like that though - you can imagine the snidey comments can't you?
To be quite honest though, what is really wrong with a great deal of them is something they cannot say openly without getting into trouble. Giving it a medical title transfers the blame.
i've lurked here for some time now, and posted a few times but wasn't going to do this until a couple other sweet members here suggested i do - so here it goes.
to tell my story, i have to go back to the beginning.. when i was 3yrs old, i had a very loving older brother, craig, who was 5yrs old.
while we were out playing on a montreal street one day, a streetcleaner with a hungover driver hooked my brother, dragged him several feet, and ran over him, in front of me.
BobsGirl, I'll drink to that!
Mimilly. Thank you for your words. There are so many people here with different life experiences; everyone here has really opened my eyes, and it's really helped. I'm changing by the day. I started to post here selfishly for my own therapy, but I really hope I can make a difference now by being honest about myself - I'm just starting to get used to thinking for myself, and maybe there are one or two lurkers out there that think - "hey, thats me too!"
i've lurked here for some time now, and posted a few times but wasn't going to do this until a couple other sweet members here suggested i do - so here it goes.
to tell my story, i have to go back to the beginning.. when i was 3yrs old, i had a very loving older brother, craig, who was 5yrs old.
while we were out playing on a montreal street one day, a streetcleaner with a hungover driver hooked my brother, dragged him several feet, and ran over him, in front of me.
I'm at work, and everyone in the office is asking why I look so tearful. Nothing I can say to you now can express how I feel right now. My heart goes to you so much. Some of the posts today have hit me like a truck, yours the most. I've got a lot of thinking to do this weekend about my continued association with the JWs. How can I justify to you, after all you have been through, why I continue to be an active witness? I can't.