Does a regular auxillary count?
Posts by Matty
hands up ex-pioneers
by sleepy inso how many here were pioneers?
ha ha ha.
i used up my teenage years pioneering, good thing i didn't go to college or university i could be well educated and in a good job.poo.
Answering the call of nature at conventions
by berten in<rant mode on>.
the horror!.
having to wait for up to half an hour before finally being able .
Viv, you had mirrors in the rest room that weren't covered up by the attendants? You were lucky!
Joanna, somehow I just knew you would make an appearance on this thread!
Anyway, before they rebuilt Twickenham stadium, the gents loos were just plain disgusting, they literally had no sinks to wash you hands - gross!
By the urinals there was a tap, and every so often one of the volunteer brothers would fill a plastic washing up bowl full of the water from this tap and put it on a trestle table with paper towels and soap. All the brothers then used this water to wash their hands.
After a while this hand washing water would be absolutely gross, no decent person would even think about washing their hands in this evil soapy grey liquid, with about a billion germs per millilitre in it. Well, as a child, I always just used the tap in the corner, but only if the "bowl filler" brother wasn't watching, because on numerous occasions I was shouted at by this stupid brother for turning on the tap. "Stop that! Use this water to wash your hands young man!". Then these jumped up little Hitlers would also tell you off for using more than one paper towel! It's amazing how a person can turn into a power-crazed maniac if you give them a volunteer badge!
IS the NWT really the WT Bible?
by Bleep injust wondered how many people this this is all true.
feel free to really think about this one and provide proof and examples.
Mike, well mine is extra large and comes with references!
Answering the call of nature at conventions
by berten in<rant mode on>.
the horror!.
having to wait for up to half an hour before finally being able .
Get the what out of Belgium? What's wrong with Belgium?
Do they have those ladies with white coats sitting outside the loos that you have to give a tip to at the convention as well?
Answering the call of nature at conventions
by berten in<rant mode on>.
the horror!.
having to wait for up to half an hour before finally being able .
How is it that when I get one of those coveted aisle seats, I go though the whole session without wanting to pee, but if I get a place that is about twenty seats in from the end I wanna pee straight after the opening song!
Bad Day
by Sirona ini'm posting here because i can't find any other forum to post to about you all know me and you are a great group of people.. i'm having a really bad day today.
all of a sudden it seems to have "hit" me that i had cancer.
i've been all clear for about 3 months, but all the while i've been terrified of it returning.
We luv ya. Please keep us up to date with how you are, and don't hold back - vent vent vent - we need to know!
IS the NWT really the WT Bible?
by Bleep injust wondered how many people this this is all true.
feel free to really think about this one and provide proof and examples.
I know I've said it before, but I see that some people work far too hard in their criticising of the New World Translation, it just aint worth it IMHO. You name one translation that hasn't been distorted to some degree to match the translators views.
Jehovah's Witnesses manage perfectly well twisting any version of the bible you choose! They used the King James and the American Standard for a long time before the complete New World Translation was published in 1961.
Do you love people more now that you're out?
by writerpen ini was thinking about this the other day.
since i've left the borg, i find myself loving other humans more.
like all the little children being abducted, the miners trapped in the mine last week, the victims of car accidents that i pass on the road, a woman crying in the car next to me while waiting for the green light, the homeless that i see every weekend at a local soup kitchen where i volunteer, etc.
Larry's quote sums me up, although I'm using it in the present tense, as I'm still "in":
"My love for people outgrew the love that I was taught."
I think that there are a lot of loving people in the Jehovah's Witness religion, but they are bullied into keeping it under wraps. I've always worked hard to be an unselfish person, but have found it increasingly difficult as my conscience increasingly has contradicted my faith. For instance, the amount of times that I have seen a disfellowshipped person and looked away just to be obedient, but just fighting back the tears, wanting to give them a hug, it was just oh, so wrong! I just feel now that I cannot let fallible, incompetent men, with delusions of consecration, force me to behave against my nature.
Tonight's Internet Meeting Part
by Pistoff ini just had to go to meeting tonight to hear the material on the internet.
it was the usual stuff about pornography, many scriptures and three mentions of how jehovah was giving this material to the slave to give to us at this time, so there must be a reason.
of course, satan got three mentions too as one who is trying to ensnare us into abusing the net.. and of course, nothing on the net can be trusted, per the fsd.
Another point that came out at this Service Meeting item was that it is a good idea to have the family computer in the living room, where there are lots of people generally around, not tucked in a little corner of the house, and never in the kids bedroom!
This way, members of the family cannot look up dodgy stuff without being overlooked, and kids can't be antisocial by going away from the family to use the computer.
He's a smartarse SOB, just like expatbrit, but doesn't post as much as he used to! Maybe he has one of those "life" things now!