Someone told me that I needed a break from the site because I was going nuts, and I so I wasn't around to give you one of these dudes:
God knows where we'd be without you!
Edited by - matty on 31 August 2002 14:4:24
oops.... should start at the beginning of a story shouldn't i!
i've been lower than a serpent's belly as of late.
finances just got a whole lot worse; argued 5 times with monopolistic telephone company who took my payment (money from 'hubby') yet didn't re-connect me; went searching for my resume on hubby's computer and found child porn instead.
Someone told me that I needed a break from the site because I was going nuts, and I so I wasn't around to give you one of these dudes:
God knows where we'd be without you!
Edited by - matty on 31 August 2002 14:4:24
just to avoid misunderstandings and the like, could some enlighetened brain help a poor foreigner with explaining these terms and shortenings being used here, that i get them all more or less correctly:.
SYS is See You Soon
1) i sacrificed work offered to me so i could earn more money.
2) i sacrificed my job as a well payed dj.
3) i sacrificed weekend ly-ins to go out preaching.
Watchtower 15th October 1996 p13 "Singleness-A Door to Undistracted Activity"...singleness is undeniably advantageous for the Christian man or woman who wants to serve Jehovah with minimum distraction. Whereas the married person is "divided," the unmarried Christian is free to concentrate attention on "the things of the Lord."
I know a guy who took this sh*t very seriously, and is now the oldest ...ahem... in the world!
some years back, on h20, i would sometimes make posts that were generally ignored by the one person that i really wanted a response from:.
uncle bruce!.
then one day i received an email from the digger dahn under.
Hey, if you like a particular post a lot, but don't want to add any comments yourself, then why not rate the thread 5/5? I would be pleased to get no responses but have a highly rated post. I don't think this facility is used enough!
over the history of the watchtower society, they have published numerous medical articles with warnings of dangerous substances such as aluminium and others promoting quack medicines which never worked.
is it not strange, that the people choosen as "god's channel" would get these things wrong?
even stranger is the lack of information on truly dangerous substances.
I think because I often mention that I am an active witness (Doh! there I go again!), I get some lurking JWs riled. I guess they consider that you are beyond redemption, but maybe they think that they might be able to rescue me from the flame, I don't know!
Many many thanks for that information, that's invaluable. I may still come up with more watchtower stock arguments on occasion!
and, for comparison, my graph of the past few years (showing total pubs):.
Previously you could not fill out a monthly field service report for less than one hour. Anything less than that should be carried forward to the next month.
Now, things have changed. Some of the elderly ones and disabled ones in the congregation are now authorised to report 15, 30, or 45 minutes in a month. Although this was only supposed to be open to specific members of the congregation, everyone I know is now reporting in 15 minute increments. I no longer carry forward parts of an hour. So if I do 9 1/2, that's what I put down. Not 9, and carry forward 1/2 hour. It's not what was asked, but we haven't been told off about it yet.
over the history of the watchtower society, they have published numerous medical articles with warnings of dangerous substances such as aluminium and others promoting quack medicines which never worked.
is it not strange, that the people choosen as "god's channel" would get these things wrong?
even stranger is the lack of information on truly dangerous substances.
Very good point ballistic, thank you for that.
Ballistic |
I was always told that God's commandments to the Israelites were testament to Jehovah's knowledge of bacteria and the benefits of cleanliness. Thousands of years before medical science learned how disease spreads, the Bible seems to prescribe reasonable preventive measures as a safeguard against disease.
This argument seems pretty rational taken in isolation, however it would be reasonable to think that God's modern-day chosen channel of communication would be vindicated when they come up with an off-the-wall medical stance. A strong argument that convinced me that there was something to the bible being the word of God, was that it contains statements that not only are scientifically sound but also flatly contradict the accepted opinions of the day. I am still reevaluating the validity of that view though. I wonder how other people here feel about this stance?
The Watchtower and Awake however, go with any crazy idea that's knocking around at the time, or anything that slots into their view of the world and they later look like complete fools because of it.
<gasp>..there is life out not outerspace..there could be but that is another thread.
as many of you know i have recently moved and have a new job.
there have been so many changes in my life lately that i had forgot to have some fun.
Well done noidea!!!
That's great to know, I'm so pleased for you! I understand where you are, because I'm a few steps behind. I keep getting the feeling that I should get another job and never mention to my new colleagues that I was ever a witness. I've been having problems interacting with people at work because they still have the "Matt the Evangeliser" view of me, and so I'm still out of the clique.
how could anyone feel good about a paradise built on the bodies of 6,000,000,000 massacred people?
how could you join this religion and feel like you are doing "the right thing", be happy about such a paradise, rejoice in its righteousness, goodness, and wholesomeness?
i can understand being raised (forced) in it, but joining it?!
When I was little I had a vivid imagination, and I was horrified at the thought of all those dead people after Armageddon. The concentration camp type imagery, with piles of corpses lying around, was certainly very strong in my mind. Do you think that witness children think more about the new system and the problems that would come up than adults do? Anyway, I was always told by grown-ups that Jehovah was a loving God, and that the bodies would simply disappear, like when people are transported in Star Trek!
That was my parent's stock answer anyway, was it the WTS's? I think they like to distance themselves from this kind of speculation.
did anyone see mike musto last nite on greta van susteren?
my wife and i were wathching fox news and they were talking about martha stewart's debacle, and low and behold there is mike commenting on how she is going to have to go from 9 houses to 8. anyway did not know we had a celebrity among us.... you did good mike.
Mike is a nut-case, but I love his posts, so long may he reign.
I kinda guessed that it was unlikely that Mike the poster and Mike the real person may be different. Why? Well, what I can't understand about Mike is that he professes to be still in da troof, and seems to have no intention to leave. He never goes for the jugular, but he often agrees with other posters about many of the Tower's policies. He was a Ministerial Servant until recently, although his sarcastic swipes about the Watchtower society here should be enough to get him disfellowshipped. If that is really his name, surely he would be easily traceable, and he would have been booted by da elderz by now.
I'm only saying this because it scares the crap outa me to think that I might be identified one day as Matty the poster. I certainly don't make it easy for people by posting my full name!