Where are Yadirf and Mavman?It seems that YK is getting out numbered here.
Jerome, I'm actually enjoying this discussion. If you pay careful attention you will see that YK is not outnumbered, actually he is holding his own at the challenge of many.
hello all... i came across this line of questioning many months on the inet so i decided that i would submit just this once to peer pressure and make a usefull contribution to the board.. here is the question... is jesus just "a god?".
many of the regular inet surfers would have come across this line of questioning before so if you have you could just sit back and relax and read the replys.. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>.
me: so is he a 'lesser true god' or a 'lesser false god?'.
Where are Yadirf and Mavman?It seems that YK is getting out numbered here.
Jerome, I'm actually enjoying this discussion. If you pay careful attention you will see that YK is not outnumbered, actually he is holding his own at the challenge of many.
the underlying assumption of the apostasy is that if the watchtower falls short to a significant degree then it cannot be jehovahs organization.
thats why apostates are hopeful that if enough fault can be found with the organization and brought to the attention of the faithful, then they too will accept the conclusion that jehovahs witnesses are not who we say we are.
unquestionably, many have been stumbled over a multitude of stumbling blocks.
Excellent post. Did not think about it that way. Thanks.
inside sources reveal,.
23,720 and counting..... .
child molesters on file at the home office in patterson ny .. this is now posted on the front page of my website.
Bill: Please don't get mad because some of us question your numbers and sources. Path, xenu and MCcoullough have made some well-thought posts on the issue. Here is what your site says about the source of information:
I was contacted by three different sources who claimed to have connected with people inside the headquarters
So you are the third person down the line. Is that real proof? Your sources could have received bogus information and you are repeating this.
you have been given background that no one has known up to this point unless you were an elderIt's true that you give a detail description of the process taken by the elders when someone confesses or someone is accused of child abuse, but that does not make your number of 23,720 more credible. You say that the process is some sort of secret. Well, this is not true as the elders in my congregation explained this process to the entire congregation in a local needs part.
For those of you who wish to ignore the collective mountain of evidence and say you need more proofYou are right, there is evidence that some children have been abused sexually. But there is also evidence that were the law requires it, these abusers have been turned into the authorities. There is also evidence that judicial committees locally do scripturally discipline these wrong doers. Whether you agree with it or not does not erase these facts.
The 23,720 is real whether some of you like it or not.Again, just because you say so does not make it true.
I do appreciate that you posted the process that the Watchtower has when dealing with a child abuser. This information is valuable to those that are investigating this issue as it shows that the brothers are doing something about these evil doers. I understand you don't fully agree with them and you want more done. Still, they are doing some things right. The elders calling the legal department to receive guidance is very important. Instead of leaving things in the hands of local elders, some of which do not have the abilities or knowledge to handle these cases, each case is given the amount of importance it neads to be handled properly according to human-law and divine law.
The trolls are hoping todayJust because someone disagrees with you, does not make him a troll. This is a bit childish, and I was surprised to see it coming from you. But I understand the emotions involved in these cases and your desire to protect little ones.
i visited some relatives in my extended family and found exactly.
the same situation as elsewhere in witness congregations.. the next generation of witnesses isn't there.. a friend of mine, who still goes to some meetings, made the.
same observation independently.
How can the org, inspired by god in 1967 to ban transplants, then be inspired by the same god (who never changes) in 1980 to allow them?
I did notice as I read through both articles that the writer claimed inspiration from god. It was based on the analysis of scriptures. I think the change came after being more informed. Medicine, including organ transplants, became more common during the 70's. It is true that Jehovah does not change, but he is not inspiring word for word what is published in the magazines, compared to the Bible.
Notice that in the 1967 Watchtower, not all transplants were discouraged. Artificial and animal organ transplants were left to ones conscience. I think the 1980 article was excellent in explaining why it is up to the persons conscience.
i visited some relatives in my extended family and found exactly.
the same situation as elsewhere in witness congregations.. the next generation of witnesses isn't there.. a friend of mine, who still goes to some meetings, made the.
same observation independently.
I'm editing this message since you read my mind and posted the link to the thread you refer to.
I don't know what you're talking about. I made a post to truthseeker. I didn't see any questions directed at me so I had nothing else to add.
i visited some relatives in my extended family and found exactly.
the same situation as elsewhere in witness congregations.. the next generation of witnesses isn't there.. a friend of mine, who still goes to some meetings, made the.
same observation independently.
Yes, Satan has been very busy.
Unfortunately, many Witness parents are only dedicating 1 hour (if that) to their family studies, while Satan and his Demons are dedicating 24 hours a day to bringing them down.
well, to bring you guys up to speed, here is what happend this weekend.
i told my wife how i was feeling and why i didn't believe the wt was not god's org.
it went pretty bad.
I understand how you feel. I am also in the same search. I started my search to see if JWs were the truth after I was disfellowshipped for immorality. I thought the elders were wrong in disfellowshipping me and I was pissed off. After careful examination of the scriptures and what Jehovah thinks of my practices, I realized that I was wrong and was just kidding myself.
I was also somewhat shocked at some the accusations thrown towards Witnesses by Ex-Witnesses. But you know, everything is a scandal to the ex-Witness, but in the congregation it's not even mentioned. Then I thought, the Clinton/Lowinsky case was a scandal, the Catholic Priests/pedophile is a scandal. I have not seen anything relating to a scandal on the Witnesses. Oh it's a scandal in this forum but what is there to expect from an ex-jw?
Still, I see a value to this forum. I can see clearly how many ex-jws twist and turn the scriptures to validate what they say. This has strengthened my faith in Jehovah. I have enjoyed the debates between YouKnow and AlanF. They are both very intelligent and excellent writers. But when it comes down to it, YouKnow has a purpose in life and his warnings are designed to make you think and meditate on your relationship with Jehovah God. AlanF, although very intelligent, has no purpose in life and does not offer any comfort. He just throws words and words, but does not have a clear message.
I also use this forum to see how many were stumbled by their brothers and sisters. Some were treated very roughly by elders or where victims of gossip. This helps me in not doing this to by brothers and sisters. I have learned a lot from those experiences that I've read.
truthseeker, I believe that with prayer and meditation, you will find the truth. I am always available to talk: [email protected]
who'd a thunk it?.
the theokratic kult which is so down on pagan holidays,.
would be celebrating the most occult day of them all,.
You've been looking for me, Tally? I feel so priviledged. So what do you want to know? About the Pic? I think it's a pretty cool pic, do you get the point of the pic? What is it?
inside sources reveal,.
23,720 and counting..... .
child molesters on file at the home office in patterson ny .. this is now posted on the front page of my website.
Recently, I was contacted by three different sources who claimed to have connected with people inside the headquarters of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York, located in Patterson , New York . These insiders provided my contacts with a computer data base number of 23,720 child molesters on file there
Three different sources who claimed to have connected with people inside? This is hilarious.
I love these facts from "sources" no body knows about.
romans 10:14 refers to jesus!.
romans 10:14-16 refers to jehovah!.
next-------they finally tell truth!.
Is God confused?
No, you are. The fact that God directs his organization does not mean that he is whispering in someones ear what to publish in the Watchtower word for word. Jehovah's people must still research and study the scriptures. Explaining a scripture does not make one a false prophet if later on finds by further research that the previous understanding was incorrect.