Kismet, the prime directive is
Protect the organization
at all costs. Why?
i am going to be at a trial in ritzville, washington.
the town is about an hour southwest from spokane, wa.
i will be there on august 14th, which will be on a tuesday.
Kismet, the prime directive is
Protect the organization
at all costs. Why?
page 13a .
clergy dilemma: save lives or keep secrets .
by gerald l. zelizer .
I like "cutie" better, my Empress.
Now take those skills in picking out what should be bold on my post re Christendom's unenlightend ways. A glitch does not allow me to do so.
great balls of fire!.
this little diddy will be my 3,000th post.. quoting my husband when he finally read a post by me (i made him, btw.
) "2,450 posts!
Incredibly happy, because you are
joyous and free!
Who knows "waiting" will have reason to change her name
page 13a .
clergy dilemma: save lives or keep secrets .
by gerald l. zelizer .
A shameless bump to the top. Lots of food for thought.
i regularly see posts and get mail that continues to parrot the watchtower lies that christendom protects pedophiles and is woefully unenlightened, thereby watering down the enormity of the society's sins.
wise up.
many "babylonish" religious organizations have active programs, not just to protect, but to educate children before the problem occurs.
I regularly see posts and get mail that continues to parrot the Watchtower lies that Christendom protects pedophiles and is woefully unenlightened, thereby watering down the enormity of the Society's sins.
Wise up. Many "Babylonish" religious organizations have active programs, not just to protect, but to educate children before the problem occurs. Most subscribe to the United Nations' Declaration of the Rights of the Child. They even go about telling the victim or parents how to make a charge or to get appropriate help.
Below is policy that's been in place for ten years in the Episcopal Church.
Title: Educate Children for Protection Against Sexual Abuse
The 70th General Convention of the Episcopal Church has made provision for all dioceses, congregations, and church schools to provide age-appropriate educational programs on sexual abuse, e.g., "good touch, bad touch," to children as young as age four that include the following:
1. Knowledge of what constitutes "good touch" and "bad touch" on the part of authority figures within a child's life
2. Information that educates children that authority figures include parents, close relatives, babysitters, teachers, and members of the clergy.
3. Counseling children in advance that they are entitled to and should report any such incidents which may happen to them in the future to as many other authority figures as possible.
Please also note that the local diocese "after consultation with the alleged Victim, the alleged Victim's spouse, or the alleged Victim's parent or guardian, may appoint an Advocate to assist those persons in understanding and participating in the disciplinary processes of this Church, to obtain assistance to formulate and submit an appropriate Charge and in obtaining assistance in spiritual matters, if the alleged Victim, spouse, parent or guardian so choose. Any Victim or Complainant shall also be entitled to the counsel of an attorney and/or Advocate of their Choice."
See Title IV, Ecclesiastical Discipline, Canon 1: Of Offenses for Which Bishops, Priests, or Deacons May Be Presented and Tried Sec. 1. A Bishop, Priest, or Deacon of this Church shall be liable to Presentment and Trial for the following Offenses, viz.: (a). Crime. (b). Immorality
Sec. 4. [cited above on charges of abuse]
Abstract: The 70th General Convention recommends that all dioceses, congregations and church schools provide educational programs for children and youth for protection against sexual abuse.
Citation: General Convention, Journal of the General Convention of...The Episcopal Church, Phoenix, 1991 (New York: General Convention, 1992), p. 842.
See also Silentlambs post citing USA Today
this is especially for farkel, whose good name has been stolen but who has not been robbed of the affection so very many of us have for him.. recently we've been treated to philosophy that has been a bit opaque to many.
i thought i'd expose you to the german philosopher johann wolfgang von goethe (sounds somewhat like gert.uh).
he really makes sense most times, once in awhile i think him out to lunch.
This is especially for Farkel, whose good name has been stolen but who has not been robbed of the affection so very many of us have for him.
Recently we've been treated to philosophy that has been a bit opaque to many. I thought I'd expose you to the German philosopher Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (sounds somewhat like GERT.uh).
He really makes sense most times, once in awhile I think him out to lunch. Think about this truth: "Once you have missed the first buttonhole, you'll never manage to button up."
Or, in thinking about catch phrases from the Society like, "No matter what, it's still God's organization" "Things are so bad the end has to be here soon."
Here's Goethe: "The phrases men are accustomed to repeat incessantly, end by becoming convictions that ossify the organs of intelligence."
Herewith are gems I'd like to share, thanks to an unknown translator.
We cannot possess what we do not understand
Nothing is worse than active ignorance
We are never deceived: we deceive ourselves
Truth is a torch but a tremendous one. That is why we hurry past it, shielding our eyes, indeed, in fear of getting burned
The first and last thing required of genius is the love of truth
Everyone hears only what he understands
We are accustomed to see men deride what they do not understand, and snarl at the good and beautiful because it lies beyond their sympathies
The further one advances in experience, the closer one comes to the unfathomable; the more one learns to utilize experience, the more one recognizes that the unfathomable is of no practical value
Hypotheses are lullabies for teachers to sing their students to sleep. The close and thoughtful observer more and more learns to recognize his limitations. He realizes that with the steady growth of knowledge more and more new problems keep on emerging
Each has his own happiness in his hands, as the artist handles the rude clay he seeks to reshape it into a figure; yet it is the same with this art as with all others: only the capacity for it is innate; the art itself must be learned and painstakingly practiced
Once one knows what really matters, one ceases to be voluble. And what does really matter? That is easy: thinking and doing, doing and thinking--and these are the sum of all wisdom ... Both must move ever onward in life, to and fro, like breathing in and breathing out. Whoever makes it a rule to test action by thought, thought by action, cannot falter, and if he does, will soon find his way back to the right road.
To be pleased with one's limits is a wretched state
Well, dear ones,
what do you think?
pix withdrawn
i remember a time when the society exercised a significant.
degree of discipline over elders.
brothers were commonly.
bboy, a good opportunity for me to thank you for your generous offer, which has been passed on to Dateline.
Room215, be assured the Society is going to get more than a bloody nose of 7 figures. It's not just on the horizon any more.
Francois, what are you talking about? You didn't see this gem:
The new w9/1/2001 Questions from Readers asks about Col 1:16, "In what sense were all things created 'for' God's Son, Jesus." Pictures of desert, waterfall, snowy lake ..... CHILDREN.
'Jesus was used to create everything and he takes pleasure in it.' "Jehovah God derived enjoyment from Israel when his people were faithful. He also derives joy from the faithfulness of his loyal ones down to our time." Hmmm, isn't that an awfully teeny and declining number? Wonder how He feels about abused children. What rules and procedures would Jesus institute in a policy manual?
'Jesus derives pleasure from his accomplishments,' we read, the Son was 'glad at the productive land of his earth, and the things he was fond of were with the sons of men.' "It is in this sense that Col 1:16 says ...."
Is that not thrilling? As JT says, deeeeeeeeeeeep!
page 13a .
clergy dilemma: save lives or keep secrets .
by gerald l. zelizer .
Sigh, what do these unenlightened clergy of Babylon the Great know?
need some help.. growing up, i was ceaselessly taught that everything jws do in preaching is because of "the issue.
" the issue is the "vindication" of jehovah's name.. at some point the publications ceased this teaching, with an almost casual watchtower reference to the fact that 'obviously jehovah's name does not need to be vindicated.
' keen students were surprised that no major article appeared to lay out this change.. i don't have the tools to follow this up, so could i impose on someone to fill me in with citations?
Stop with the e-mails. I am asked what is wrong with "bulletin."
JWs really hate popery. "Bulletin" comes from "bull," an official document issued by the pope and sealed with a bulla. Rounded seal. From medieval Latin.
You Scandinavian types recognize the root bull as in bullersten. Rounded stone.
What do I know, maybe it went from information board back to bulletin, unnoticed.
need some help.. growing up, i was ceaselessly taught that everything jws do in preaching is because of "the issue.
" the issue is the "vindication" of jehovah's name.. at some point the publications ceased this teaching, with an almost casual watchtower reference to the fact that 'obviously jehovah's name does not need to be vindicated.
' keen students were surprised that no major article appeared to lay out this change.. i don't have the tools to follow this up, so could i impose on someone to fill me in with citations?
Well know the type. Quick to correct the poor unfortunately who spoke of a
bulletin board.