I was the obvious inspiration for a local needs talk back in my day... it was regarding physical appearance, and how important it was to not dress or look like a worldly person. I had just been counseled about how my dark hair made me look "goth" (my hair is naturally very dark, being that I'm Korean). Also, I didn't dress like a 97 year old woman (though I was still modest, and I'm sure the other sisters were searching for ANY reason to force me to wear a WTS-approved potato sack dress).
The main points of the talk were about how wearing trendy or fashionable clothing could make us "blend in" to the world, when we should be separating ourselves from it (i.e. "Tracy, quit wearing clothing that is relevant to this decade! It's making our fat ol' wives feel bad!"), and we wouldn't want to be mistaken for a worldly person, now would we?
Then they moved on to hair color, and how although it's not forbidden to dye our hair, we should only stick to "natural colors", and that certain hair styles or colors are associated with Satan worshippers and druggies. (i.e. "Tracy, we don't know what this 'asianness' is that you speak of, but it sounds like a lie! Your dark hair is clearly a sign of the devil! Go make yourself blonde!")
In response to being counseled for such BS and then enduring a passive-aggressive attack from the stage, I dyed my hair a ridiculously unnatural shade of red. It was seriously Ronald McDonald red.
I received a lot of compliments on my new look from those idiots. Apparently Elmo inspired hair is okay, but with my natural hair I might as well have 666 stamped on my forehead.
I continued to dress the same though. I wasnt buying a new fugly wardrobe just to appease a bunch of insecure middle-aged women. I got negative comments about my clothing until the day I formally disassociated myself. Whenver someone would say something to me, like, "You decided to wear THAT to the meeting?" and I would ask what was wrong with it, they would just say something vague like, "Don't you think it's a WORLDLY style of clothing?" I still don't even know what that means. Most of what I wore would have been appropriate for work or a job interview.
I'm sure as I was fading out that there were a few more talks about me, but at that point I had mastered the art of sleeping with my eyes open (unfortunately I never did master the art of not drooling while sleeping upright... don't worry, my NWT caught most of it).