Yeah, I agree with the some do, some don't sentiment. I am fairly sure that some are in the JW religion just for the association and they do their own thing away from the KH. I was generally a nerdy kid so I didn't get into much as a teenager, but I know others got into whatever they could get away with. I had no first hand knowledge of what adults did behind closed doors, but I did hear second hand stories of wife swapping in one case. And I also heard a story about elders in one area giving a local needs talk on seeing prostitutes. If that was true, why would they give a local needs talk unless this was something done by more than one or two people? As I mentioned, this is second-hand information, but I don't find it unbelievable.
JoinedPosts by maxwell
Do You Believe Most JWs Follow Their Own Rules About Sex?
by minimus inor do you think they try to follow the rules?
Most Popular JW Jobs???
by Funchback inwhat are some of the more popular jobs jws seem to flock to in your opinion?
personally, the latest trend in my area is school bus driver as well as school bus monitor.
i can think of six jws who drive school buses and two who are monitors.
In the congregation where I grew up, there were at least two contractors and several brothers worked for the those two contractors. There were some mechanics. And yes some people who worked as cleaners. There was one brother in the landscaping business and one who was an electrician who had done well enough that his business would pick and choose the jobs he wanted to do for corporate customers only. The two contractors seemed to do very well and one mechanic was known to do very good mechanic work and of course he did well also. He had a regular mechanic job at a shop for a city government agency where he had been promoted to some managerial position, and he also did some work on the side for himself.
In the last congregation I was in there were a couple of brothers in a successful landscaping business. They had some other brothers working for them and they also would pick and choose the jobs they wanted to do. They had houses that were most certainly in the 300K-400K range when they bought them and are probably worth a lot more now considering our local housing market. Besides that a lot of people in this area do work for the federal government, as you might imagine, some skilled (I knew a programmer and a computer hardware technician), and some otherwise. I knew one pioneer who did window cleaning.
Poll for the men. Women feel free to comment.
by FlyingHighNow inthis poll is inspired by comments on maverick's spoiled women thread.
are you currently married or coupled to/with a american/canadian/british/european/scandinavian who is also a white/caucasion woman?
are you happily or unhappily married/coupled?
Sassy's comments about why some black men prefer white women is exactly the type of comments I heard at that session I attended.
Poll for the men. Women feel free to comment.
by FlyingHighNow inthis poll is inspired by comments on maverick's spoiled women thread.
are you currently married or coupled to/with a american/canadian/british/european/scandinavian who is also a white/caucasion woman?
are you happily or unhappily married/coupled?
- Are you currently married or coupled to/with a white/caucasion American/Canadian/British/European/Scandinavian woman?
No, I'm married to a black woman.
- Are you happily or unhappily married/coupled?
Fairly happy.
- Why are you happy or unhappy in your marriage/couple?
It's working now. We get along and things aren't too rough.
- If you are happy or unhappy in your marriage/relationship, does it have anything to do with the race, background or culture of your wife/partner? Or is it her as an individual that keeps your interest or doesn't keep it?
It's her as an individual. Although she has some views and traits that are stereotypical of black women she is a very unique individual.
- If you are man who is divorced from a white/caucasion woman, do you date white/caucasion women now? Do you exclusively date women of other races?
- If you date women of other races and cultures, do you do it because they are subservient?
Two questions above not applicable.
- How many of you guys prefer an intelligent, confident, independent and loving woman of any culture to a subservient woman of any culture?
I will have to admit that I can't say I have a strong preference for the independent type over the subservient type. Perhaps it is part of my JW upbringing and perhaps it is simply my own personality, faulted or not. I would like to believe that my wife is able to take care of herself if necessary and her attitude is surely a confident independent one. But I wouldn't mind being pampered more sometimes. I don't think the qualities in the question are mutually exclusive.
- Are there any non white men here prefer white women over other races and cultures of women? If so, please tell us why.
I'm black but I don't prefer white women or women of any race over another. I just happened to end up with a black woman. I did not spend any time in the normal dating world, but it is interesting some of the things I've heard. When I was in school, University that is, I attended a some black student functions/conventions. At one convention, there was a session/discussion about dating-type relationships between black men and women. Of course, the topic of black men dating white women came up. As some of you may know, some black women are angered by this and accuse black men of abandoning their black women and white women of taking away their limited amount of black men, which in my humble opinion is a silly assertion. So the women asked some black men to comment on why some black men would choose white women. One reason that came up was that white women were more docile and feminine to their partners than black women. If I remember correctly, the feeling was that white women in general were more willing to do things for their partner. Some of the black women countered that the world they faced had forced them to put on a harder face. Of course, these were just generalizations. But maybe that's another twist to throw in the mix.
There's *something* about Miriam
by Simon inhas anyone watched this?.
it has to be the cruelest show: 7 guys compete for one babe's affections but none of them know that "she" is really a "he" !
it's actually quite scary to watch 'cause she is quite attractive - i got caught out with that at the eurovision song contest (dana international) .
I hope there'll be no "Jenny Jones" scenario..yikes
I was thinking some men have killed after being tricked in this way and then I realized that was what you were referring to here. I share your hope. It is amazing how well the lines can be blurred or crossed completely.
Does the Golden Rule go both ways?
by dh ineveryone knows the golden rule 'do unto others as you would have them do to you'.
mostly people seem to see the good side of this rule, i.e.
be kind to people if you want them to be kind back, etc, but couldn't it also mean you can be as evil as you want as long as you don't mind if people are evil back to you?.
My opinion is that you would have to want whatever treat you give out. It can't be a passive feeling as in you don't mind. But if you really want people to be evil to you, I suppose you could interpret it that way. Of course, my opinion and interpretation comes after years of reading that verse in the New World Translation and JW influence. Now that I no longer see the Bible as an ultimate authority, I simply see that rule as a good principle for dealing with fellow humans.
Were you raised as a dub or did you convert?
by BLISSISIGNORANCE ini was a catholic all my life then in my early 30s i got baptized as a jw.
a friend of mine when in her 20s became a dub.
she always talked to me about the borg and troof and i listened.
I was raised as a JW. My paternal grandparents converted when my father was about 4 or 5. My dad got baptized at 11. My mother was converted in her late teens along with 3 of her other sisters. My paternal grandmother converted after my mother converted.
What Do You Think Happens when YOU Die?
by minimus indo you still believe in death's unconsciousness?
do you think we must live on somewhere, somehow?
The only thing I know is that the body rots after you die. That's the only thing we have observed and can observe again and again. There has been no proof or confirming documentation of anything further. That doesn't prove that there is nothing more after death. Perhaps an afterlife exists. There is simply no way to prove that there is something after death.
How are you financialy?
by ball. inhow are you financialy?.
i don't know if i am am a typical brit, but i guess i am a fairly typical rags to riches storey.
i have just managed to finish paying off my house at age 32 after growing up a pioneer penny-less until 22, meaning now i can save for the future and buy stuff i want, but until now it's been a strugle.
Based on my income, I would probably classified as middle class here in America. In reality, I have consumer debt from poor financial decisions and my net worth is below zero, however its not something I have trouble paying monthly and it will be payed off in a few years. Like others I realize that compared to the rest of the world, I am doing pretty good. I think the necessities are food, clothing and shelter. Everything else is extra. I can just look around myself as I sit at this computer and I see a lot of extras.
I live in an apartment that is about 950 square feet, a small amount of living space by US standards and the fact that I live in an apartment is considered a trait of someone with not much money. Yet its more space than is necessary for sheltering two married people. Just the fact that I can access the Internet is an extra resource that isn't available to most people in the world. So I'm not complaining at all.
Did You Enjoy Simply Passing The Bread & Wine At The Memorial?
by minimus ini remember how little kids got so excited when they got to actually touch the glass and the dish!
yet, most people seemed to (respectfully) keep their heads down and try to look morbidly serious.
was the act of "passing the emblems" a thrill for you?
My earliest memories of the memorial are of my parents taking the emblems and passing them right over my younger sisters and over my head so that we did not have to handle them. I was thinking oh mom I won't drop it. So I was a bit excited the first few times I was allowed to handle them. Then later I was a little anxious not to drop them. Then it just became a boring ritual.