Posts by maxwell

  • maxwell

    Some pictures I took

    by maxwell in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    so i take my digital camera with me around town and take a few pictures sometimes.

    i set up a little website at geocities and posted a few pictures.

    a few things to note: i am not a professional photographer and my camera is not the greatest.

    1. StinkyPantz
  • maxwell

    So I take my digital camera with me around town and take a few pictures sometimes. I set up a little website at geocities and posted a few pictures. A few things to note: I am not a professional photographer and my camera is not the greatest. This is apparent in the pictures. Geocities puts a little ad in the upper right corner of their pages. You can minimize and close the ad, but it will automatically minimize itself in a few seconds. I'm not sure what the bandwidth limit is or if there is any danger of hitting it by posting the url's here, but be aware that I'm using free webspace. However, feel free to take a look at whatever might interest you.

    A few cicada pictures:

    A few shots of the WW2 Memorial:

    A few fireworks pictures:

  • Sassy

    Do you buy flowers? or should he only? and if you are a guy, do you care?

    by Sassy in
    1. social
    2. relationships

    when i was single and not dating anyone, i bought myself flowers if i felt like it...they just add that extra touch to the home.. .

    but when dating, i tend to not buy them as much, because i don't want the guy to feel bad.. .

    for instance right now.. my bf has messed up big time and although i would prefer he picked me up flowers for just the 'i am thinking of you" kind of thing.. i realize most guys do not do that... but he keeps talking about picking me up flowers.. he has for a month!

    1. Freedom Fighter
    2. stillajwexelder
    3. confusedjw
  • maxwell

    I don't buy flowers for myself. But I don't particularly care for flowers. I like other impractical objects, but I certainly would appreciate the though if someone got them for me. My opinion is that if you want something you should go get it if you have the money. I never wait for or expect someone else to get something for me. That's not to say it isn't a nice or good thing for a guy to get flowers for a ladyfriend or significant other who likes flowers. I have done it before. Flowers aren't my wife's favorite thing, but I get them for her occasionally, and if she liked them more, I'd probably get them for her more. So I do care whether she wants flowers or not. But I certainly wouldn't mind if she decided to buy flowers for herself. If she likes something, why should she not get it herself? I hope I am understanding the "do you care?" question correctly.

  • maxwell

    I got myself snipped.

    by maxwell in
    1. social
    2. family

    i wasn't sure where to post this, but since it has to do with family planning in a permanent sort of way, i am posting here.

    i have stated on two previous threads, that were about the choice to have or not have children, that i was planning on getting a vasectomy.

    about a month ago i went to see the urologist and i got scheduled for the procedure which i went in for on last friday.

    1. GermanXJW
    2. zev
    3. LittleToe
  • maxwell

    Actually my doctor, snipped, cauterized (burned), and finally bent the tubes into candy cane shapes. He really tries to make sure it doesn't grow back together. But I do realize that even this method isn't 100% effective. Hopefully, I'm not one of those super 1 in 10,000 guys, but I'm prepared to face the consequences of my continued interest in sex if my chosen method of birth control fails just as I always have.

    On freezing your boys, I don't know how much it costs, but on one vasectomy web site I read, it kind of discouraged that idea stating that the quality of the stored sperm isn't guaranteed after 6 months. That's just from one website I read and I can't remember the name, so don't take my word for it. But I get the feeling that vasectomy and frozen sperm might not be the greatest thing to do if you think you might want children in the future.

  • maxwell

    I got myself snipped.

    by maxwell in
    1. social
    2. family

    i wasn't sure where to post this, but since it has to do with family planning in a permanent sort of way, i am posting here.

    i have stated on two previous threads, that were about the choice to have or not have children, that i was planning on getting a vasectomy.

    about a month ago i went to see the urologist and i got scheduled for the procedure which i went in for on last friday.

    1. GermanXJW
    2. zev
    3. LittleToe
  • maxwell

    In the thread below zev posts a Questions from Readers from a 99 Watchtower that underhandely states the Watchtower policy on sterilization and is consistent with what has been stated in this thread.

    I suppose I just skipped over the underhanded suggestion when I first read it, because I remember thinking about getting a vasectomy before leaving the JW, but I didn't think bout what their policy really was until I looked closely at what that article was saying. So I guess I can't be an elder or MS now. Boo hoo. I wonder if they would let you rise in the hierarchy if you got a successful reversal.


    I don't remember which anesthetic he used. He mentioned two, and told me the one he was using. Whatever it was worked well.