Cadaver; I was wondering what the reference is for your WT quote? The obvious fallacy is not taking in account all the available information. A person may be a good driver but the guy running a red light at an intersection you are crossing is not. During my course of employment I have seen many “good drivers” seriously injured or killed. There is just nothing you can do when a South bound car looses a tire on the freeway and it comes across to the North bound side and takes your head off. I believe the biblical principle we should follow at this point is; 1 Pet 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. & Heb 4:13 Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. God knows what His children need and we should not worry about or death. Our death won’t happen apart from His knowledge or will. Blessings to you Maynard
JoinedPosts by maynard
Is this true????
by Cadaver inhey,.
i read this on watchtower.orgautomobile accidents.
are you safe?.
Jesus is God
by SwedishChef inhere is a large collection of verses which prove the deity of christ:.
isaiah 6-7 6. for unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called wonderful, counseller, the mighty god, the everlasting father, the prince of peace.
7. of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of david, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever.
If I quote enitrely from one anthology, I would just cite the anthology, not go out and collect print data about the publication of each work within.
And when I turned it in, all the scholors and professors would laugh at me for just using one source for my arguement, explain to me while it may well be valid and interesting that it doesn't have any weight because of my reliance on one source.
Also you didn't respond to my point of credibility
Joannadandy the bible is a collection of resources, not just one resource. The only so called scholars and professors who would laugh at you would be the ones who dont understand how the bible is put together. There are many publications and works of literature written that only us the bible as its resource. Many of these works are held up as great writings and even used in educational settings.
The subject of credibility is a whole different issue which I would be happy to address if your are seriously interested.
Blessings to you Maynard
Jesus is God
by SwedishChef inhere is a large collection of verses which prove the deity of christ:.
isaiah 6-7 6. for unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called wonderful, counseller, the mighty god, the everlasting father, the prince of peace.
7. of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of david, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever.
The first rule of arguementation is that you use several sources with lots of credibility
joannadandy, SwedishChef cited 8 different sources, all historically very credible.
The Books of Isaiah, Zechariah, Micah, Matthew, Mark, John, Acts, & Philippians were all written by different men. The bible is not one book, but a collection of 66 books written over 4000 years by over 40 different people. All attesting to the same message, God's redemption for mankind.
Blessings to you
Jesus is God
by SwedishChef inhere is a large collection of verses which prove the deity of christ:.
isaiah 6-7 6. for unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called wonderful, counseller, the mighty god, the everlasting father, the prince of peace.
7. of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of david, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever.
SwedishChef I managed to find 56 verses in the NT related to this subject. You can find then at;
Blessings to you.
Out On The Limb of Life...
by Sentinel inbecause i have already done my research into "the bible thing", "the god" thing, "the jesus" thing, i tend to stay away from the doctrinal discussions.
i don't judge anyone for his or her beliefs.
but, i can truly understand why some are still in that "place".
Sentinel I was wondering what your foundation for religious belief is. That is, how do you know that what you believe is true?
>>> "supposed words of Jesus" were written by men.<<<<<
I just wanted to respond to this one statement. The books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are eyewitness accounts of the life and teachings of Jesus. As well the rest of the NT written by Luke, John, Paul, James, Jude, and Peter are eyewitness accounts to what Jesus taught. We have eight different eyewitness accounts as to what Jesus taught, and all eight attest to the same things. ( We all sin, a price must be paid for our sin, Jesus provide the payment for our sin, we need to accept that payment and live life the way God created us to live it.) Sure there are some apparent conflicts in some of these teachings, but thats the case when you have multiple witnesses. But the one thing anyone will notice if you study the NT, there is NO conflicts were major doctrine is concerned. ( I personally don't believe there are any conflicts, only apparent conflicts.)
Blessings to you
My Personal Beliefs
by UnDisfellowshipped ini just thought i would post a thread and let everyone know what my own personal beliefs are.. you can post any comments you want to.. also, you can post your own personal beliefs if you would like to.. here are my beliefs (based on what i have read in the bible):.
i believe in god almighty, my creator (the father, jesus christ, and the holy spirit -- all 3 are separate persons in unity as one god -- all 3 are co-equal, co-eternal, co-omnipotent, co-omniscient).. i believe that jesus christ, the eternal son of god, came to earth and was born as a human (while keeping his full deity), gave christians 3 laws to follow (love god, love your neighbor, and treat others how you want to be treated), died for the world's sins, in order that everyone who believes in jesus christ may be saved and receive eternal life with the jesus, and jesus was raised from the dead and ascended into heaven to be with the father.. all of this is by the grace, love, mercy, and justice of god.. that is the gospel of salvation.. i believe that everyone who truly believes in the true jesus christ of the bible, will be saved, and will be taken to heaven when they die to be with the lord jesus christ for eternity.. i believe that when they die, everyone who rejects jesus christ will end up spending eternity separated from jesus christ in hell (whether hell is a fiery place of torment or not, i'm not sure, but i know i don't want to be there no matter what it is).. i believe that jesus christ is the only judge of a person's heart and mind.
humans should not condemn one another, in regards to where they are going to go (heaven or hell).. jesus christ will judge everyone who never got to hear the gospel.. i believe that all children who died before they were old enough to know what is right or wrong, will be saved.. i believe that jesus christ is coming again, whether in our life time or not, i do not know.. i believe that everyone on earth should follow these 3 commandments of christ:.
1 Corinthians 1:-
18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 19 For it is written:
"I will destroy the wisdom of the wise;
the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate." [3]
20 Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? 21 For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. 22 Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom, 23 but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, 24 but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. 25 For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength. -
The key to this passage is in verse 10;
10 " 'This is what the Sovereign LORD says:
" 'I will put an end to the hordes of Egypt
by the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon.Exekiel is prophizing the destruction of Egypt at the Hands of Babylon.
Blessings to you
The Bible Does Not Condemn Witchcraft
by Sirona inthe jws are against anything remotely pagan and they're certainly against witchcraft.
they say the bible condemns it.
scriptures such as exodus 22:v18 "you must not preserve a sorceress alive" (nwt) or as the king james version says "thou shalt not suffer a witch to live".
Woops! Sirona the post on intolerance was not specifically direct at you. It was a general reference to people labeling Christians, or any one for that matter as intolerant because someone is challenging someones beliefs. There seem to be some of this sentiment earlier in this thread.
If I label someone as intolerant for challenging my beliefs, this is nothing more then name-calling and a lack of knowledge of my own beliefs.
You Sirona have been more then gracious in your writing and I apologize if you took this wrong.
Rather than judging me (telling me my belief is not right) why don't you practice loving acceptance?
As a man of the Word Sirona I dont judge you. I preach and teach the Word of God. It is the Word of God that judges you and all people. And yes as a Christian I am to practice loving acceptance. But in that love I would not want to leave you or anyone else is a state of separation from God.
A person may be sincere in there faith, but if they are wrong that would still leave them separated from God eternally.
I accept you and others (as well as myself) as a sinner in need of redemption. To this I labor to spread the good news of what God has done through His Son Jesus Christ, that He paid the price for our sin and offers it to us as a free gift.
May God bless you with all true wisdom and knowledge.
Edited by - maynard on 16 June 2002 0:25:33
Edited by - maynard on 16 June 2002 0:33:6
The Bible Does Not Condemn Witchcraft
by Sirona inthe jws are against anything remotely pagan and they're certainly against witchcraft.
they say the bible condemns it.
scriptures such as exodus 22:v18 "you must not preserve a sorceress alive" (nwt) or as the king james version says "thou shalt not suffer a witch to live".
Regarding intolerance;
Is the truth intolerant? What If you were inside a burning building and I came and knocked on your door and alerted you to this fact. If you responded by telling me no it is not, I just cant believe that, and refused to leave, your belief will not change the truth. And as such you would suffer the consequences for disregarding the truth.
Who has the real problem here? Im I intolerant for telling you. Im I narrow minded for not accepting that your belief is right. Of course not! That would be absurd!
But why when we turn to religion do people automatically label someone as intolerant when they challenge a religious belief?
It is probably because your religious foundation is so weak that it can not stand up to challenges so you have to resort to name calling (your so intolerant).
John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
I believe this statement to be true and I know there is more then enough historical, manuscript, statistical, and archeological evidence to validate its truth. So does that make me intolerant for telling you that you are on the wrong path? Do you have a better foundation for what you believe? Can you know your belief is true?
If I am intolerant for telling you Jesus is the way, and the only way to God, and that all other paths lead to eternal separation, then so be it.
However, neither I nor anyone else has the right to heap words of hate, call someone names, or show discontent toward you just because you will not accept my belief. Even though I believe I am defending the Truth of God, that does not give me the right to lord it over someone else. Use logic not name calling
Blessings to all
The Bible Does Not Condemn Witchcraft
by Sirona inthe jws are against anything remotely pagan and they're certainly against witchcraft.
they say the bible condemns it.
scriptures such as exodus 22:v18 "you must not preserve a sorceress alive" (nwt) or as the king james version says "thou shalt not suffer a witch to live".
Sirona; it seems to me your definition of witchcraft is different from that of the bible. The biblical definition involves spiritism, contacting the dead, worship of pagan deities, casting spells to harm others, and other things along this line.
You say you are not practicing these things, great. As long as you are not violating biblical principles you are fine.
With regard to Divination...the bible contradicts itself:….. there are instances in scripture of divination being carried out with Gods approval.
This is not true. First in Genesis 44, this is a historical narrative, not a passage on law or teaching. Further more God does not give approve of Joseph’s actions in this passage, to the contrary God disapproved these actions in Deuteronomy 18:10. This passage only shows Joseph was a sinful man in need of redemption just like the rest of us.Num 27:21 He is to stand before Eleazar the priest, who will obtain decisions for him by inquiring of the Urim before the LORD.
1 Sam 28:6 He inquired of the LORD, but the LORD did not answer him by dreams or Urim or prophets.
Now notice in these two passages that the person is inquiring, or addressing the LORD, not the “Urim”. The Urim was more then likely a symbol of God and his power. A modern day example would be going to the alter to pray to God. There is no power or divine substance to the alter, but only in God whom you would petition at this location.
Sirona in what way does your practice of “witchcraft” (using your definition) glorify God and bring you closer to Him?
Blessings to you