JoinedTopics Started by maynard
Is this true????
by Cadaver inhey,.
i read this on watchtower.orgautomobile accidents.
are you safe?.
Jesus is God
by SwedishChef inhere is a large collection of verses which prove the deity of christ:.
isaiah 6-7 6. for unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called wonderful, counseller, the mighty god, the everlasting father, the prince of peace.
7. of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of david, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever.
Out On The Limb of Life...
by Sentinel inbecause i have already done my research into "the bible thing", "the god" thing, "the jesus" thing, i tend to stay away from the doctrinal discussions.
i don't judge anyone for his or her beliefs.
but, i can truly understand why some are still in that "place".
My Personal Beliefs
by UnDisfellowshipped ini just thought i would post a thread and let everyone know what my own personal beliefs are.. you can post any comments you want to.. also, you can post your own personal beliefs if you would like to.. here are my beliefs (based on what i have read in the bible):.
i believe in god almighty, my creator (the father, jesus christ, and the holy spirit -- all 3 are separate persons in unity as one god -- all 3 are co-equal, co-eternal, co-omnipotent, co-omniscient).. i believe that jesus christ, the eternal son of god, came to earth and was born as a human (while keeping his full deity), gave christians 3 laws to follow (love god, love your neighbor, and treat others how you want to be treated), died for the world's sins, in order that everyone who believes in jesus christ may be saved and receive eternal life with the jesus, and jesus was raised from the dead and ascended into heaven to be with the father.. all of this is by the grace, love, mercy, and justice of god.. that is the gospel of salvation.. i believe that everyone who truly believes in the true jesus christ of the bible, will be saved, and will be taken to heaven when they die to be with the lord jesus christ for eternity.. i believe that when they die, everyone who rejects jesus christ will end up spending eternity separated from jesus christ in hell (whether hell is a fiery place of torment or not, i'm not sure, but i know i don't want to be there no matter what it is).. i believe that jesus christ is the only judge of a person's heart and mind.
humans should not condemn one another, in regards to where they are going to go (heaven or hell).. jesus christ will judge everyone who never got to hear the gospel.. i believe that all children who died before they were old enough to know what is right or wrong, will be saved.. i believe that jesus christ is coming again, whether in our life time or not, i do not know.. i believe that everyone on earth should follow these 3 commandments of christ:.
The Bible Does Not Condemn Witchcraft
by Sirona inthe jws are against anything remotely pagan and they're certainly against witchcraft.
they say the bible condemns it.
scriptures such as exodus 22:v18 "you must not preserve a sorceress alive" (nwt) or as the king james version says "thou shalt not suffer a witch to live".
muslims like osama bin laden
by yumyum inwe always hear the muslims such as osama bin laden, prayed for september 11, and always say more destruction will come to america and jews "god willing" but god is not willing, so besides for the devil, why does their prayers come true for them?
Who really is the faithful and discreet slave?
by lv4fer ini was talking to my dad last night and i told him that there is no "organization" that jehovah uses directly.
he quoted this scripture and said "well then who is this talking about" i read the scripture and i have to say i am a bit puzzled.
if it doesn't say what the jw's say (not that i'm saying they are it) then what does this scripture refer to?
Genocide? Gen 6 & 1Sam 15
by maynard inin answer to quotes and syn about genocide;
to pick up on syn's point about genocide: .
the flood story is one example, and based on the apparent survival of the nephilim, no a very successful divine genocide.
women in the bible
by blindfool inthe latest debate at bdf's home seems to be about a womans place in a church.
can some ex-jws, or current jw's, give me the scriptures used by the wtbts to keep women from serving as leaders in the congragations?
how about some examples of women used by god to spread his message.. thanks everyone!