If 19 chickens died...that's probably 100 orders of chicken Mc Nuggets that weren't made. 100 orders of
Mc Nuggets lost probably led to the deaths of 200 children due to starvation.
Hey Anthony, why did jah want kids to starve to death?
If 19 chickens died...that's probably 100 orders of chicken Mc Nuggets that weren't made. 100 orders of
Mc Nuggets lost probably led to the deaths of 200 children due to starvation.
Hey Anthony, why did jah want kids to starve to death?
i want a blood card to show people who i meet that argue they know jws and its ok to take blood.
if anyone has an extra one preferabley unfilled out, i will pay for it if reasonable.
you can email me at dogon2u at gmail dot com.
Threw mine away after cutting it up and advised my doctor to remove any hint in medical records that I would refuse blood
could the clothing you wore to your judicial committee have made a difference to the outcome?.
committee members.
what were some of the stranger outfits you witnessed?.
I will wear combat fatigues to mine if it ever comes..go all rambo on 3 elders
i think it is comming in the future.
the evidence is piling up on the internet, assembly talks, letters to body of elders, and an increasing number of those being harmed by the cruel treatment and lies of the watchtower corporation that are clearly a form of malice.. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/malice.
1. a desire to harm others or to see others suffer; extreme ill will or spite.2.
enough noise made often enough is the fuel for change and an awareness for protecting injured ones. the more noise that is made, the better chances get that laws will enable ones to bring lawsuits for injury.
I say, keep making noise!!!
her blog.
As gene rayburn would have said on "the match game" ...."doesn't she have pretty nipples?"
hi folks.
i was going through some old things recently and came across photocopied pages i had forgotten existed.
they are scans of selected pages from the book who was jesus?, by don cupitt, published in the 70s.
I started reading books the wtbts has made reference to to support their ideologies one is "the rise of christianity" by ew barnes. The book goes to great lengths to debunk authenticity of bible writings, authorship, and gospel writings. After I read it it seemed to me that someone for years has been trying to lift the WT veil off covertly by getting some to read something other than WT material for a fresh perspective.
I found it very enlightening
i purchased a condo late last year and due to my personal schedule, i wasn't able to redo it to my preferance until a few months ago.
all the heavy work is done.
now just replacing electrical outlets, fixtures and such.
Just think of all the money you could have saved on toilet paper if you only repurposed those volumes....I'm just sayin....
so i haven't been to a meeting since last december.
the elders recently have come over to my house at random times of day and during the week and one weekends.
just to let you know, i have only had one visit since december.
Yup CO visit...I filed a harrassment complaint the week of last CO visit with police. Been left alone since
the irony is so thick you can cut a knife with it.
the watchtower must have some real cognitive dissonance.
read it for your self:.
OMG what a bunch of hypocritical dumb asses!
Dear GB....your such a stupid bunch of dumb fu#kers....REALLY??????
Please look up the meaning of "irony" also "hypocrisy" then ask yourself why might someone have an issue with your stupid doctrines, practices, and beliefs.
Then clear your mind and go back to what you were doing.
I know I lost you 3 sentences ago.
after living a life where individualism and almost everything else is wrong, you kinda go crazy with excitement when you finally can be yourself.
i guess that's why i started to run crazy with ideas and had such a burning desire to change myself and to find myself and to figure out who i was and now who i should be.
i wanted to be in stark contrast to the org.
Im trying to move on, but I am having issues.
When your family is dug in deep and their head is up their ass, it makes it tough to move on.
I wish I could.........but if any others can do it, I salute you!
Im very lonely right now......