Thats why I no longer read printed material by WTBTS and why I don't visit JW.ORG
JoinedPosts by Lied2NoMore
Today's day's text
by tornapart ini fumed when i read this.
enjoy picking it apart friends.... become imitators of god.eph.
one way to imitate jehovah is to adopt his viewpoint regarding matters.
Combatting Agoraphobia in NONJWland
by Jon Preston inmy daughter starts school soon.
and i cant help but be afraid of the big bad world....the freedom we have is scary and im irrationally afraid of my kids getting in with the wrong jwland it wasnt so bad becaus you felt safe.
so now i know that safe haven is actually bs how do i get it out of my head?
From one little girls daddy to is the secret...spoil that kid and treat her like she is the center of the universe..never ever let her doubt your deep love..even when she misbehaves...keep her close.....the result?
She will be reluctant to ever do anything to disappoint you and when she gets interested in boys all of them will have to meet the standard that you have set for her on how she is treated and when she decides to get married as mine is very wont have to worry who your handing her off to.
I still am gonna miss my little buddy but she will be treated well..
How many in the cong visited you when you started fading
by joe134cd ini'm just curious speaking from a person who has stopped going to meetings.
i have heard reports from inactive ones (or from ones who the elders suspect of going to the dark side) of having so many visits from elders (cong members) that it got to the point of harassment.
surprisingly i have to say from personal experience and from numerous others that i have spoken to that the exact opposite has been the case.
No visits except attempts by elders until I filed harassment complaint against them...but its interesting..the ones who treated me and my family like utter shit are suddenly VERY nice...I think they know they fucked up by being assholes..I became very vocal about mistreatment by certain ones in our Cong and they now see the result of their error..
.I'm gone....
Why would almighty JEW-hovah with a perfect memory...knows exactly how many hairs are on your head...who calls all the celestial bodies in existence by name......has all dead locked away in his perfect memory so he can resurrect them when he is damn good and ready....
Just a little wakeup call....
The Judicial Committee videos in english
by confusedandalone innot sure if this has been posted but the jwsurvey site received the videos in english from someone.. this crap is pathetic to watch.
how to counsel someone who is suicidal... really.
Found the lack of narration very revealing in that the WT legal department had their say to omit narration to not link the HQ with these videos as if the boys in Brooklyn have no involvement in these star chamber style proceedings...always looking out for their own asses....
B.O.E. 13/01/14
by LucidChimp in"in minnesota, a man said to his visitors: "i saw you coming, so i went to get this book.
" he held up a bible teach book and said that when he was in prison, he stole the book.
when asked if he had read it, he replied that he was going to read it on the weekend while he was fishing.
The man has been identified. ..his name? Andre....
Just when you thought we had heard the epitomy of stupid WT comments....
by Newly Enlightened inwe thought we had heard all the stupid things printed by watchtower thru the history.
this one takes the cake and gets the applause!!!.
the pattern of behavior is just as vile today as it was back then.......disagree with anything the watchtower does or teaches you get cast out and shunned
they keep the same pattern as Rutherford started which is one of the few things that remains from the Rutherford era
Just when you thought we had heard the epitomy of stupid WT comments....
by Newly Enlightened inwe thought we had heard all the stupid things printed by watchtower thru the history.
this one takes the cake and gets the applause!!!.
The thing I would add about Rutherford regarding anything he said would be the clip from the Faith in Action DVD where Rutherford was berated for hours and then those who did the berating were cast out of the WT and shunned...we can assume correctly these associates of Rutherford knew what a crackhead he was...brought it to his attention and since he was the head rid of them...NOW that Rutherford is dead and rotting. .WT can abandon everything he taught and believed ONLY because the self proclaimed ASS is dead...
NEW BOE LETTER - It just got exponentially harder to "fade"
by sir82 inhere is the text of the letter:.
february 2, 2014. .
your brothers,.
No one will dare come shepherd my inactive ass...last time I had a "shepherding visit" it ended with me filing a harassment complaint with the local our COBE is a slacker in this department...all him and his family are concerned with is counting time and being self righteous...treating others in the KH who they don't approve of like complete shit
Don't Miss the Meetings - Hebrews 10:24, 25 Re-examined
by Oubliette ini recently got an unsolicited lecture from a well-intentioned but nevertheless misguided jw friend.
the gist of it was that i needed to go to all the meetings or i would miss out on "everlasting life.".
i responded that i do not need to go to meetings to have a relationship with god.
Once again it is the JW / WT hypocrisy at work here because it is actually THEM who forsake the gathering together with one who is "weak" or "lost" or "inactive"...they will seek out associates who are by appearances "spiritual" .....they actually withdraw from ones who actually may need the gathering the most....