Thanks for the welcome everyone! And thanks for the info, Saint - I will need to look into that.
I do rely on my mother quite a bit for childcare, which makes things hard if I did outright leave. The people in my hall are really nice too, may are supportive of my college education, which I'm surprised. Many of them I grew up with - most of their kids no longer in "the truth" - however, I never formed close friendships with anyone, I was just simply so and so's daughter, I do have a few "close" friends, but I have to be in JW mindset with them so I'm not really myself per say. I guess I've always been the type that was accepting of everyone and non-judgmental, so I never really developed that typical JW mindset, which I guess is why I even gave these forums a second thought. I never really questioned my beliefs until recently, it was simply what my parents taught me, I didn't want (or like) being shunned, so here I am, still in. Looking back though, I don't think I really believed it all either, it just took reading other people's experiences to get the rose-colored glasses off.
Just the other day, I read some of the first posts of this site. I was intrigued that Simon asked a question exactly as I had been pondering - why, if Jesus "arrived" in 1914, do we still celebrate the memorial. I've thought about asking my dad this question. I should insert here that my MIL was a JW and has been DA informally for probably 20 years or so, but always grappled with whether to go back or not (my husband had studied as a child and an adult, but ever came in). I've broached some topics with my parents simply by stating my in-laws asked and I need to know how to respond.
Again, thanks for the welcome, and I know you'll be seeing pop up hear and again with a comment or thought!