Awesome lol...... but so sad too..
JoinedPosts by snare&racket
Climate "skeptic" Lord Monckton=Sasha Baron Cohen's Greatest Gag?
by SixofNine in
New career at 30 - suggestions/ideas?
by i_drank_the_wine ini'm in need of a career change, or at the very least a new job that i can make money at while i continue to work on computer related side-projects.
i'm burnt as hell at computer programming, and being that i am self-taught and have very little corporate experience i am not looking into doing this anymore as it's all i've done as a career for the last 10 years.. long story short, bad money crunch, no degree of any sort, a gamble to try and make my own business failed - so i need to find a new career or job.
searching the papers is somewhat dis-heartening so far.. any ideas, suggestions, or advice for this daunting task of trying to find some way to keep from going bankrupt with a new job.
I would say you have three good options,
1; In the uk and USA there is reasonable amounts of funding for setting up new business, new enteprise. If I was in computing I would lean towards a cloud consultant. Spend a month getting up to date then advertise/market yourslef as a consultant..go consult. If you want to get out of IT altogether then think of a business that would interest you and make the most of these stimulus loans as the countries encourage growth.
2; education, education, education. Sign up and you can dode the recession bullet whilst you live off student loans and grants whilst being trained in a new profession. Pick the course/degree well. Your age is not an issue at all and you will find people older than you if you tru this. So go to your local college, if you have the school grades go to your local university.
3; Hard work -easy money, window cleaning, garden treatments, work as a carer, go to your local hospital and ask to work on the nurse bank- they train you from scratch and you earn good money. *Warning* all these jobs may make you feel like a pioneer.
JW Quirks
by snare&racket inwere you ever told......... .
women have one less rib,.
the human skin is made mostly of dust,.
Morbidzaby, the whole demon thing was huge. Very sad! The amount of times elders had to go and destroy wooden cabinets or leather jackets because of a bad vibe they emitted is unreal lol. So bizzzare!
New systems thoughts were bizzare, tractors that ran on chicken poo, maybe no marriage, maybe no childbirth, probably neither for ressurected ones (to explain away people that remarried and a very difficult situation.) Whether you could die, hurt yourself etc was always a big question. They claimed no more sickness or pain but then we would not be human. (without going into the genes, physiology and anatomy)
We were told the star was the first UFO ever recorded. But yeah how could satan do that, what powers does he have? I always wondered why Mary accepted gifts from magicians/astologers... especially with the fear of yard sale items lol. I also wondered why god getting a woman preganant without her consent was ok... ? This is rape right ?
Red 21
The aluminium comes from some articles in the early years, I saw them in bethel and was gobsmacked.
Neanderthals arent human, we know via their DNA.
Mountains are made from the earths plates colliding, nothing to do with any flood.
But thanks for sharing, its interesting that we were taught such pseudo-science and untruths and they were/are never clarified are altered in later literature. So many JW's go around with weird pseudo facts from the 70's 80's 90's. So ignorant and they hvae only themselves to blame, especially with the access to info we have now!
JW Quirks
by snare&racket inwere you ever told......... .
women have one less rib,.
the human skin is made mostly of dust,.
Oh yeah... the smurfs, simpsons, dungeons and dragons, harry potter, lord of the rings, star wars, were evil.............
JW Quirks
by snare&racket inwere you ever told......... .
women have one less rib,.
the human skin is made mostly of dust,.
Were you ever told........
Women have one less rib,
The human skin is made mostly of dust,
Nobody knew before job that the earth was round,
Jerusalem was destroyed in 607bce,
Aluminium is evil, (seriously!)
Ageing is down to one process that if switched off could stop ageing....
The internet is 98% porn,
If evolution was true why dont monkeys turn into men now, (painfully ignorant)
Dinosaurs were used to flatten the earth,
The flood made the mountains,
All species of animal could have originated as 200 'kinds',
Neanderthals are human (latest evolution brochure)
Masturbation can lead to poor health and even child abuse/homosexuality/ etc ... erm LOL,
The photo by NASA was the first time we knew the earth was round for sure,
Atomic bomb testing causes earthquakes and tsunami's,
Psychology/Psychiatry is dangerous,
All these lies were said in the JW cong and JW meetings, all are untrue. Any others? I remember realising so many untruths as I became more informed but I dont remember them all... Can you think of any quirky (non biblical) JW beliefs ?
Does anyone have a well worded DA Letter prepared?
by Jomavrick innot that i cant write up something myself, but i figure why try and reinvent the wheel?
i think it is time to cross that bridge.
thank you!.
Dear Jehobah god and his little elves in brooklyn,
This year I wont be doing the normal pretend christmas with your members of staff in the local congregation of indoctrination. Though I will miss the boring immature party games and hushed up drunkeness. I dont like walking so the obligatory walk up a local mountain or forest will rightly not be missed.
The reason for my changing to the influence of santa and his little elves is that my kids need to be happy and that is more important than you sh*t bags feeling all high and mighty about having control over our lives. (Also santa smiles a lot and you dont).
I must admit I dont quite understand why you pick on christmas when you are willing to let other pagan traditions go by without an issue including the mariage ceremony. Maybe its because your heartless, souless bastard elves want to appear different at the expense of my little billy and little jessica. Well either way Jehobah, you can go Feck yourself... I mean no offence but I am ashamed to think I once felt Abraham was doing the right thing to his son Isaac on that hill with that knife, he should have told you to go feck yourself too! Children come first not your petty demands. Because of your grumpy ass jehobah, there was genocide, infanticide, incest , kidnap, rape and slavery... this is only the introduction of the bible! No wonder you dont like christmas, its all about being nice! You love to call yourself jealous and a god of war, demanding exclusive attention and lots of gnashing of teeth if we dont do what you say....well I would rather my children had smiles at Christmas than worshipped your Kim Jong Il like ass. Go suck a back of cocks !
It saddens me that santas elves are on strike this year in "occupy Toys R' Us" and therefore I have to buy all their toys from super corporations, I have no doubt that your elves will have shares in some of them and benefit from both my and everyone elses christmas purchases.Despite this, my heart will be warmed from seeing my kids with their new taiwanese bullsh*t toys.
When I wake up on Dec 25th and see my children smile becuase they are in pyjamas not clothing from the 50's and because they are holding presents, not boring and lifeless sh*t magazines, written by control freaks (and the content is as recycled as the toilet paper it is written on Jehobah.. seriously.. why are you using these twits! JK Rowling would have got you an incredible audience!) I will also be glad to see my kids want to go out to play with their new toys not have to go out to preach whilst all other kids play with their new toys right in front of them (followed by said sh*tty mountain walk).. this will make me the happiest Dad on christmas .. well apart from you Jehobah ;)
I have let my kids down, they have seen your sh*tty drawings in your lame books of women and children dying at the hands of fire and brimstone on your judgment day, punishment for celebrating a very human day, a celebration of unity and good spirit. The irony is.... your people are the exact opposite. So because I am not a shitty father like you Jehobah, I am now declaring my Xmas plans;
"20,000 christmas lights on the house, rein deers in my yard and 20" Christmas tree in my house."
Lots of christmasian snow cold love to you Jehobah and your "well he's good at wood work" son who forgot to mention slavery was bad and the brooklyn shareholders, I mean grinch's that nearly stole my childrens christmas.
Snare x
Ps OF COURSE we know December 25th is a make belief date, but then so are you Jehobah, so is your son and so is the claim of those dingbats in NY.It's just a nice day :)
Seasons greetings.
About the Adam and Eve time gap....
by Lozhasleft inwhat's got me a bit befuddled is this.... when eve was created she was physically perfect right?
and apparently god blessed them which counted as a marriage.
so....that means that satan's deception of eve must have been almost immediate?....because being perfect she would have conceived virtually straight away, surely?
Did adam have balls and a penis before eve was made?
Sperm are living organisms and fired out in the millions, sadly they die quickly, so did death exist in eden?
If eve was made from adam why does every human have female mitochondrial dna (required for cellular energy)?
According the the bible Adam was here 6,000 years ago. A time period we know much about.. we have older cities, older languages, trade, civilisations and HUMANS older than 6000 yrs .
Where do neanderthals fit it?
What about 185 million years of dinosaurs 60 million years ago. Considering Adam named all the animals (tee hee) he must have met T-rex. ?!
Dont tell me you still believe the christian nonsense about women having one less rib or that human skin is made of dust... :/
Over millions of years we went from simple cells to multi-cellular organisms. Dont think its possible? Women can can achieve this same feat in their wombs in less than 9 months. One cell + 9 months = a human being. Welcome to modern knowlege. Leave the jewish mythology in the desert.
Are the governing body more secure than Gaddafi?
by Mickey mouse inhow about saddam hussein?.
dictators seem undefeatable, until they're not..
The governing body have died several times. They are but men... as was GaDaffi Duck.
Well, it's official, I am a rabid, mentally diseased Apostate!
by serenitynow! inso an apostabuddy wanted to stage a silent protest at the assembly hall where she was baptized.
we went today.
the plan was to wear these apostate t-shirts that had stuff printed on them about thinking for yourself, and a bunch of websites.
I think my approach will be either
A book on science and religion
A documentary on the JW's
or a You tube interview of some sort.. check out Jason Beghe on Youtube talking about scientology, it will make the hairs on your neck stand up. At times you would swear he was describing the JW's. So much so that I came away wondering if there is a party at the top of all these religious movements, one group or beneficiary behind them all... ?
Whaever I decide to do I hope to help people get access to information and knowlege so they can decide the truth for themselves. Ultimate kudos to you for marching into an assembly hall, head held high.
My I ask, what would you all do or say if ou had the balls to do what Serenity did ?
I think I would like to stand up when some falsehood is being repeated and challenge the speaker and hope the speaker take the challenge so as to not look weak and as if they had something to hide. "Evolution is not true.." I would love to stand up to that one...
Snare x
New here - I'm pretty wordy, sorry
by lilbluekitty inyou can call me by my sceen name or just blue if you want lol.
i'm female (i don't know how to change my profile?
) and in my 20s.. i wondered, are any of you still jws who either lurk here or post and are on the fence about leaving?.
I had a similar life and upbringing. If you are looking for happiness and comfort then be honest with yourself, be honest about your true feelings regarding the JW's. Be honest about any doubts that have accumilated. Explore any doubts about the societys motivations. Explore the societys past and present. Explore their right to tell you what to do. Being a JW is huge, it is the most influential thing in your life, over your life, over your future even over your family. You need to make sure that such a major part of your life is ...right. In reality you should have done this already, in reality you should be ALLOWED to do this. But through fear we dont. The fact that organisation has instilled fear within its followers so that asking legitimate question feels wrong.. should ring the alrm bells alone.When you really think about it... what is there to hide? Its like living in a communist state! The internet is bad, tv is bad, education is bad, we are good! Quesioning our goodness once you get baptised is bad, talking to people that say we are not good is bad... How on earth can you survive the great tribulation if they think you cant even think for yourself!
Take back control and start thinking for yourself. What is there to lose... if its the truth, you will find truth. If they are a lying coporation with concerns for the profits not the prophets, that too will be evident. Maybe start by exploring their history, from day one to today. There are plenty of newspaper articles, court records, documents and even recordings from those early days that you really need to see, hear and read.
Start by trusting yourself. Dont assume what you get told here or elsewhere including the literature is true. Including me. Start from scratch and examine it all.
I promise you, things get better x Also blood is thicker than watchtower.... dont fear what you may lose, they are banking on you being too scared. Not only have I kept all my family, I have got as far as openly discussing all the issues with them. Its a win win situation.
Snare x