A religion that makes you fearful of opposing views should really ring the alarm bells. Imagine if a car salesman said he had the best car in the world and that you will love it, just hand over your life and it's yours to drive ... Oh yeah and you re not allowed to read or hear anyone else's opinion of the car. Would you buy it?
JoinedPosts by snare&racket
How Many Out There Have to Hide or Be Stealthy When They Visit This Site? I know I do.
by PaintedToeNail ini cannot look at this site freely, it would make my hubby and son very upset.
i have to hide what i'm looking at, or try to view this page very late or very early in the morning.
hubby has taken to getting up at 11:30pm or later, to see what i'm doing on the computer.
What are the worst pictures in My Book of Bible Stories?
by cedars ina few comments from muddy waters and mummatron on another thread peaked my curiosity and led me to revisit some of the illustrations in the my book of bible stories.
i don't appear to have my old copy from when i was a child (thankfully), so i checked out the images over on watchtower.org where the entire book can be read online.
the images below are taken from what is displayed on that website, although it wouldn't surprise me if there are equally awful images that haven't been used.. so which of the images below are the most grotesque and inappropriate for children?
All those pictures set in Africa and The Middle East, yet not one black person..... Racist gits.
WTWR inc Watchtower stock?
by snare&racket inhey, .
ever since the rand cam milarchy i have kept an eye on wt stock news.
i have found that there is stock on the nasdaq called wtwr or watchtower inc. nowhere seems to have any info on the stock, e.g.
Thanks guys,
No wiser, though I am confident that it's not a front for oxygen creating gadgetry ready for when WT takes us to a world war....... Giggles...
Snare x
WTWR inc Watchtower stock?
by snare&racket inhey, .
ever since the rand cam milarchy i have kept an eye on wt stock news.
i have found that there is stock on the nasdaq called wtwr or watchtower inc. nowhere seems to have any info on the stock, e.g.
Ever since the RAND CAM miLarchy I have kept an eye on WT stock news. I have found that there is stock on the NASDAQ called WTWR or Watchtower inc. nowhere seems to have any info on the stock, e.g. Owners, business type etc etc.
Its probably nothing an no connection, but if there is anyone out ther more stock market savy than me (not hard) check it out xxx
OK, What is this summer's District Convention Theme?
by Quarterback ingot the news this week as to where we are going to be, but, the elder making the announcement couldn't tell us what the da's theme was.. is this now a secret?
"Millions that were living are now dead."
Paul struggling with his sexual desires, Romans 7;14-24
by jam ini think paul was having a difficult time in keeping those.
desires in check.
in vs. 23 he speaks about sin which.
Paul was often seen in the roman dungeons all leathered up, his chat up line was famously "do you want to be a thorn in my side?"
my diehard jw wife has never had a bible study...
by oompa ini mean how many of them really even want that?...most jws give away any interested person to a good ol pioneer..and not sure how many of them really want to make a disciple either....i mean she drives around endlessly with her chick friends...lots of starbucks...dunkin and kk...and they dont want a frikkin study....really????
?...........just a vent...oompa.
btw in my legal divorce papers response today i did say she was not blameless...stated that chose to be part of a religious sect that shuns me totally since i am no longer a believer...and that it has caused me extreme distress and anxiety....
As a pioneer I conducted quite a few. Most JWs don't and therefore don't realise that there is a very common link in those that choose to study. Studying can be very unpleasant, most studies are disturbed, depressed, emotionally or mentally scarred, lost a recent loved one (sometimes a jw) etc.
Very rarely, you get a stable person studying. I NEVER EVER saw an intelligent informed person study.
I helped about 7 become JWs, 2 I had a strong involvement in. Once my family is out, I will approach them and encourage them to critically appraise what I said and apologise.
P.s. sorry to hear of your breakup Oompa. They are vile human beings and the eternal nothingness they will inherit in exchange for a lifetime of dictatorship is ironically rewarding.
Hello Everyone :-)
by new one ini've only recently joined but i've been lurking for well over a year.
i'll just start with a bit of my story so you'll have a better idea on were i'm coming from, i've read that much of most of your posts that i feel i already know you all anyway lol.. i'm 32 years old now and for most of my life i've had jw's around me at times, my mom used to study on and off with them all through my child hood alough she never took the plunge i'm not sure why because even to this day she say's she holds the same beliefs but somethings held her back so there's doubt somewhere!.
anyway, having had the magazines around me for most my life i'd read them from time to time,but, when i reached about 17 years old i discovered nightclubs, alcohol and, well you know the rest ;-).. fast forward to my early 20's and i'd had a failed attempt at setting up my own business, my parents had split up after 25 years together and long story short i had a nervous breakdown.
In honesty, I would say we are somewhat all bitter. I left of my own accord I was not removed. I feel bitter. Current JWs are just potential bitter ex JWs.
If your bank defrauded you, and you left and complained, the fact you were bitter would not be relevant. The information regarding the fraud is the important issue.
Of course I'm bitter. Door knocking and free labour for 10 years. But he important question is WHY are we so angry?
Damage to people's lives
Welcome to the forum, well done for dodging a bullet with your name on it x
OK, What is this summer's District Convention Theme?
by Quarterback ingot the news this week as to where we are going to be, but, the elder making the announcement couldn't tell us what the da's theme was.. is this now a secret?
District Assembly of Jehovah's Witnesses 2012 "I need a dollar, a dollar is all I need!"
Can we not write like a Jehovah's Witness tonight?
by Paralipomenon inrules:.
1) cannot use 'you, me, i' sutible alternatives are 'us, we'.
2) do not make statements, you have to makes statements in the form of a negative question.
Brothers.. (sisters are not important).... Let us continue walking in the way of gee-HOE-vaa and do so with humble mind and spirit, let's watch how we walk, watch how we talk, put our Ezekiel like hands over our eyes and our Hezekiah like fingers in our ears to the world around us, follow us, follow the king and his kingdom and you shall have .....everlasting life....
Thank you brother P. Uppet, we all enjoyed the prophetic clarification on Ezekiels hands and Hezekiahs fingers, before we sing song 69 "lets all go to the lobby....of god" let's listen to Brother Calculus as he informs us on the inevitable deficit for the weekend...
Give us your money
Thank you brother Calculus, song 69.... "Lets all go to the lobby...of god"
Cue shitty piano and violin intro " Unlike life waters that are free, go buy expensive food and drinks from gods lobby. Though we offer everlasting life for free.....arenas cost money and we gave you a bloody assembly, oh give a dollar give a pound, we apologise for the terrible sound, don't eat the burgers you'll get the shits, it's not about prophecy it's all about the profits..."
Snare xxx (slightly smug)