Is it possible your soon to be ex FIL has smooth talked his customer, conditioned her with , "Oh, no need to bother your kids, I'll do it for you"?
This is exactly what I am afraid of. I wanted to believe his story that her children were rotten and he was the sole beacon of shining light in her life.....but I get this feeling in the pit of my stomach like this isn't the case at all. Like he has convinced her to come to him with her needs so that he can later show her that her children are distant from her and don't care about her like he does.
Is it possible when her children call her, she tells them don't worry, I'm fine, ex FIL, takes good care of you don't need to worry. Have a great day kids. Kiss the grandchildren for me. (So maybe The Kids don't feel all that welcomed and that mom has more "feelings" for ex FIL than them, so back off.)
Yes....this is another thing that bothers me. I cannot guarantee this is what is happening but it would not surprise me.
My soon to be ex wife is VERY MUCH like her father. Master manipulator. Very few true friends. Try to surround themselves with "yes" men that will agree and will go on the offensive should any of their "friends" ever stop being "yes men".
My wife loved me at one point......but that was when I was a full fledged witness. My FIL is a company man to the bone. He has raised her to disown parents, siblings, spouses and children in a hearbeat should she ever have to decide between them and "Jehovah". I told her of my doubts years ago. She begged, implored me to "investigate". So I went on an almost 3 year research project. She was sure I would come to my senses. When I told her what I had discovered......everything changed overnight. Both my soon to be ex wife and FIL believe whole heartedly in "theocratic warfare". That is why I could easily see him justifying his actions by saying "I'll give a lot of it to the organization, and what I don't give to the organization will help me personally. And as long as I'm around, I can help others".
He is quite the anomoly. He went into debt helping to rebuild a local brother's house when the brother had no $ to pay for it. Yet he also famously borrowed $30k from a friend of mine and signed an agreement that if the friend ever needed it back, he could arrange to have it to him within 10 days. He would do this by keeping his credit line on his credit card open. Well......he spent up his credit line to the max in a hurry. My friend needed his $ back a couple years later and good ol FIL couldn't pay him back. He ended up filing bankruptcy for the second time. And all the while during his bankruptcy he still managed to come up with the $ to go on vacation and have a new concrete driveway poured.....but he couldn't pay back his debt. Finally not long ago.....he did end up paying off the loan (minus interest). This is just one of many questionable financial deals he has been a part of.