Just because the 'Truth" is nonsense doesn't mean I don't hope for a better world.
In recent years, there have been a lot of people on the fringes complaining that the Western world in particular is ruled by an unaccountable elite. They may call them "the Illuminati" or "the Cabal" or just "the Elite". This has been dismissed by the mainstream. However.....
A new paradigm is rapidly emerging in which these powerful malefactors are now called "Oligarchs". This has now entered the mainstream with a Ph.D dissertation being quoted as above (The Economist) making the rounds on the internet.
Now, it isn't a bunch of hooded bankers sacrificing to Satan but it captures the important point all the same: a few rich and powerful people who run most of the world.
So, I am very happy to see this idea being exposed because that would be the first step towards overthrowing it - and stopping warmongering, debt slavery, scofflaw banking and more.
Things are accelerating. A better world, IMO.