lots of good advice here, and yeah, I was going to say sex too, but maybe that works better for guys than girls :-)
anyway with the BF away, you can only play alone I guess...
but really, don't stress out, I saw your age and the first thing that I thought of is that you should really just realize that this could be normal.
Teens need and do get a lot of sleep. I think when I was in High School, with the exception of Football Games/practice or Dances, I was conked out by 11 at most. But when I started college it was a whole difrerent story. I started staying up at least until midnight and it hasn't changed since. I am usually up to 1 at least. But now at your age, you might not need as much sleep as before and this may just be your natural self.
In my gerontology class, we discussed that it is normal for us to need less sleep as we get older.
So the first questions are: are you not getting enough sleep, do you have a sleep-deficit and is it really affecting you?
If you aren't sleeping like you used to do a few years ago, but your performance, concentration, and energy are fine during the day then it is probably not somethng for you to worry about. In fact make use of your extra hour or two and just go too bed later without any worries.
But if you are falling asleep, day dreaming too much (because you need your REM/Delta sleep), can't concentrate or feeling fatigued then you know you need more sleep.
And of course, if it is that you feel like you are sleepy but when you lay down to sleep you suddenly cant, then you know you have insomnia.
Try the suggestions alreddy given you, look on the web, etc. you will find something that works for you. Make sure your diet is good and you are getting lots of exercise during the day. By night time you should feel sleepy. Try everything else before resorting the the pharmaceuticals or other remedies.
Also, I wonder is there something that you usually think about when you first try to go to sleep but can't. That may be your mind telling you that you have some unfinished business or that there is a problem there that needs to be resolved.
If all of the above doesn't help and you are having problems during the day because of insomnia, try to take a nap in the afternoon. don't worry about it messing up your night-time schedule. You should always try to listen to your body and if it says I need sleep try and give it to it.
Most people experience insomnia some time. Just think of it as a phase and make the best use of your time not sleeping.
If things get really critical and it continues for a long time and is affecting your daily life, then go see a doctor and maybe a sleep clinic.
PS: throw a slumber party and keep all your friends up too