Yup, me too.
BTW: who else also has elected to allow their body to be used for medical education (i.e. like for gross anatomy classes?)
It's better to be an Organ Donor than an Organ Grinder
Yup, me too.
BTW: who else also has elected to allow their body to be used for medical education (i.e. like for gross anatomy classes?)
It's better to be an Organ Donor than an Organ Grinder
if there is a god...don't any of you find it odd that we don't even know his name!
i mean... if he was real why didn't he preserve his name for all of us to know?
i mean think of it, it is really stupid isn't!
Huh? I thought it was my name?
At least that was the impression she was giving me!
PS: its an old joke
i've gotten into at least one argument at every one i've gone to.
last summer, i started laughing when a sister on the stage told us how "proud" she was that she only had two complete place settings in her house.
if more than one person came to visit she related that she had to wash a cup so that the other one could drink.
from Treasure of Sierra Madre..
-Let us see your badges!
-Badges! Badges? We don't need no stinkin badges!
seriously, don't you remember all the assembly pep (I mean prep) talks where it was mentioned how the badges identify you as one of JWs and help make a Witness while you are travelling to and from and while there at the convention.
The badges will probably have to be replaced with somehting better. Last year, I used the one that posted here and printed out my own and went to a couple of days to the DC.
It looked pretty authentic. The color was slightly more orange than the real ones but no one seemed to notice.
so i was reading an article tonight about getting dooced which is apparently happening a lot these days... getting dooced is when someone is fired for what they post on their personal blog (you could probably expand it to any only forum).
i know that it isn't a constitutional issue but still it seems like the spirit of the freedom of speech should be preserved.
So I was reading an article tonight about getting dooced which is apparently happening a lot these days..
Getting dooced is when someone is fired for what they post on their personal blog (you could probably expand it to any only forum)
I know that it isn't a constitutional issue but still it seems like the spirit of the freedom of speech should be preserved. I mean if a I guy can't go to a bar and bitch about his boss or work to his friends - which is not much different from posting to one's blog or online journal - other than the number of people that can be exposed to it - without being afraid of being fired, what is the world coming to?
The employer-employee relationship is so one sided. Employers cut pensions, cut benefits, make no guarantees about long-term employment but yet expect the employees to be completely loyal, even on their personal time and off hours. What is next?
Protecting trade secrets or copyrights, etc. things like that I can understand.
But since when has been the case that a worker must LOVE his job and if he or she expresses that they are disastified with it, the company, the management, the products, or their co-workers, then he or she can be fired.
I think there ought to be a law that protects the right of employees to express themselves during their non-working hours not just on speech areas which might be protected such as religious or political speech but in all areas save the obvious trade secrets, copyrights, insider trade, etc.including critical speech.
If such speech opens one up to personal liability such as for defamation, etc. then that is the risk the speaker bears but the employee-speaker should not be fired for it (after all the employer has no liability).
On the other hand, does the employer have the concerns of harmonizing the workforce and would a policy that allowed employees to criticize the management or other employees in their personal blogs be too disruptive - disruptive enough to justify the policy?
The article mentioned that employees who post critical things could hurt company sales or potentially damage deals or negotiations or otherwise undermine the company's objectives. Are these reason's to monitor what employee's say on their own time.
Is there any such as an employee's own time anymore?
Finally, is this something new or in the case of the bar scenario, if the boss or the boss' lackey overheard the derogatory comment, was it always the case that the employee risked being fired?
Any thoughts?
i've been thinking a lot about this, watching the news, noticing the problems in communication during interviews.
i have a friend who is a muslim and we try to explain to each other our cultural and religious differences.
there is a language barrier in addition to the aforementioned challenges, but we are still friends who respect and care about each other.. i also have an acupuncturist whose wife is a jw and he gets as frustrated trying to reason with her as i do with my mom.
It's not about the cartoons. Most of the people rioting have not even seen the cartoons.
you may be right that they are being and feel threatened. Such things are really behind the rioting. The cartoons are just the excuse.
It sort of reminds me of the LA Riots (after the Rodney King verdict). (that was a fun time). Most persons could have cared less but once the disturbance got out of hand, people started using the situation to try and do what they want or get what they want. With the cartoon riots, the underlying reasons are deeper and maybe drifts into religious feeling, so that just adds to it all, but there are also a good number who are just participating for their own desires or agenda and not out of religous fervor.
i have always heard women say that men can't dance.
it seems they are right most of the time.
I don't think you could generalize as there are certainly bad women dancers.
But I think that women can get away with "dancing" and movement and make it look good just due to their beauty, curves, and because Men looking at them are visuall stimulated (so it tends to look good anyway to see a woman moving). If men tried dancing the same way or with the same movements, it would look bad or possibly make them look effeminate.
So it really may not be about "talent" or rhythm and just more a matter of the differences of the sexes.
But there are obvious cultural differences. In a lot of tribal cultures, the men do the main dancing and women serve a supporting role of chanting or making music. But then many groups do have women's dances.
In ballet (which I can't stand) the differences between the sexes is really highlighted where the beauty and grace of women dancers is cherished and the strength and power of the men is valued. By the way, most people can easily name one or two male ballet dancers but have trouble naming any female ballet dancers.
religion today
monterey county herald, ca - 2 minutes ago .
new york - jehovah's witnesses are renowned for teaching that jesus is not god and that the world as we know it will soon end.
for the first time the news media has taken a hard look at the JW's policy and how stupid it is.
Not quite. The media has run news stories about JW's blood belief ever since the doctrine was adopted by the Society. Also, practically every story about JWs mentions the anti-blood stance. This was just the latest piece. Every now and then either at a local or national level, the blood doctrine comes up and reminds everyone how foolish it is. -Ed
now this might be childish and immature but we all have our moments... i was thinking of some pranks to pull on the kh and one i thought of is calling during every meeting doing different voices (block your number) and ask for pizza, chinese food, you name it.
also i work at a call center for a magazine company and i was thinking that on my last day that i will set up a trial subscription for them they will get sooo much junk mail and invoices hehe .
any good ideas of more pranks?
Luci: Grow up already. you're 18 for God's sake.
Skyman: I don't consider waisting both public tax dollars and our valuable firefighter's time a joke. (Plus making a false report like that is a crime.) Also, the other things you listed are vehicular vandalism, also petty misdemeanors.
VirgoChicK: Tetanus is not a laughing matter.
Low-Key: that is just disgusting. What would be funny though is that while you were attempting to do what you describe if your foot slid off the commode, went in, and you fell over and everyone then heard you cursing. That could be funny.
The only practical joke that might be worth trying would be to use an IPOD with the FM broadcaster attachment and see if you could get ingress into the sound system OR
If your congregation uses the old tapes still, to take one of your own that looks just like the ones they use, record your own special message, and then try to switch them out. (Or burn a CD if they use CDs now) If yo know the song, it would be funny to let the first stanza play as normal and then fade in your modification or message.
(It would be even better if you could somehow manage to stick the off and eject and power buttons so that they would have trouble turning it off for a while.)
what makes this latest watchtower particularily dumb?
well, let's see.. take a look at this gem:.
" ...would a christian who is a self employed contractor bid on a job that involves painting one of the churches of christendom and thereby.
That is very stupid. I hope my painter friend won't lose any business if the local elders in his congregation try and police his clients. Well, knowing him I am sure he would tell them off.
This isn't the first time that the Society has made dumb statements like these. Setting the antagonism aside, the logic is what bother's me. If painting a church is helping false religion, what about providing it with telephone service or other utilities? What about paving the road to it? What about the brother's in the saw mill or the hardware store that supplied building supplies to the contractor that built it and so on and so on.
Everything is connected in some way if one wants to go far enough with it.
yup so stupid.
my witness mother has a rare form of leukemia -- fortunately she is doing well and it hasn't been an issue yet.
she notified me some time ago that she had completed forms to make one of the elders at her kh her power of attorney in the event that she required medical treatment.
she told me that she did this to relieve me and my siblings of having to make difficult decisions for her at that time -- meaning authorizing blood.
NSRN had some good practical advice that I would follow.
The problems with challenging the document and having a court set it aside means a legal battle and probably an expensive one and you may not have time in an emergency situation.
Your best option is to do whatever you can (short of coercion) to have a new Power of Attorney executed naming you or someone else you trust as the attorney in fact or the one making the medical decisions.
(You ought to have your own documents yourself by the way) Have an attorney or if you are capable of doing it yourself, draw up the forms then sit down and have a discussion. Maybe videotape the session.
have her execute the new forms and don't bother telling the Elder, until the situation calls for it.