No they don't because they never OWNED it!!!!
They were the third-party beneficiary of the Trust established by a private party. The WTS had or has no say in the trust holdngs.
my wife was hopping mad about being df for smoking (and being told she would die at armageddon if she was not reinstated by the time it came.
he actualy called her "wicked").
she quit smoking, got reinstated and never went back to the hall.
No they don't because they never OWNED it!!!!
They were the third-party beneficiary of the Trust established by a private party. The WTS had or has no say in the trust holdngs.
i recently heard this "experience" from a now "christian" former jw, which has not previously been publicly communicated.
this jw then moved back to their home area (no jw relatives), and simply continued living their already-in-progress non-jw life.
inevitably, this exjw christian started bumping into their jw former associates.
West70, you crack me up sometimes.
Really though, in addition to the magical thinking, you commit the simplest of logical fallacies (called the illusory correlation) by seeing a connection between the phone call and the death. What about all the times when an Elder calls a Christian to inform them of being DF'd or DA'd or whatever and they don't drop dead?
story here.
lol, all the hell that that show has given to xtians and jews over the years, and he never batted an eye.
cultists are a sensitive lot ain't they?
We can't overlook the possibility that Hayes was pressured by CoS or SEA Org to quit.
hi friends,.
i just came from a site (fortune city?
) they had some watchtower art that they claimed had some demonic subliminals in it.
Not another subliminal thread!!!!
Can we just combine all the subliminal messaging and Illuminati and Mason threads into one big garbage pile and roast marshmallows and sing Cumbiyah....
search results
recently revoked - search results
charities listing: recently revoked.
That is a plausible explanation DotheMath. I wonder also whether some of these might simply be registered under a new or different name ala
"Christian Congregation of.." instead of the old name.
I would be surprised if any of these were genuinely caused by sloppy recordkeeping. When it comes to money I have never known Society-men to be anything but spot on with "i" doted and every"t" crossed.
anyone ever taken this brief test before?.
i passed, did you?
Anyone ever taken this brief test before?
I passed, did you? How do you think most JWs would do? (I think they would tend to be resilent since they are used to be nonconformist).
this thread is for discussing the greek legend of orpheus and euredice.. anyone here ever read this story?
did you enjoy reading it?
was it facinating?
You guys might be interested in the various ways the Orpheus myth has been handled in Opera.
how do you like my poem?
"I, Orpheus" In Sheol love lives not
Only desire to love again
And the smell of warm dry air
From out of the darkness
My music sang sweetly
Pleas thus answered
I lead you
Into the Spring
Of our love
I must walk ahead
With you following
At your own pace
Oh ye Gods!
Give me the strength
To trust in your love
And not look back. (2002)
dear jehovah god,
how are you today?
as a representative of your 'earthy organisation' i learned you are now nearing the end of your 7,000 year 'day of rest'.
Hey, you guys be careful now not to use my trademark "Jehovah's Witnesses"
bart began as a fundamentalist like ourselves but in time his studious nature led him to critical bible scholarship.
his books are viewed as authoritative.
in an interesting interview he recounts this transformation and hints that he has finally left the conviction that there ever was a historical jesus, or that personage/s whose lives are reflected in certain episodes in the legend served merely as sources for the jesus character.
I didn't gather, from the article at least, that Erhman's belief is that there "was no historical Jesus" as you state in your post, but rather that there is no (accurate or untampered) history regarding Jesus. Erhman rejects the divinity of Jesus but I don't think he or any other serious scholar reject the fact of a historical Jesus.
Regarding the article also, I found the quotation of Erhman stating that "there is no hint of Jesus divinity" to be found in Mathew, Mark or Luke to be disagreeable. I mean to say that I would disagree with it as any basic reading of those Gospels indicate a belief in the divinity of Jesus. Even the recordation of miracles indicates this so I don't know where Erhman would be coming from with a statement like that.
Also, the first passage noted as being suspect, the one regarding the Adultress and the casting of stones, is known to be a suspect passage (which is why in the NWT and other translations it is noted and set apart as only being in some of the Manuscripts). While the idea that this passage may be apocryphal or a later addition may be surprising or shocking to many Protestants and Catholics or even non-religious folk who remember such a powerful scene from most of the TV/Film portrayals of the life of Jesus, it is not a real surprise for others better informed.
Anyway, Erhman's previous books are must-reads for anyone interested in the Bible and I have found them to be interesting and enlightening. While he is agnostic true, I would be be surprised to learn that he doesn't believe in even a historical Jesus and again, that is not what I understood from the Washington Post article.
personally, it makes no difference to me if the ark is found or not.
if it truly exists, then it would be one of the largest finds of the millenium.
Clam what's with the rock penis? weird. looks like one of the state parks or national parks in Utah, Nevada or possibly Arizona.