you have two previous posts in this thread prior to the last.
your first post, you make a good point about what is and what will be continuing debate about the Bible. You further make a good point about mythology - but seem to overlook the fundamental precept and power of myth which is that it is meant to organize human thought and reflects something about humanity. thus even if we assume that the Book of Matthew and these verses are mere myth/folklore/literature, that is uninspired or without any divine origin, you should acknowlege that there may be a moral lesson intended within the text.
As for your reference to "harsh" I assume that goes to my "use your brain" closing which was not meant so much as a snide remark but rather as imperative to Gill to use some common sense and basic literacy since it is patently obvious that he is/was committing several errors. Further I think that his use of an all cap "BIG LIE IN THE BIBLE" attitude justified a little jibe but it was not meant to be personally insulting.
your second post, merely asks whether Jesus should be expected to be factually accurate.
My point in response is that Jesus was factually accurate in that as common observation shows when it rains upon people, it rains upon them without respect to their righteousness or moral standing.
Jesus' statement is not any broader than that and is not meant to be an exposition about the water cycle or scientific in any way. (That is Gill's basic error to read into it something which it is not.)
As for your last comment, (giving the believing view) certainly Jesus as the one through whom God created the universe and being divine has both superhuman knowledge and superior insight into the physical universe. If it had been his intention, he could have easily revealed these things to mankind. That was not his stated purpose and so Jesus, nor does any of the Bible, intend itself to be a book of science or a scientific explanation; although believers hold that where science or the realities of the physical universe intersect with the scriptures, there is no real disharmony.