thanks for the info Joker. I hadn't been to the fair in about 10 years. One other funny observation. it was quite hot yesterday and the brothers were doing their thing with their jackets on. I was thinking to myself as I drove away that they ought to at least take off their jackets. -eduardo
JoinedPosts by Oroborus21
Witnesses at the Fair
by Oroborus21 injust went to the la county fair yesterday.
just before the gate, there were two large and prominent display stands.
one said "ask about our free bible study" and other stuff and the other had colorful tracts pasted all over.
Witnesses at the Fair
by Oroborus21 injust went to the la county fair yesterday.
just before the gate, there were two large and prominent display stands.
one said "ask about our free bible study" and other stuff and the other had colorful tracts pasted all over.
Just went to the LA County Fair yesterday. Just before the gate, there were two large and prominent display stands. One said "Ask about our Free Bible Study" and other stuff and the other had colorful tracts pasted all over. At first, i thought it was some other christian ministry group because I had never known Witnesses to do something like this (although I haven't been to the Fair in years) but as I passed the young girl working on the right handed me a tract. She also read my t-shirt and gasped since I happened to have been wearing my "" t-shirt. But I still didn't realize it was the Witnesses until a few paces further and flipped the tract over and saw it was a WTBTS tract. (All suffering soon to end). I glanced back and the girl had ducked over to her father I think. (he was definitely the "Elder-type").
I regret that I hadn't recognized the situation earlier or I would have told the girl something like "Other Witnesses Share Your Doubts, Find them Online" or visit JWD when she has a chance. Or even "make sure you go to college" :-)
Anyway, if there are any So Cal folk out there going to be going to the Fair before it ends, look for them just before you go in. This was at the Yellow Gate. (Not sure if there were similar stations at the other entrances.) Maybe you can have some info or something prepared to say to them as you go in.
On my way out the girl was gone but her dad and another elder type were still there passing literature to everyone that came in. I was late in getting my daughter to her mom's for her birthday party so I didn't have any time to talk to them.
When they station themselves at a public venue like this and open themselves up to greeting everyone, it really presents a good opportunity to leave them with a thought or two.
Pics of you with someone famous or a story???
by morty inhow many of you here have pictures with you and famous or well-known hollywood actors?.
i was going through my pictures and i came across a few..... so, i will start a fluff thread and hopefully, we will get to see some of our favorite stars with a legendary poster!!!!.
first picture.
being in LA I have met a lot of celebs. Also I did a short stint at Creative Artists Agency where I saw bunch more.
probably the most interesting story though is one of my first celeb encounters back when I was pretty NAIVE.
It was back in 1989 when I flew out to LA for summer orientation for USC. I had taken a red eye that hopped from El Paso to Reno and then from Reno to LA. On the Reno leg as I boarded the plane I saw Comedian/Actor Louie Anderson (and his assistants) seated up front on the aisle. (I think I initially thought he was John Candy.) As I passed him, I nodded and said "I like your work." And he gave me a nod and said "thank you."
After we landed, I was hanging around the baggage claim trying to figure out what I should do. It was 2 am and check in at campus wasn't until 8 am. So I was just standing there and Louie walked up to me and started chatting me up, asking who I was and what I was doing etc. So we talked for like 10 minutes before his guys got his baggage. At the end of the conversation, I thought I should use the opportunity to "witness" to him, so I pulled out the newly released orange God's Word or Man's and handed it to him. Before, I could get out an explanation of what it was, Louie autographed it AND wrote his telephone number and said that I should "call him sometime and maybe we could hang out."
(I thought to myself that the poor guy was happy to have someone treat him like a normal person and not fawn all over him just because he was a celebrity.)
After school started about a month and half later, after prompting from my roommate, I decided to call up Louie and see what he was doing. We chatted for a while about this and that, school, his current projects and so forth. Then after awhile the conversation took a strange turn. Louie suggested that we could get together at his house sometime, have pizza and whatever. I think I asked something about what he meant by the "whatever" part and he said that there were some things that it was not wise for him to mention over the phone.
The light on my footpath was beginning to brighten, and it began to dawn on me that this guy might be in to me in more than a friendly way. (Of course, it wouldn't be until many years later that he would openly come out as being gay - unless maybe it was one of those Hollywood things where the insiders know the deal and it is just the general public that don't.)
Anyway, I think we had another conversation after that and by then the signals were pretty clear and I had gotten the picture by then of what Louie had in mind for this freshman just off the plane from New Mexico. I don't mean to say anything bad about him. He is a very sweet and kind guy who had an alchoholic father and a hard upbringing.
I never called him after that for a long time. Years later when he started hosting Family Feud, I tried the number just to see if it was still his but it was dc'd. I still had the God's Word of Man's pub with his signature and old phone number for a long time and i might have it around or boxed somewhere.
Anyway, that was an interesting celebrity encounter that has amused my family for quite some time. For me the funniest thing about the whole thing was when he autographed the publication when I was trying to place it with him.
PS: I have pics of Leonard Nimoy (but I didn't get in them), got autographs from Elton John (for an ex girlfriend who was big on him), got an autographed Martian Chronicles from Ray Bradbury, chatted up Neve Campbell one time at a party, took a coke away from Christina Applegate of Married with Children Fame, saw Morgan Freeman not too long ago just a few feet away from me, and so forth. In LA it is easy to have such encounters but since I don't pay much attention to celebs I hardly ever see anyone unless someone points them out to me. A lot of my friends are in the industry. My friend Andy for example does the casting for CSI. A wedding I am going to tonight on the marina is of two friends who met on the set of 24 (he is a boom operator and she is an actress)...and so forth.
Is Sponge Bob Square Pants, gay?
by free2beme ini was speaking to this woman at work today, and my phone rang and as my ringer for a certain friend, i have the sponge bob square pants song .... "who lives in a pineapple under the sea .... ".
... well she is a little strange and very ultra christian.
she started telling me, that her church she goes too feel that sponge bob and patrick are portraying the gay lifestyle.
no, he's not gay. the character he plays is purposefully sexually ambiguous. in real life Sponge Bob is very hetero.
No Trespassing Signs at KHs?
by Saoirse ini drove by a local kingdom hall today and noticed that they had put up 3 large "private property/no trespassing" signs and 2 "this area under security surveillance" signs.
i haven't heard any reports of vandalism or break-ins so i'm curious as to why they would put up signs like that.
why bother going door to door if the general public isn't allowed to enter the kh?
Just wanted to state the obvious. Of course the general public are still welcome and invited to the Kingdom Halls. All such persons are considered invitees and have standing permission to attend any of the public meetings held at the Kingdom Halls. Such permission is revocable of course.
A person entering the property outside of normal public hours (perhaps to do mischief) or who have their permission as an invitee revoked would be considered a trespasser.
This is nothing new and is the case with any private property and even in some public property situations. The putting up of signs saying "No Trespassing" is not particularly necessary and is only explicitly communicating the laws that are already in place. Maybe it is viewed as a deterrent upon some and maybe the KH has been having some particular problems with vandalism.
'Crocodile Hunter' Irwin killed
by Simon in.
very sad .
such an enthusiastic / passionate guy..
So sad. What a great guy. He got to live a wonderful life and was doing what he loved til the end. I feel so bad for the family.
Please say a prayer for them.
by mama1119 ini have a heeler/australian shepard mix, male, 10 months old.
he is a great dog other than the fact that he digs like crazy!!
he dug up 6 trees, several holes in the yard, and all the bark in our landscaped areas.
Yeah, Ecclesiastes 7:10
by badboy in.
as they quote from nature etc,one wonder what magazines the wt subscribes to.
Hey Farkel looks good on that cover. :-)
What is the meaning of life?
by frankiespeakin ini was reading about experiences of those who smoked 5meo-dmt, found in the venom of certain toads, i had got a hold of 1/2 of gram of the 99% pure stuff and smoke it about 20 or 30 times, it a very intense trip, that allows you to see thru many of the progams we got running around in our minds and concepts we've been brainwashed with from government and culture(that's about the best way i can discribe it).
any way this experience that i take a quote from is after he came down enought to be able to speak english(i often spoke in tongues when first becoming able to speak) i thought he gave a pretty good answer to the question:i felt so clear-headed about everything that i asked my friends to just go ahead and ask me something, anything.
one of them asked me 'what's the meaning of life?
by mama1119 ini have a heeler/australian shepard mix, male, 10 months old.
he is a great dog other than the fact that he digs like crazy!!
he dug up 6 trees, several holes in the yard, and all the bark in our landscaped areas.
any behaviour of dogs can be adjusted with training. I don't really recommend the negative reinforcement of the shock collar but it can be effective.)Assuming that the digging is not the product of other problems with the animal like anxiety, frustration, lack of exercise etc., and that your yard is of adequate size for his breed, it may be that this is just a personal quirk or habit of his. You can either try to break him of it with training (including everything from scolding him immediately whenever you see him doing it or begins it, or other methods) but this will take some investment on your part. It may be better just to dig-proof the vital areas by burying a wire mesh, like chicken wire or on of the plastic types, a few inches below landscaped parts and around the base of trees, about 4 inches or so down.
As for the rest of the yard, let him have at it, his digging is good aeration for the soil, just make sure to cover up any tripping hazards he creates.
It may be very helpful to make sure that the dog is getting plenty of exercise, by taking him on long walks EVERY day. If he is tuckered out from exercising he won't have the energy to cause too much damage by digging. Don't just count on the fact that he gets to run around in the yard. His breed is a sheparding dog and they like to work hard and are used to a lot more stimulation and space than other animals. You might also try getting a little trailer or cart that he can pull around on his walk in a harness. This will make him feel very useful and you will be surprised how quickly he won't need to dig. -Eduardo