hey that's a presumptuous question, might be a lot of ladies knowledgeable on the subject. why not google it up and see what is currently being offered for such a mower...then you will know what the market is..
what do think would be a fair price on a used riding lawn mower?
it's a 2000 poulan pro with a 17hp motor 42 inch cutting width and a brigs and scraton motor.
(not sure if this is exacty right but it's how i heard it over the phone) .
hey that's a presumptuous question, might be a lot of ladies knowledgeable on the subject. why not google it up and see what is currently being offered for such a mower...then you will know what the market is..
it's almost one am and i can't sleep, anyone else here?.
yeah, but thinking about bed, a book, or something else though. why aren't you sleepy?
i was given a cat whose name was "piti".
i found it strange, but i kept it.
true, true, I guess I feel like T.S. Eliott that every cat has a secret name which only they know.....
with the vet's it is like trying to deal with a government agency or your cable company who insists on knowing your Social Security number...
i was given a cat whose name was "piti".
i found it strange, but i kept it.
my cat doesn't have a name, or at least he hasn't told it to me. a lot of people think that is weird and when we go to the vet they insist on trying to give him a name, usually "mr cat". It is like they won't treat him if he doesn't have a name. weirdos.
it's almost one am and i can't sleep, anyone else here?.
yeah but like yourself I am in California, plus the whole daylight savings time thng. but I haven't been sleeping much these past few weeks anyway...
...just finished watching it for the first time, not sure what to think of it.. the most interesting was the end and elder's flip-flopping of what is current truth what is an old truth and what is apostate material .... or is it all the same.
thanks for posting this. I don't know if this has been around on the Net before but it was the first time that I saw it.
It seems evident that this was divorce proceeding, with some children involved i think and the elder was called by the man (JW) as an "expert witness."
a couple of comments about the elder's testimony:
testimony that should have been brought out by the attorney for the woman: (granted not sure this testimony wasn't brought out by other witnesses or the parties but still while they had the elder on the stand they should have brought this out.)
comments on the attorneys:
Thanks again for the info. after seeing, this I want to first ask the Forum whether there are any attorneys or even non-attorneys who have already prepared a "counter-guide" to the Society's child-custody package for opposing counsel? Blondie? Randy/Dogpatch? West? anyone?
If not, I am interested in developing a counter-guide for use in divorce and child-custody cases for attorneys. Would the other attorney forum participants be interested in such a project? Interested in co-authoring with me or in reviewing? Kim? (those who have told me in private that they are attorneys?) If so please pm me.
thanks again,
i was reading coc last night and i started pondering over minimus' post of how the dubs are saying this is the last memorial and the end is finally here.
then i remembered the teaching that the first setoff to the big a. any thoughts on this?.
luv, jojo
now you are being disingenuous. Your original post: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/110528/1.ashx
suggests that there is something unique "this year." Yet by your own admission, you state that you hear such statements every year or quite often. If that is the case then it would hardly be worth mention on the forum that you yet again heard such statements.
That would be like if I created a thread whose topic was, "hey I heard JW's say 'Armageddon was just around the corner'"
now that i've read ray franz's part about how his uncle and others with little actual greek or hebrew training translated the bible into the nwt, i've been interested in finding the best bible out there is correctly translated by people who know what the hell they are talking about.
i've also been looking at other religions lately, ones that are "somewhat" close to the jw's teachings to an extent, and have been interested in seventh day adventists.
Jaredg, not sure if you were just kidding or not, but there are NO original scrolls extant. There is not a single original manuscript or even 1st generation copy of any of the Hebrew or Christian Greek scriptures available to us that were written by the original authors/writers/redactors.
now that i've read ray franz's part about how his uncle and others with little actual greek or hebrew training translated the bible into the nwt, i've been interested in finding the best bible out there is correctly translated by people who know what the hell they are talking about.
i've also been looking at other religions lately, ones that are "somewhat" close to the jw's teachings to an extent, and have been interested in seventh day adventists.
You should get a few different ones for your library. To this add some of the CD-ROM collections that are out there. I found one for like 10 bucks that includes a number of bible translations and commentaries. Then there are many that are online, bookmark those.
Take all of those and compare the different versions whenever you want to figure out something in particular. If possible read some commentaries too.
If you really want to delve into it consult some concordances and Greek and Hebrew lexicons.
Pretty much everything is commented upon on the Internet so you can always Google it up too.
After all of that you will have as good of an understanding as is reasonable short of really getting scholarly.
By the way, it wouldn't hurt to learn about how the Bible Canon came about, read some of Bart Erhman's and others' books, learn about the Documentary Hypothesis, and learn some of the history of the translations and how they were done. Knowing something about the Manuscripts used by the translators is helpful too.
Pray about your understanding too.
For pure reading pleasure that is subjective. Some like reading Chaucery Old English style stuff and others want a modern take, even one of the politically correct sterilized of all patriarchal, gender-blind, versions of the bible. To each his own.
i was reading coc last night and i started pondering over minimus' post of how the dubs are saying this is the last memorial and the end is finally here.
then i remembered the teaching that the first setoff to the big a. any thoughts on this?.
luv, jojo
Kitty, no one is upset. we were just discussing. you don't have to apologize for anything. we all get stuff wrong from time to time. the belief that this is the last memorial is not a common one nor longstanding. Minimus' report is what some are saying this year. My points were that I didn't want anyone reading your thread, lurkers, etc. to think that this was an official teaching because they might come away with just reading it that it is and secondly that if some are saying it, I was suggesting that this might be due to our current world conditions which has everyone a bit nervous. JWs and many other Christians interpret such world conditions along their theological system, so it would be natural that some JWs might express that this "might be the last memorial" - though again, it doesn't seem to be that widespread that I know of.
We love you Kitty.