The question of whether there is something bigger than our existence is one fundamental to our being human. It isn't going away and will always be debated -- unless of course there is a God which manifests himself in a way that convinces everyone :-)
Anyway, what is the question regarding the Origin of God? I haven't followed the threads debating this topic so I was curious about that.
I don't see why it has to be an either/or proposition. I believe that humans are not only capable but actually quite comfortable with holding dichotic paradigms, ideas, or explanations (one of the inherent flaws in Cognitive Dissonance theory) and can find both of them useful.
As for myself, I have both a "Believing paradigm" and a "Non-believing Paradigm."
My believing paradigm accepts the Bible as God's inspired word (but not the homely folktale of its origins and compilation), including both its origins and the explanation of our destiny (more or less along the lines of the JW explanation) [I don't accept any belief or theology that essentially makes life on earth a "way-station" or mere intermediate visitations while we aren't in Heaven - that just seems stupid], and sees the Earth as the starting point for man's ultimate destiny of populating the entire universe as we get to live forever and expand our culture beyond Earth's boundaries eventually.
The non-believing paradigm, finds value in the Bible and good advice for how we may live our lives, recognizes that our life is brief, and this is all there is, so enjoy it as the Epicureans might say - but yet, seems less hopeful and a bit depressing. The non-believing paradigm essentially could be summed up by the expression "reality sucks."
At best, the non-believing paradigm instructs us that we should enjoy our life, enjoy our relationships as these are the most important thing in the world, says there is little point in trying to accomplish anything in life except to help your fellow man in whatever small way you can and maybe try to leave a more comfortable life for your offspring, but really, when you are dead that is all - your game is over. There is no reset and there is no second-game.
Maybe the non-believing paradigm is reality, is the "correct" one but it sure isn't inspiring. To paraphrase Douglas Adams, it seems like the non-believing paradigm is something that was developed by guys who don't get invited to parties.
When Pandora looked inside the box, after all of the world's troubles had escaped because of her curiosity, what she found still lingering there was HOPE.
There is a lesson there for all men of science, who through their eager investigation, have unleashed upon the world such troubles as Doubt and Despair.
Hope still and will forever linger in many persons' hearts. That hope, namely, is that there really is something more than these 70 or 80 years upon this third rock from the Sun.