Last one...less funny, but I liked it.
Stupidity can be tragic.
recently, when i went to mcdonalds,s i saw on the menu.
that you could have an order of 6,9 or12 chicken mcnuggets.. i ask for a half dozen.
"we don,t have a half dozen niggets,'.
Last one...less funny, but I liked it.
Stupidity can be tragic.
let's assume, as most of you probably believe, that the anointed christians are not the fds.
if the anointed are not the fds, who are?.
I am not sure who the Faithful and Discreet Slave is, but I would be in love with any woman who wore this shirt.....
anyone want to share some things that the watchtower has gotten busted for that even they can't weasle their way out of?
i was thinking about copyrighted images, illegal activity, etc... .
here are a few images they used that they "stole" from others, but claimed as their own.
Blinders that was a great off topic post.
for those of you that know/care lol my website has been "frozen in amber" for about a week or more.
no one could make a comment, post an article, reigster as a new user, etc.
the last couple weeks have been hectic for me, although things are finally calming down now thank goodness, and i was able to make the repairs.. so anyway, problem solved!
Well at least you solved that part of your struggle.
The Mormons were never the publishing house that the JWs are. The Witnesses face the same issues as most print media; they are just doing a terrible job staying up to date.
another jw "star".
she may truly have mental illness problems but being part of this damaging cult surely cannot help her.. .
Lark looked aweful....Is she still a JW?
with the holidays amongsts us how did you feel the first time you celebrated the holidays?
the first time i felt like i was in north korea trying to slip pass the secret police.
how weird a wonderful family holiday and i was acting like i just stole the mona lisa..
Chirstmas itself is kind of lame, but I really have enjoyed the parties. It is a great way to catch up with people who you dont get to see as often.
on october 29, 2017, millions of people will observe the 500th year anniversary of martin luther nailing his 95 theses to door of the castle church of wittenberg, kick starting the reformation.
currently, i am listening to martin luther's commentary on the book of galatians, and it struck me how current his struggles sounded.
change some of the terminology and he might have well come out of the watchtower society.
Just dont nail them to the door...Id go with wall paper paste.
i have never understood why, according to the wt, jws are okay (conscience matter) with birth control methods like the pill, mini-pill, depo-provera, and iuds.
i am not trying to spark an abortion debate.
but i was actually angry at the wt when i started researching how the mini-pill prevented pregnancy.
Well then start bitching about IVF too. Your views on the matter are rather Catholic. The JWs dont seem to hold the view that life starts at sperm and egg meeting, but rather implantation of the egg. I think you are on shaky ground trying to argue that life starts before implantation and cell division. Cell division does not start until 24-30 hrs after fertilization.
What else are they going to talk about....Politics..nope. A movie...prob not, we dont want to stumble anyone plus most of the good ones are rated R. Maybe they could talk about the charitable work they wait no. Birthdays, no. Christmas plans, No. NO, NO,NO, NO.
In a group that only says no to everything you have very little to talk about. Gossip, although technically frowned upon, but it is what you have. There is nothing wrong with gossiping about an ex-JW.