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JoinedPosts by Bella15
The Elders Returned, as Promised!
by exWTslave inwonderful love!.
wonderful love!.
wonderful love!.
the star of bethleham comong from satan
by nonjwspouse infor some reason my husband has picked this topic after months of non communication of anything related biblical at all.
( he believes he came up with the idea onhis own ( he was raised jw and left as a 18 year old...ugh...right).
so since this was his topic my own thoughts have been expressed as well.
Have you visited this site?
Go to the "THE STUDY" tab and read their material.
Is there a pedophile epidemic ?
by Snoozy inafter reading another thread on pedophiles i was wondering if there is a pedophile epidemic or is it just that we now have more access to the information?
it seems like everywhere you read there are more and more cases being reported.
are we becoming a nation with no morals at all?
They can not hide anymore. Victims are feeling empowered to talk about it, it is not tabu anymore. Everything hidden will be exposed eventually.
To solve a problem it has to come to the surface, all this child abuse has been in the dark for too long, NOT ANYMORE and I hope that the new generations will not tolerate this anymore and will run to tell an adult. That's why I always talk about child abuse whenever I can to people, so collectively the Universe gets impregnated with the message of NO TO ANY KIND OF SEXUAL ABUSE.
If someone in your family suffered from sexual abuse, expose the perpetrators. Deal with the situation with the intention of HEALING the emotions.
The GB's Obsession with the Catholics
by TTATTelder inthe gb for some reason is completely fixated on the roman catholic church (rcc).
they should just say that the rcc is babylon the great and get it over with.. the "world empire of false religion" ??
how often do they talk about muslims?
I think Rutherford was molested by a RCC priest, really!
April 2014 WT is up, more attacks on career and unbelieving family!
by EndofMysteries inhere are some highlights from the magazine.
the first article, "imitate the faith of moses", teaches how moses didn't remain in pharohs court, they then skillfully spin getting a decent paying job and career as equaling "enjoyment of sin", and how those who have "enjoyment of sin" will die at armageddon with everyone else who enjoys their job.
here are some quotes from the article.... "when tempted to engage in sinful conduct, ask, what future do i want for myself?....
REPAYING fathers and grandfathers ????? What?????
I think my faith might be returning. Feeling very confused.
by jambon1 ini've been out the organisation for around 8 years.
when i first left, im positive that i suffered from some sort of post traumatic stress.
i was very angry at myself for accepting the really bad parts of the religion that i strongly disagreed with.
Don't be afraid to explore this need you have ... you now may develop a personal relationship with God Creator, the God that the bible speaks about, the God of Abraham, Isaaic and Jacob, you may become a GENTILE that will find that Jesus is the Messiah ...
by DATA-DOG injust getting a jump on the holiday season!!
i figure that i will post this every year for discussion.
these were my observations when learning ttatt.
@ DATA-DOG ... excellent search of the scriptures.
Following is something I read a couple of days ago. Reminded me of the Watchtower Corporation ...
"The bearing of false testimony is strictly prohibited by God, no matter how innovative we become! Any understanding of what God was saying to His children is greatly enhanced by a clear understanding of what it means to tell a lie. Bearing false testimony also carries with it the basic idea of fabrication, which, simply put, means to make something up. Exaggeration fits right in with God’s prohibition because any effort to stretch the truth is, in and of itself, a fabrication. When God said, “You shall not bear false witness” (Exodus 20:16), He was definitively pointing to the heart of man. Not even a person’s creativity with the truth is acceptable to God."
WTS overboard w/suggested presentation
by doinmypart inthe nov 2013 km contains an article that is ridiculous in its level of minutae.. they focus on the word "because".
they tell jws to use the word "because" when explaining why they're at the homeowner's door.
writing department, you wrote an article on the use of the word "because"?
I am here BECAUSE my parents make me come to your door otherwise they will beat the hell out of me!
That cult is up to something with this word - and yes it would be to indoctrinate JWs even more than actually reaching the public.
Maintaining Faith In God As An Ex-JW
by pronomono inas i fade further from the jws, i'm finding it increasingly hard to maintain faith in god.
i've been exploring many alternatives from atheism, agnostic, apathetic, pagan, and satanism (not devil worship, but the promotion of self-indulgence) to name a few.
i'm thoroughly intrigued to learn how those of you who remained christian managed to maintain your faith in god and christ, especially after enduring all the lies that we've been told about them.
In my case, after much research, reading old literature, visiting the Watchtower building in NYC, coming to know first hand through a relative victim of sexual abuse in the org., and reading lots of stuff, I understood that we have been deceived by a so called "Christian" organization - the Watchtower CORPORATION - a publishing company in NEW YORK CITY. My mom was deceived and thus the rest of the family followed. Weird that what would have been the last stroke to send me into complete unbelief in a God it was what propelled me to search for him, to search for the TRUTH! In my search I found out that the TRUTH whithin the Christian faith is a person, JESUS! this happened while reading the bible by myself.
You need to follow your heart's desires, if you feel you want to keep believing in God, do it, if you don't want to don't do it. But don't do one thing or another based in third party's point of views or religion. Follow your heart. Your needs. Some people is more atune to spiritual (not religion) things that others. In my case my relationship and experience with GOD is through Christianity's God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Holy One of Israel! The Father. This experience of GOD in my life is made possible by JESUS! I am a follower of Jesus Christ as understood within the Christian faith and also, Jesus' commands.
When you have the revelation of GOD you think differently, and what works for me may not work for other people, everyone experiences GOD differently.
What was your "Aha!" moment?
by Hortenzie infor me it was when i learned that gb makes their decisions by 2/3 majority vote, not by direction of holy spirit..
final blow when I discovered the child sexual abuse coverage going on in that org, wow they have the guts to denounce other denominations while they were and continue paying million of dollars and putting gag orders.