JoinedPosts by mindfield
UN vs Watchtower Society
by joelbear inthe watchtower has pronounced the un as being the disgusting thing because it is trying to bring about world peace instead of putting its faith in jehovah to do that.. the watchtower claims to be jehovah's tool and itself attempts to unite the peoples of the world into a united organization going so far as to monitor and punish the behavior of individuals around the world.. how are the watchtower's actions different from the united nations actions?.
The United Nations are readying themselves, taking a closer look at the activities of the true lovers of peace.
On whose authority do you claim that? And please don't tell me the WT, or else I'll puke. (figuratively, of course).And why couldn't the UN proclaim certain years to be good years? As far as I'm concerned, they've did a lot more to help the world than JW's ever did. When's the last time JW's helped with poor people? With children? With non-JW's, as a whole? Without striving to convert them? Read your Awake!, Gozz. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at all the things the UN has done in recent years.
Of course, the WT wrote all that just to further their own interests, but I think they have made many excellent points.
And what's this about me belonging to the Watchman Class? What the heck are you talking about? I was never baptized. I don't belong to any self-righteous cult. And if, by Watchman, you mean a group that carefully analyzes the facts before screaming bloody murder (figuratively) your little name is completely off the wall.
You are the one who needs to be awaken from spiritual slumber.
We could say that about each other all day. So why not substantiate ourselves with arguments and hard facts instead? -
UN vs Watchtower Society
by joelbear inthe watchtower has pronounced the un as being the disgusting thing because it is trying to bring about world peace instead of putting its faith in jehovah to do that.. the watchtower claims to be jehovah's tool and itself attempts to unite the peoples of the world into a united organization going so far as to monitor and punish the behavior of individuals around the world.. how are the watchtower's actions different from the united nations actions?.
It never ceases to amaze me how self-righteous the JW's are in regard to other people knowing their existence.
The head of the United Nations, himself a human of flesh and blood, failing to recognize the place of God's people in these momentuous times, voiced the gloved attack on the efforts being made by publishers of the good news.
What did you expect? Why do you think the UN would notice you, and not the mormons? Or the quakers? Why the heck would they even want to notice you? The UN don't take their time trying to find religions that might or might not preach the "truth". They have better things to do. This is politics, not religious affairs. These people are offering food and shelter when they can, not a possible hope for the future. Wake up, man!
Is the force with me now?
by Tatiana inhey, i'm a jedi now!!!!!!!!
i feel ever so much different than i did a few minutes ago!.
i just made my coffee move across the room by itself!
Cooooollll....some pod racing, anyone?
by Mister Biggs inironically, we were discussing the watchman who stays awake night and day.. anyway, something was said that made me awaken and pay careful attention.
please, if anyone else who got this same information at their book study, please share it.. here goes:.
there was a picture of a man standing on the watchtower keeping on the look out.
Oh yeah, I never thought of it that way. So it was a good thing people didn't have an education because the end might have come in 1975. It's a good thing people's hopes were shattered to bits.
The watchman analogy is faulty, by the way. The analogy is saying that the "faithful and discreet slave" tell us when there are new developments and new light. The watchman, though tells us when there might be a chance of people trying to kill us all. Different situations, different times.
Does the watchman make prophecies? No. Does he scream everytime a small cloud of dust appears? I hope not. Watchmen are not fools. They don't jump at every little incident, or else everyone would be real annoyed quick. Is that the same thing as the GB? Uuummm... let me think..NO.
Whats wrong with this picture??
by Beck_Melbourne intook me a while to figure it out.. http://home.camelot.de/danielt/whatswrong.html
Can you spell... "heart attack"?
Tatiana, can't see your pic!
Angry, Afraid, Depressed, ......
by joelbear inwe are an emotional group here.
you can see the hurt in our posts about the watchtower, our families, our screwed up lives.
you can see it in how sensitive we are to each others words.
You see everyone, now this is the kind of guy we need on this board. What joelbear said is easily substantiated by looking at the present flame wars we're having. I just hope some posters can read this and "heal".
I hope you're doing better, joel. You have a very positive attitude, and that can do nothing but good. Take care!
WT April 1, 2002 on Baptism
by badwillie inquote from page 13, paragraph 17:.
"..jehovah's witnesses never coerce anyone into baptism.".
same page 13, paragraph 19 - new subheading:.
What a load of BS! There was this brother (an ex-elder) in the cong. who just wouldn't stop asking me when I would get baptized. I would loathe the moment when I would meet him after a #2 talk, since he would always tell me "I don't understand, since you have that much knowledge, why don't you get baptized?" Not wanting to lie, I would fidget and worm my way around the question. Well, that was fun for about 2 years. I just loved giving public talks.
And he wasn't the only one. My uncle asked me a couple times. No, in fact my two uncles did. Uuuummm... who else... Oh yeah, a new "sister" in the cong. once heard somebody refer to me as "Brother Minfield" and asked me if I was baptized. Surprised, I said "No, no!!!" She then asked me if it was in the works. Anyways, by the time I was done with her, I think I left a bad image. By the end, I was blustering and fidgeting like an idiot. Oh well...
No coercion my @$$. That coercion is one of the reasons I stopped being a publisher. In fact, in the end, it was the top reason I stopped. I just couldn't stand the freaking morons who harassed me over and over and over again.
(end of rant)
Any other churches call themselves the 'truth'??
by Beck_Melbourne inold habits die hard...and quite often in my comments i will refer to the borg as the 'truth'.
does anyone know of any other churches that refer to their own particular church or religion as the 'truth'??
also, does anyone know how it originated...all my life i have used the term...comments like 'how long have u been in the truth?
Guys, it's obvious this little scuttle with Yadirf is going to get you absolutely nowhere. Sure, you may feel you have a case and excellent arguments to back them up, but why waste them on Yadirf? He's just basically a FredHall clone with improved language. See how the thread went off? It went from "Any other churches call themselves the 'truth'" to arguments against and for the WT being this truth. Either start another thread, or ignore this guy.
Of course, that's my immature opinion, isn't it, Yadirf? Hmmm...
hypocritical parents anyone?
by collegegirl ini was reading one of the posts earlier about how hypocrisy among the rank and file really pushed some over the edge.... well, how about this one?
my mom and i were watching pretty woman on tv tonight (edited version).
it is her favorite movie, so i told her i was going to buy it for her.
Hear hear! Most JW's I know are janitors. My dad is a janitor part-time, and a bus driver. Works VERY hard. Sadly, he has no prospects of changing jobs. I don't think he ever considered it. I help him twice a week, cleaning out a garage. Very enjoyable.
"Four year college education"? Where did you get that quote??? What a ridiculous statement! LOL.