This is what has been happening with us lately. We (my husband and I) have not been to any meetings in over a year. The elders have stopped by quite often (once they stopped by and they were here from 10:30 12:00, they left the others in their car group, out in the car the whole time!! I did not know that there were others out there until the elders were leaving, I thought that was very inconsiderate. I saw people in the backseat as they were pulling out of the drive.)
Well, that was the last time I talked with the elders-they told me I had turned my back on God, etc. etc. I did not appreciate any thing they said, it was not very encouraging to say the least. Of course, I had already made up my mind that it wasnt the truth so anything they said had no effect except to irritate me.
The elders keep stopping by but my husband always answers the door when its them. My husband told them basically that he does not feel that the organization is Gods. He mentioned the association with the UN and the child molestation problems. (The elders did not know about the UN involvement at the time, BTW)
The last time they stopped by they asked him why he doesnt write a letter of DA. He told them that he will not DA but will not have association. They keep trying to get info to DF are we celebrating birthdays, and holidays? He will not give them a direct answer, asks questions in reply to their questions.
They stopped by again this Saturday and talked with him again and asked if he believes it is Gods organization, again he said no. They have tried to show him that God has always used an organization and that the men have all been imperfect, you know, the same-old, sad story.
When they left they said they would meet with the body of elders and make a decision but that this could not be left for another six months. My husband asked what that meant, if they were going to DF, they said no they didnt have anything to DF him for but that they would read a letter to the congregation stating that he no longer wanted to be known as a JW, but they would have to meet with the elder body first before making a decision.
Sounds like they are basically giving him the axe, they are so afraid hell talk to other members of the cong. and share what he knows.
Whats your opinion, what should we do? Do you think theyll come after me next?
I told my husband that they are such loving people, getting rid of those who were stumbled by the Governing Body, after all the UN scandal and molestation policy were major factors in our leaving. How happy we are that we were stumbled. But how sad it is going to be if our family wont speak to us anymore. Practically all of my husbands family are JWs.