The COWARDS are trying to wiggle out of another one!
Posts by moman
by bay64me inis it true that the society has done away with blood cards?.......and if so how do you know?
47 years ago today..................
by Makena1 ini was born whilst my parents were on a jw missionary assignment.
unofficially i am only a year old!
lol this will be the first time my family and i have ever celebrated.
Happy BBBBBBBBBBa Ba Birthday!
Concluding talk at the Coventry Assembly
by Jim Dee inthe bad note taker strikes again!!
jim .
concluding talk at the coventry assembly.
Outlaw, we have to hand it to them, they make lots of CASH & tax-free!
Bomb Threat at District Convention in Calgary
by dobby inafter, we were again allowed into the building no.
one without a lapel card was allowed in without being thoroughly.
after about 20 minutes all.
Dumb dubs, like sheep to the slaughter!
Why Ex-JWs Will Never Go From Door to Door
by comforter injehovah's witnesses proclaim the good news of the kingdom under the power of god's holy spirit.
jesus commanded his followers to preach in the most distant parts of the earth and promised them that the spirit of god would guide them in this life-saving work (acts 1:8).. without the spirit of god, one cannot continue preaching about jesus and god's kingdom (matthew 24:14).
one surely will not have god's spirit if one preaches a negative message (against jehovah's servants) from door to door.
can you tell me why the WT printed the pictures of those innocent, but DEAD children on the front page of the 94 Awake?
by D8TA inhello watchtower monitors and people of the's the game.. somewhere, in the united states, there is going to be an apostate showing up at one of your district assemblies, he will be sporting a rainbow wig and a john 3:16 sign.
inside the convention.. now now, before apologists and dissents come my way.....i got a protest permit to be on said premis, and also, once i wear the wig and show the soon as they tell me to leave, i will comply...therefore i cant go to jail(saaay all you want, i already have an "ace up the sleeve" on this, so guess what?
you're wrong if you even think otherwise hehheheheheh).
Why would they tell you to leave?
Dateline discussed openly in our congregation
by TheMatrix inyesterday, the presiding overseer (elder h) read the letter from the christian congregation of jehovahs witnesses (us branch) regarding their policy on child abuse.
all scriptures were also looked up and read.. elder h is a very prepared brother.
he is a gilead graduate and served as a missionary for about 7 years in kenya before coming home because of illness.
"Apology from the Governing Body"? ha ha he he lol
God does not do that often! -
Dateline discussed openly in our congregation
by TheMatrix inyesterday, the presiding overseer (elder h) read the letter from the christian congregation of jehovahs witnesses (us branch) regarding their policy on child abuse.
all scriptures were also looked up and read.. elder h is a very prepared brother.
he is a gilead graduate and served as a missionary for about 7 years in kenya before coming home because of illness.
Matrix, what does Mr.(nice guy) elder have to say about the "dead-lambs", you know, the ones that died on the Watchtowers ALTAR OF NONCENSE?
What's the one thing you miss about the WTS?
by Naeblis inthere are times when ilook back fondly on my days in the witnesses, especially when i think on the congregation get togethers we would have every once in awhile (not too often) people from our hall and sometimes others would show up (not too many) and good times were had by all.
this is how the schedule usually went.. 8pm: arrive at the community centre.
8:05pm: scope the room.
Getting "love-bombed" by beautiful women like I was some kinda rock-star, lol
This Board and JWs
by comforter inat one time, this board seemed to be fair.
but i no longer think that it is, to jws, at least.
ex-jws here can cuss, insult, say fu to everybody they don't like, and call jws pedophiles.
FREEDOM OF SPEECH is a wonderful thing, something dubs know very little of!
"God what a country!"...Y. Smirnoff