Hillary, what do they call themselves, isn't it , "Gods Spirit Dirrected Organization?"
Ask yourself what iz Gods Spirit & who do they say it flows to first? What kind of IMAGE are they trying to convey,& BUY WHAT AUTHORITY DO THEY TEACH??
Most Dubs don't even know that the "faithful & descrete slave class" have HIGHJACKED Jesus's position, az they say Jesus iz not the mediator between God & man, but the flow goes Jehovah, Jesus, Anointed & then Great Crowd!
Dictionary def. for PROPHET: 1.One who speaks by divine inspiration or az an interpreter through whom a divinity expresses hiz will.
My point iz, WHAT ARE THEM SAYING THEY ARE & by WHOSE AUTHORITY do they say they teach? This reminds me so much of the Catholic church & how the Pope waz supposed to be INFALLABLE & now they have toned that down because the followers wouldn't buy it anymore.
Get my point?