Never my ex-wife gave them my adress so that I can be put on the list of people not to visit, I guess that they are afraid that I will corrupt them.
ok, i have been 'out' for about 9 years, now.
in all that time i have lived in 4 different states.
i have only had two visits from jw's during that time and both times they were from spanish congregations...the first time because my boyfriend at the time was mexican-american and someone told them we spoke spanish...the second time because my next door neighbors spoke spanish and they came to my place accidentally.. at any rate, both times as soon as they found out we spoke english, they scurried away and apologized for bothering us.
Never my ex-wife gave them my adress so that I can be put on the list of people not to visit, I guess that they are afraid that I will corrupt them.
just wondering.
how many of you have kept any active jw friends?
i have a few i've known for years.
None whatsoever they avoid me like I'm a leper, its very sad as I liked these people alot. I guess they were not my real friends.
when you look back at it, what irked you most about being a jw?
Having all decided for you by the watchtower, you gotta do this not do that etc.... And the door to door of course....
how long did it take you to adjust to the real world ???
and make real friends, who didn't care about religion.
did you suffer from lonliness and depression after leaving ???.
Well for me its still hard, I've been out for almost a year, lost my wife and am suffering depression I'm having a hard time making friends and discovering this new way of life. I am relieved yet I miss the stability but it was all about lies, I hope with the help I'm getting from my doctors I will soon be better.
i don't miss being spoken to like i was someones best friend when i know they wouldn't pee on me if i was on fire.. i don't miss always standing on my own and having no one come and talk to me.. i don't miss having people talk around me about the great time they had at the latest sport/barbecue/dinner get-together which i wasn't invited to because i'm not spiritual enough.. i don't miss not having friends in the truth or out of the truth because i shouldn't mix with wordly people.. i don't miss being so bored for all those hours a week.. i don't miss all the false smiles people give me when i look at them at the hall and the way they look away when i walk past them at the shopping center.. .................. anyone got anymore?
All those dubs acting nice just to look good in front of the elders and yet hated your guts...
What a relief to be out of this, I do though miss some people, but gained many friends outsid of the borg.
well dec 17 is the first day that i finally got out of the borg, thanks for all your help in making me see the real world.. .
i wrote my letter after many arguements with my highly fanatic jw wife of which i think divorce will probally follow as has been witnessing to me ever since my doubts 2 years ago.
ok so its hard, no firends, well at least i do have a few here.
Thank you all for the support and encouragements that you all gave me... The last few days have been quite rocky, but with my first christmas and all the friends here I feel much better.
Skeptic: I live in Quebec, Mascouche to be exact, a town north east of Montreal 30K,s away.
well dec 17 is the first day that i finally got out of the borg, thanks for all your help in making me see the real world.. .
i wrote my letter after many arguements with my highly fanatic jw wife of which i think divorce will probally follow as has been witnessing to me ever since my doubts 2 years ago.
ok so its hard, no firends, well at least i do have a few here.
Well Dec 17 is the first day that I finally got out of the Borg, thanks for all your help in making me see the real world.
I wrote my letter after many arguements with my highly fanatic JW wife of which I think divorce will probally follow as has been witnessing to me ever since my doubts 2 years ago. Ok so its hard, no firends, well at least I do have a few here
I wrote the letter last saturday, after the elders tried to reason with me, saying I should think of my two boys, yes I told them, I will do my best to make them well aware of the ways of the watchtower, as it destroyed my life.9 Years of marriage, and now 35, its time to enjoy life instead of wasting it with the borg.
Only if I hadn't fallen in love with a witness 10 years ago....
I will at last celebrate my first X-mas in 10 years.... My family thought I would never come back, too bad my father died 4 years ago, I know he would have been very happy...
so far for me this is really turning into an exercise of frustration.
i feel like screaming
Well for me its now hell, I've finally DA,d myself, the announcement was made on the 17th of Dec and I'm finally a non-witness now. My wife is very fanatic and I do not have any other thing in common with her, I am thinking of divorce as my life has been hell the last two years, as I'm married for now 9 years but the last 2 I doubted, she is worst and is trying to brainwash my 2 kids 2 and 5 years old. Lets say I'm into my last few weeks with her, 2003 will be a new start.
hey all - new here.. well i have now just bee shut off from my family and branded disfeloowshipped and an apostate.
sheesh anyway - for those of you who have been through simular - let me know.. craig.
jhb south africa
Welcome Craig,
I know how you feel, I will be disfellowed within a question of days the elders told me, I will finally be freed from these dubs, You will find lot of support and friends here.
first off, i want to give prop's to "dantheman"......that post inspired me to share my experience, and thanks to everyone that responded to my first post under "desperately seeking"....that was a nice welcome.
this might ramble ..... i was born and bred into the dad was/is an elder, i had a big family, two older sisters, three younger bro's....i was baptized at 15 (i'm 25 now) and tried to pioneer...give talks...have repsonsibilities...but the wrong feeling that had been welling up in my stomach and kept getting stronger as time went on.. when i moved away from my hometown at 17, my life really started to change.....i met an awesome girl (another jw)....and we fell in love pretty quickly...and i also left home and got my own apt.
(much to my fathers sadness).
Welcome lemon-lime, you found many friends here, I see that you did have a hard time, Best of luck for the future...