Big brother is watching 1984, I guess the WTS could be called INGSOC, which would be more appropriate. they keep monitoring our very moves.....
are the borg still monitoring this board (and others)?
if so they seem to be allowing a large amount of time before taking any retributive action.
has anyone heard of any follow thru from the borg from being identified here recently?
Big brother is watching 1984, I guess the WTS could be called INGSOC, which would be more appropriate. they keep monitoring our very moves.....
hi friends,.
i am enjoying a beer, which is nothing remarkable, except that i really like the taste of beer, and haven't had one in a year or so.
it's only a bud light, which some of you beer connoisseurs may look down your noses at (and i appreciate the more expensive and exotic brands, too), but hey, it's a beer, and i haven't had one in a long time!.
Oh boy, I couldn't survive a year!!!! I'll go and have one now, no wonder so many brothers that I remembered drank so much when they didn't go to the hall it was the only enjoyable thing they had left in the borg, and I guess the sex if they were married and then again forget the sex....
when you were in the field service, were there some doors that you did not want to knock on, by fear?
in my city there is a hells angels bunker and that group is called the "nomads".
a door i would not knock on in any circumstance.
Well I really hated the ones that had people which I worked with as well as people I used to know, I wanted to keep low profile, no one knew at work that I was a witness except when they saw me at an assembly. Then I really did everything not to bump in them at work as I didcovered about a dozen dubs that worked where I was out of about 5000 people there...
are the borg still monitoring this board (and others)?
if so they seem to be allowing a large amount of time before taking any retributive action.
has anyone heard of any follow thru from the borg from being identified here recently?
Isn't it ironic that the Borg doesn't want the brothers and sisters to read the boards but yet they do it to monitor!!! I am wondering, its a technicality but shouldn't they be DF'd for reading apostate material, as they would get influenced??? I wonder how many brothers do they have doing this type of work??? do they have just a department at the WT HQ just for that??? Any light on this???
well i guess this is a though one, but i will as you what do you think i sould do as it has been bugging me for for the past week.. .
here is, i've been divorced form my ex wife since july and seperated since the new year, i always liked here but could not stand all the bull from being da'd as here friends and mine could not talk and meet anymore because of this.
now she wants me back (she is still a dub) and would like for me to go back and marry her again, this time at the kingdom hall and simply being incative, doing what i want but being with me, so all could be normal again, i know i would have to fake all again to be re-instated, and bullshit all until i get married, then do nothing just be a dub in title, so that i could be again with the one i love???
I have more news on this as I had a big talk with her today, but I,m too tierd to write about it, I will post later this week and let you know...
Thanks for the input...
I new heard about that where did all that started??? sounds to me like an urban legend as when I was in numerous French Canadian congregations I saw many times small children with smurfs and also smurf books blankets etc... must be some american dub phenomena as I nevr saw or heard anything about that or at least remember about that, is there a watchtower article about the smurfs to prove it??? I'm very septical...
'black box' for cars a surprise.
by matthew fordahl.
published july 2, 2003 .
Well all the ATM have hidden cameras in them as my girlfriend works for a company that makes them, so since she told me that she see all sort of people doing strange things like picking their noses and so on I guess that you will have to be careful what you do in your car now
just wondering why you choose not to use too many identifying facts about yourself on the boards?
is it to protect yourself, or others?.
for me, i have nothing to lose where the dubs are concerned, and initially my profile was pretty extensive.
Well I don't care as only my ex-wife is a witness and all the friends I though I had don't talk to me as they stayed in the borg, I have made new friends and now I'm happier...
well i guess this is a though one, but i will as you what do you think i sould do as it has been bugging me for for the past week.. .
here is, i've been divorced form my ex wife since july and seperated since the new year, i always liked here but could not stand all the bull from being da'd as here friends and mine could not talk and meet anymore because of this.
now she wants me back (she is still a dub) and would like for me to go back and marry her again, this time at the kingdom hall and simply being incative, doing what i want but being with me, so all could be normal again, i know i would have to fake all again to be re-instated, and bullshit all until i get married, then do nothing just be a dub in title, so that i could be again with the one i love???
Thanks for all your replies everyone, yes it is tough and I do not see my kids often due to my awful work shedual 4 days/nights - 4 off so yes I would see the kids more, but in return it would be hard for them to see whats normal to them, as she wants to look good in front of all the dubs, but like it is said living the big lie, which she always be as a dub anyways. I will see her later this weekend and talk more to her, but even if I still love her love doesn't have to have such a high price tag like most of you are saying, I had 3 girlfriends since I left her, and she knows it and knows that I have one now at this very moment, and yet tells me these things, maybe she does miss the sex, she tells me that there are many single brothers after her but she doesn't want them but me, she already gets child support from me, I will keep you all posted when I talk to her more about this in a day or too. By the way strange coincidence I got a call from an elder in the actual congregation that I like in which I never went to their meetings, but I know the name as I used to see the other congregations boards in the hall, I did not answer and he did not leave a message... strange
well i guess this is a though one, but i will as you what do you think i sould do as it has been bugging me for for the past week.. .
here is, i've been divorced form my ex wife since july and seperated since the new year, i always liked here but could not stand all the bull from being da'd as here friends and mine could not talk and meet anymore because of this.
now she wants me back (she is still a dub) and would like for me to go back and marry her again, this time at the kingdom hall and simply being incative, doing what i want but being with me, so all could be normal again, i know i would have to fake all again to be re-instated, and bullshit all until i get married, then do nothing just be a dub in title, so that i could be again with the one i love???
Well I guess this is a though one, but I will as you what do you think I sould do as it has been bugging me for for the past week.
Here is, I've been divorced form my ex wife since July and seperated since the new year, I always liked here but could not stand all the bull from being DA'd as here friends and mine could not talk and meet anymore because of this. Now she wants me back (she is still a dub) and would like for me to go back and marry her again, this time at the kingdom hall and simply being incative, doing what I want but being with me, so all could be normal again, I know I would have to fake all again to be re-instated, and bullshit all until I get married, then do nothing just be a dub in title, so that I could be again with the one I love??? I never though about that, but I don't think its worth the price to fake it for a few months and get back with my ex which I always loved so much as well as my kids, just for the stability, she would let me do what I want she said, can I belive her??? why??? any input would be welcomed....