stillin-I don't have any faith either, and never believed in a kind, loving God. As a child, my parents made us do a family bible reading weekly. I would always be outraged that God had killed all the first born babies in Egypt and all the horses were drowned when the red sea closed over the top of them. It was baffling why a woman would be considered 'unclean' when she got her period, which was forced upon her by God in the first place. If she had a baby, she was 'unclean' longer if she had a girl, this didn't seem right either, if it weren't for girls, there would be no boys. It was disturbing that an animal had to be killed to buy back a first born boy or whenever any kind of uncleanness was atoned for or for sins.
Where did all that nasty, stinky blood get pour out to when all those animals were killed? The area around the temple must have stunk to high heaven and the flies would have been awful.
It always disturbed me that King David had been considered so wonderful, yet he was an adulterating murderer. Why did High Priest Aaron get a pass after making a golden calf, when the guy picking up wood on the Sabbath get the death penalty. Why did so many Israelites get killed because some guy hid gold and a garment or two under his tent. Items he wasn't supposed to have. Why did Jehovah tell Moses 'Hey, someone stole some gold and hid it, go find the perpetrator... instead of letting so many get killed first?
Faith always seemed so elusive and made no sense. How can I have faith in any kind of forgiveness if one guy gets killed over wood and the chief religious leader gets away with making a new god for the people, when he should've been killed? It always felt like there were no clear boundaries defined, which made it difficult to believe in a loving God.
I am more at peace now, than I was when being an active JW.