as one of the knowledge-seekers who has not had the means or opportunity to do a lot of research I have benefitted greatly from the work of Alan, Jan and some some others.
I have a question concerning the different "paths" which are followed on the way "out" of the dubs. How many paths are there? What are the stages along the way for each? Is it totally different for everyone?
I ask since I am still at a "I have no clue" stage. I have no idea what to believe, where we came from, does God exist or how to even begin reconciling these things in my own mind. As I have posted previously I find myself as an agnostic right now but I do not even know what questions to ask? Knowing which questions to means I have accepted a DIRECTION. How can I accept a direction if I do not know where I am trying to get to? So I guess I am stuck!! How does one find the questions to ask - without getting stuck in a direction?
The only thing I can resolve at this point is that I will try and do what is good for myself and for others. I find myself hyper-crtical of people with a religious-bent or spiritual-inclination. then I think to myself - does that mean I picked a DIRECTION by means of elimination?
It seems as if people either reject religious leanings on their way out or they cling to hybrid notions of God/Jesus and either join religious groups or form a personal form of devotion.
What makes some take one path versus another? Are there other paths?
For me right now "I just exist". I have no hope for the future and I have no idea about anything else.