My heartfelt sympathy on the loss of your relative.
What is even sadder is that you could have had a normal family relationship if not for the cruelty of the WT.
My heartfelt sympathy on the loss of your relative.
What is even sadder is that you could have had a normal family relationship if not for the cruelty of the WT.
i was checking some old threads and messages and came across people's messages and threads that have passed on ((dansk)) ((oompa)) two guys that i liked and shared some laughs / thoughts / hopes / encouraging words with.
pulled at my heart strings.. you're still remembered.
I remember Dansk and Oompa from the "old days" on this board. I'm sorry to hear they are no longer with us.
Lois: I don't remember "C.T.Russell." I hope he's okay.
you can't deny it.
smiling and brimming with good cheer.
is it sort of like the person who buys a lemon of a car and won't admit it?
Dear Abby once said that the fly in the vinegar jar was happy until it got out and tasted honey!
subject:bill would allow elective bible study in schools.
look at the bible; they are using the new world translation in this news broadcast.
click on the link below to watch.
I'm glad you found them useful, ICA. Mark is one of the smartest people I ever met.
freud said:.
"if it were really a matter of indifference what we belive, then we might just as well build our bridges of cardboard as of stone, or inject a tenth of a gram of morphine into a patient instead of a hundredth, or take teargas as a narcotic instead of ether; but the intellectual anarchists themselves would strongly repudiate any such practical applications of their theory.".
intellectual honesty requires a match between the real world; the practical world where things either work or do not work at all.....and the state of mind inside your head.. .
It's like Dr. Phil always asks, "How's that workin' for ya?"
Some self-deceit might be useful at times to cope and survive.
The Tao-te-Ching says something like, "There is no good or evil; there is no right or wrong. There is only what is.
subject:bill would allow elective bible study in schools.
look at the bible; they are using the new world translation in this news broadcast.
click on the link below to watch.
Apparently, this story took place in North Carolina. Next door, in Tennessee, there are already "Bible as History" classes in the public schools. My second husband (not a JW) taught Bible History classes in the Chattanooga, TN public schools for about 26 years. If anyone wanted to teach it, he already has lesson plans, tests, syllabus and workbook online. Google "teacherweb Bible History," and I think his link will be the first to come up. His class was very scholarly. He taught to the top, but graded on the curve so students would have a fair chance at passing the course.
i posted a link on fb that lead to a topic here.
i then had one of my 'friends' start having a go about how bitter everyone is here....fact he said.
(he used to be a jw elder but left a while back, not sure why he left or if he has even researched the faith since leaving) the more i tried to reason with him that actually it is a support forum, the more he lashed out that everyone here bad mouths the jw's and only attack the jw's.
Most of us who were converts already had issues. I am more bitter about those issues than about my JW experience. I was very lucky in some respects, especially that I got to spend my formative years with my grandparents, who were wonderful, caring people. In the sixth grade, I had to go live with my egg donor and sperm donor, about 250 miles away from my grandparents. The adjustment was traumatic, to put it mildly.
My parents were both mentally ill, on a lot of medications, and did not like having kids around, as we cramped their "style." They chose to be uneducated, ignorant, following the path of least resistance for the most part because life was supposed to be about partying and "fun." My mother was an only child, and her parents wanted her to be educated and would have sacrificed anything to make that happen. My dad was eligible for the GI bill, which he used to take some classes in agriculture, but they lived in the city.
The JW's gave me an outlet. I would have been fine with them until I married an elder and got to see the way they operate from the top. I also wanted an education and job skills, which I was more than discouraged from obtaining. A married JW woman practically has to ask permission to buy feminine hygiene products. It's just a degree off from being a Muslim woman in the Middle East.
i have been visiting this site for almost a year, and i have found it very useful.
there was a post on a facebook group last night about jw visits and to be nice when they call at your door.
so, after about 100 posts, i posted a link to this website.
Nice to have you aboard! I'm sorry your daughter won't get to have the experience of having a caring grandmother. But the trade-off is worth it!
today we had a bla bla bla watchtower article: warnings for technology, money and pride.
a repreat of a repreat of a repreat.. but now it comes:.
one of the last summary questions one of the local simple brothers gave the answer that we have to take care for technology.
The flashing light again. Probably when the car was invented, JW's were told to stick to the horse and buggy. Then they had to face the fact that the horse-and-buggy paradigm was being phased out. Accepting progress and more efficient ways of doing things is such a b**ch!
he decided to take me somewhere nice in the country for a day instead, and when he suggested it last night i was amazed that he would have even thought of missing the meeting!
he was one of those guys who only missed a meeting, literally, if he had a spinal injury and couldn't move!.
but, i've been sharing a little of the ttatt with him, teensy tiny bits that i can substantiate from the bible or other reputable sources.
Good news!
The elders have a way of chasing good people away by their attitude and tactics. Take one day at a time.