Are all of you coming to the Apostafest in Vegas from May 15 through 22? I'm really looking forward to it. We can create our own "Margaritaville."
Posts by Mum
LV101 and I had lunch today . . .
by Mum inwhen i first started posting again, i got a pm from lv101.
she and i both live in las vegas.
we have talked on the 'phone a few times, but today, we finally met for lunch.
Is the WTBTS Responsible for What Attendees Do After an Assembly?
by PaintedToeNail inthis is in response to jim tx's comment on another thread.
the wtbts claims that the organizers of events such as a congregation picnic or a party are responsible for what the attendees do after the event has ended.
example: if several people meet and engage in 'fornication' afterwards, the organizer is culpable.
Sure, you're allowed to get together with the brothers and sisters. However, if anyone has a good time, he or she is setting himself/herself up to be "marked," "reproved," "disfellowshipped," or some other form of being regarded with suspicion.
Most of us adults accept responsibility for our own behavior because we don't have masters to explain to us what is proper and improper. If you're all grown up, you should know how to behave yourself and not accept being talked down to because you had an evening of relaxation and/or amusement. Life's too short for this nonsense.
As Sophia Loren used to say, "Wear my perfume and let them talk." If you have someone talking disapprovingly about your behavior, I envy you.
There are really TWO Watchtower Societies
by Terry inwith cedars release of leaked watchtower new light "adjusting" understanding of "who" the faithful and discreet slave is.....i am struck by something which similarly struck me back in 1967 i had just been imprisoned.
being a male jehovah's witness during the viet nam war meant certain "issues" arose affecting a decision to respond to the military draft.i have told the story before.
but, i'd like go at it from another angle in view of the above mentioned new light about the fds fora different was first in 1967 i began to discover that there are two watchtower societies.let me explain why i say this and for what reasons.first of all, anybody standing in a kingdom hall or sitting in a seat at a vast international assembly saw people they would identify as all on the same page.
Thanks for the reminder, Terry, that men in the WT world are abused and manipulated and disrespected as well. Some of us women (just below pond scum in the WT world, according to Farkel) often think it would be fine to be a man and a JW because, no matter how lowly you are, you still get to be a big shot in a sense that no woman can ever dream of.
Your story makes me glad I was a female JW in the '60's and '70's rather than a male.
Internet is right now mocking Memorial tract - hurry before taken down by BORG. Here is the link
by BluePill2 inremember the guys that started the shit storm with the deaf sign language video?
the multiple funny versions at youtube?.
this time they are mocking the tract (the guy that started this isn't even a ex-jw, but they are pretty good at taking down cults!).
Mel Brooks commented once that The Producers was the perfect way to posthumously get back at Hitler - laugh at him. People who take themselves totally seriously are more humiliated by derision than any argument or punishment. Way to go, guys!
North Korea - U.S - War ?
by *lost* inthings look to be hotting up here.
scary.. what are the chances of it all kicking off ?.
Did any of you see the movie Olympus Has Fallen? That's about N. Koreans taking the U.S. president hostage and demanding a withdrawal of troops from Korea in exchange for the president's life.
Not far into the Iraq war, I remember seeing some little Iraqi sociopath on the news fairly regularly. I think his name was Al-Sadr. He looked very impressed with himself that he was actually getting the attention of the American news media and was being seen on U. S. television. He was trying to seem threatening as well, but I think he's all but forgotten now.
I also agree with what Terry said. The boy who is at the top of the N. Korean food chain loves all the attention he's getting. There's no telling what he might do, but he'll most likely hurt his own people more than anyone else, as usual.
Appealing a disfellowshipping - any experience
by dozy inanyone had any experience of a successful appeal against a disfellowship?
a friend of mine feels he has been dfd unjustifiably & is considering an appeal.
he probably has something of a case - the jc was a total shambles - but i'm very dubious that he has any likelihood of success.. my only experience of a successful appeal is when elders in a neighbouring congregation were appointed by the co & overturned a df in our congregation a few years ago.
The way to work through any bureaucracy is to go to the top. By "the top," I do not mean Jehovah. I do mean the crackpots that run the crazy corporation. They don't want to deal with the petty stuff at the congregational level, I assure you. Go up the ladder: first, an appeal committee, then the CO, then the DO, then the branch office, on to the Supreme Court, (i.e. the GB). Persistence pays, and appealing to authority pays. Finally, whether or not they agree that your DFing was wrong, they will probably relent because they're tired of hearing about it.
Justice and fairness have nothing to do with it. Rules were made to facilitate getting rid of people the higher ups in organizations don't like.
For once, make them do something to earn their cushy lifestyle.
you mean I don't know everything?!!!
by emperorslaundrist ini was a true blue dyed-in-the-wool starry-eyed believer until six months ago.
i've since been on a reading binge, everything my 'spiritual diet' never allowed before.
bible commentaries, 'apostate' books, occult, evolutionists, taoism, shamanism, philosophy and even my first trashy romance novel .
So proud of you, emp! It's hard to crack that shell and then look out and realize there's nothing to be afraid of. It's also very liberating. It feels like the world has been lifted off your shoulders, eh?
I have been out of the borg since 1979, and have been on a learning quest ever since. Right now I'm learning machine shorthand so I can have a retirement career as a court reporter. I'm aware that I need to hone my math skills as well, so I've been going on youtube and taking math lessons. I used to think I "couldn't" do math, but I've learned that anyone can learn anything. It just takes me longer to "get it" with math. When I would take a class, I would always get a couple of lessons behind and never get caught up, so thank the people who invented the internet so I can go at my own pace and watch lessons over and over as many times as it takes to sink in.
I need more physical activity, so that's next.
Once, in the '70's, I believe, I remember a quotation from a WT article that said (I'm not kidding!) that if you are bored, it is because you are boring, because you walk on endless fields of variety every day. You're now walking on those fascinating fields, and I'm so happy for you. Welcome to the freedom to decide for yourself what you want to learn and do with your life.
Any of you apostate women walk with your arms folded?
by Theocratic Sedition inif so, you need to stop that.
why do you do that anyway?.
I never see anyone walking around with their arms folded in front of them. I used to do that when I was sitting. It's a way of shutting others out, and is more often a habit of introverts or shy, insecure people than anyone else. (I'm not saying shyness equates with insecurity, BTW)
I read a book on body language, and I stop myself from doing that when I'm with other people because it sends a message that you feed a need to protect yourself from them.
what exactly is an independent mind, from WT pov?
by cptkirk inis this just basically another way to say, we dislike the fact that we aren't able to control you as easily as we would like to?
or is there actually some precept which reflects this notion somewhere?
obviously from their pov if you say that you believe in the trinity, that is independent from their pov, but they would never even get to that because you would already be df'ed for apostasy.
Having a brain and using it vs. blind obedience to people who don't give a *&^%#@$ about you.
Have to temporarily change my picture....
by Brother of the Hawk inthe witch hunt is on!
can't talk about it now.
but our thoughts and prayers go out to each and every one of you being hunted and harrassed by the gestapo i mean elders.. affectionately brother of the hawk.
I'm sorry you guys are having problems. If you don't have great jobs, you might want to move to another area or another state. Worked for me.