As a child, I had a neighbor and two relatives who claimed to be JW's. None of them were, by the JW definition. They thought they were because they had been convinced that the BS was right. What puzzles me is why anyone would want to be ID'd as a JW when they're living their life in freedom.
Posts by Mum
Is Serena facing a JC?
by zed is dead in
Human Prehistory 101
by frankiespeakin in
Thanks for those, frankie.
The Irish have now become pagan, some Catholic bishops believe.
by Sol Reform inafter clerical sex abuse scandals / 'slave labour' at magdalene laundries (nun-controlled laundries) ?
and they're shocked?.
Catholics and Protestants in Ireland are so un-Christian in their hatred for each other that I would much rather be pagan if I lived in that country. I like fakesmile's assessment of it as religious McCarthyism. Maybe they'll bring back the Inquisition so they can absolve all the pagans, then kill them while they're still in a state of grace.
My daughter saw a bumper sticker once that sums up the attitude of some of us. It said, "Dear God, please save me from your followers."
A VERY Few Good Men!
by SophieG ini know there are so many heartbreaking stories on here where people have suffered at the hands of tyrant elders.
i have my own stories too.
now looking back i realize that those type of elders probably had authentic assclown personality syndrome to begin with and being in a position of leadership just made it worse.. .
You were blessed to have that kind of support. I'm happy for you that it helped lead you into a better life.
Former Jehovah's Witnesses Talk About The Painful Process Of Adapting To Secular Life
by Bangalore informer jehovah's witnesses talk about the painful process of adapting to secular life.
I wish that article could be published in every newspaper and magazine in the world. It is clear, well researched, and well written.
Funeral this Saturday, looking for suggestions
by Tameria2001 inmy husband will be going (unless he has to work) to his jw aunt's funeral this coming saturday (6-29-13).
he will be riding up with one of his other aunts (not a witness).
i refuse to go because i just hate those people that much, that if it were my mom's funeral i still would not go.
I have been to one JW funeral in my post-JW life, my mom's. My mom waited to become a JW until she was too old and sickly to participate. But she had great social skills, and, to her credit, she did not shun me. Some of the JW's were friendly to me. I was with my non-JW cousin Connie, and one of the JW's recognized her from where she worked. The JW spoke to Connie and did not entirely ignore me. I was shunned by one JW who I had known for many years. I said something to the effect that her heart certainly must be full of Jesus (after the funeral), and my non-JW niece laughed. Word must have gotten back to her because she did not shun me on another occasion after that. After all, two of her children had been DF'd.
The above-stated scenario is not typical!
How much have you changed as a person ?
by Phizzy ini was a born-in, and in for over five decades.
in the comparatively short time since leaving the wt for good, for good in both senses !
, i feel i have become a very different person, in quite radical ways.. how do you feel you have changed ?.
In many ways I am 180° from the person I was as a child and young adult. I am no longer withdrawn and can talk to almost anyone about almost anything. I have stood up to bullies. I have read a lot of self-help books. I had a roommate once who said to me, "Mum, there's nothing wrong with you. You're fine. Get rid of all of these self-help books. You don't need them." I disagreed and still do. There's always room for improvement.
My second husband helped me finish college and get a bachelor's degree. I am still in love with learning, and love being open-minded. I accept other people as they are, whether they be gay, religious, or whatever. I don't try to change what is normal for them, but I can go all "Dr. Laura" if I think they're doing something harmful to themselves or others. I know that I have a lot to learn from others regardless of their station in life.
Sometimes I have insights and/or premonitions because my mind is now relaxed and I don't fight hunches. I am far less emotional or prone to worry than I was before.
I have learned to like myself and see myself as a good person.
Please clear up a confusion I have Do Christians believe that the AntiChrist will be Satan the Devil in human form?
by booker-t infor years i have been told different scenarios from different christian groups about who the antichrist will be.
some born agains have told me that the antichrist will be satan the devil stripped of all his powers and trapped in a human body on earth.
he will still have the same attitude and try to get people to worship him instead of jehovah and jesus.
Apparently, Obama is the Anti-Christ. I have never heard that it is Satan, although that's as good a theory as any. It could be any politician or political enemy that we hate, which makes it different for everybody.
My grandmother used to say that the "mark of the beast" is a Social Security card, although she had one. I, however, believe it is Microsoft.
WT Society holds EXTREME Responsibility for 1975 and False Expectations
by flipper inhowever- many jw's who have come into the jw organization from like 1985 forward virtually may have no knowledge of the wt society's 1975 debacle and false predictions of the end times or armageddon predictions.
just like in in the book 1984 by george orwell the wt society has a way of not only erasing it's history so no newer witnesses will be aware of their false predictions, but also they are re-writing their history as if those false predictions never happened.. so for those of you here who may have never read or heard of how whipped up into an emotional frenzy witnesses were in the years just before 1975 by the wt society claiming the end was any day now- this threads for you.
to see the pressure that was put on jw's by the wt society to get rid of everything before " armageddon " .
One of my nieces was born in 1975. She became a dub in her youth, but I am happy to report that she is now free. Some years ago, I told her about the 1975 nonsense, and she told me that individual witnesses ran ahead and made it up. She did not believe me.
Worf: I don't theink we've heard from you for some time! Welcome back. I met you at the Silentlambs march.