People are human beings. Labeling them based on where they come from is ridiculous. Political boundaries are a farce! If each billionaire and multi-millionaire in the United States had to pay his/her fair share of taxes, there would be more than enough money to take care of any human being instead of applying labels.
My first ancestors came to the U.S. in 1727, so I consider myself a descendant of "illegal aliens." We want everyone to speak English, but when our ancestors came here, they didn't learn the native languages, but required the natives to learn English and/or French.
We choose to spend billions, trillions on war and weapons. I consider helping human beings more important than having the means to kill them.
There was a town in New Jersey (Toms River?) that expelled all of the "illegals." Then they had to ask them to come back because there was no one left to do the menial jobs.
I refuse to look upon other human beings as unworthy of the right to pursue happiness, at least a decent life, because they were born someplace on the other side of an artificial boundary.