These are questions I should have asked before I plunged into Watchtowerdom, but I thought that I was just a kid and would understand when I became "mature."
Why were the meetings so sterile and lacking in passion?
Why did I have to give up my childhood friends? I was a teenage convet and did not evern realize this until I got thick with the dubs.
Why were my grandparents, wonderful people, going to die at Armageddon when they did so much good for everybody?
Why were we always kept so busy that we hardly had any time for Bible reading or reflection?
Why wren't JW's upset about the Kennedy assassination? One "sister" said to me "They're so upset about this Kennedy thing. What are they going to do when Armageddon comes?"
Why was I chided for sitting during the prayer when we criticized the Catholic Church for being ritualistic?
If Armageddon was coming in 1975 or before, why was the WT buying new buildings and expanding their real estate holdings?
I could go on and on . . . . .