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Posts by Mum
The FIRST Memorial Ive missed in 41 years
by Londo111 inlast year, my last jw memorial, i listened to the talk as an outsider would.
the speaker strung unrelated texts together and for the first time, i saw that the interpretations made no sense.
afterward, i had a private memorial with homemade unleavened bread and wine with four people--three of whom partook.
Did the Watchtower lose their appeal?
by sleepercell inhttp://appellatecases.courtinfo.ca.gov/search/case/briefing.cfm?dist=1&doc_id=2025979&doc_no=a136641.
appeal dismissed for failure to file opening brief.
03/26/2013 defendant and appellant: the watchtower bible and tract society of new york inc.. attorney: robert jerry schnack.
It will take some time to decide. I don't think appeals normally are decided in a day.
Women in the church
by emilie inwith a new pope, can we expect a real change in the vatican.. emilie.
Hi, emilie. Welcome to the forum. Why is your first post about Catholicism? Have you been or are you a JW?
The short sightedness of learning
by CADSkin inin 2 years im surprising my wife for our 20th with a 2nd marriage in italy.
weve been planning to go for the last few years so she knows about the trip.
i decided that since im going to be in italy for a month and since i sit at a desk on my computer for 8 hours a day, i might as well spend that time productively and learn some italian.
I'm so happy for you both, CADS. I've been to Europe once (England and France), and I loved it! Learning some of the Italian language is a great way of showing respect for the people in your host country. Americans are so arrogant to go abroad without making any effort to learn the other country's language(s).
Sorry, off-topic:
jgnat: Does your hubby think there will be GED classes in God's perfect kingdom? Even if there were, it will take a long time to get started because of all the devastation and clean-up.
Mentally Diseased
by Mum inapparently (i'm taking others' word for it) the watchtower publications are asserting that "apostates," i.e., those who have chosen to no longer be jehovah's witnesses, are "mentally diseased.
" there are some important issues with this assertion.. first, they are not mental health professionals and in no position to diagnose mental illness.
do they believe we all have the same "mental disease," or are there different diagnoses for different people who come to their senses?.
Thank you all for your great insights which enlightened me even more on this topic, and for your kind words and support. Every human being has limitations based on their experience or lack of it and their way of thinking or not thinking. We accept one another's limitations and do our best.
The WTS needs to spend more time teaching its adherents principles of ethical living and good character instead of name calling and labeling.
Mentally Diseased
by Mum inapparently (i'm taking others' word for it) the watchtower publications are asserting that "apostates," i.e., those who have chosen to no longer be jehovah's witnesses, are "mentally diseased.
" there are some important issues with this assertion.. first, they are not mental health professionals and in no position to diagnose mental illness.
do they believe we all have the same "mental disease," or are there different diagnoses for different people who come to their senses?.
Apparently (I'm taking others' word for it) the Watchtower publications are asserting that "apostates," i.e., those who have chosen to no longer be Jehovah's Witnesses, are "mentally diseased." There are some important issues with this assertion.
First, they are not mental health professionals and in no position to diagnose mental illness. Do they believe we all have the same "mental disease," or are there different diagnoses for different people who come to their senses?
Their way of dealing with those they allegedly believe to be mentally diseased is shunning and/or harassment. Do psychiatrists routinely prescribe shunning as a treatment? I DON'T THINK SO! Treating the mentally ill in such a callous way could be a considered a crime. Can you imagine a psychiatric hospital where the doctors, nurses, therapists and other personnel are told to treat the mentally ill individual by shunning them because this is "loving" and will bring them around?
Shunning is childish at best. Even to say that is probably an insult to children.
I refuse to accept the label of "mentally diseased" from those who are entirely unqualified to make that diagnosis.
I am miserable...am I crazy?
by Cagefighter inas a born in jw my outlet was always music.
my parents let me do piano lessons (from another sister) and when i was 14 i lobbied hard enough for a guitar.
i formed a decent punk/emo type in high school behind my parents back.
Do what you love, and you'll never work a day.
Here We sit...
by Sayswho inat the hospital, mother inlaw fell and glasses cut her brow:(.
so glag jehovah was watching and helping her...and all those who have come in after us.
i was enjoying a fire outside and having a scotch then wam down on the floor she went...now we are in the emergency room.
I'm sorry to hear your mother-in-law was hurt. She's very lucky she was not alone.
False prophets or simply wrong expectations?
by leaving_quietly inin a talk i heard recently, the brother was talking about how jws had certain expectations about the end, acknowledging 1914, 1925, surely before 1935 and 1975, then we learned that it's not in our jurisdiction to know jehovah's timetable.
then he said, some say that because we made those mistakes, some say jws are false prophets.
he said that was "simplistic thinking".
If only they would be so willing to stretch a point to make a defense when a publisher makes an error. Their mistakes are justifiable; others' mistakes are an indication that they are evil.
There are many other good reasons for not being a JW than just false prophecies. Loving thy neighbor as thyself is one good one. Having love for your fellow humans and demonstrating it in a reality-based, practical way is totally forbiddeen by the borg.
Memorial Video
by moomanchu init's that time of year again.. i guess this was an e-mail invite.. .
has this been posted before?.
My daughter had a professor who once said that it was not at all remarkable that Jesus was crucified. The remarkable part is that anybody remembers.
The Romans crucified many innocent people. Perhaps they deserve to be remembered, too. As for Jesus, I'd rather remember him for the Sermon on the Mount than as one of the many victims of crucifixion by the Romans.
Many others have made great sacrifices and/or died to make the world a better place. The only ones of those we honor are the most prominent.
Here's to all the heroes who have died for the sake of humanity. Let us remember.