LMAO... Whatever dude. Go get your jolly's off ruining more people's life. Merry Xmas.
JoinedPosts by wearewatchingyouman
They are Definitely Attacking "Higher Education"
by XBEHERE ina friend of mine recently had his co visit and in the elders meeting the co out-right asked the question: how are the friends doing in your cong.
as regards pursuing higher education?
the co continued...you know in view of all the counsel from the slave regarding the dangers.
They are Definitely Attacking "Higher Education"
by XBEHERE ina friend of mine recently had his co visit and in the elders meeting the co out-right asked the question: how are the friends doing in your cong.
as regards pursuing higher education?
the co continued...you know in view of all the counsel from the slave regarding the dangers.
Up to the care of the children, or the state? Hold the eff on just one effing second! I thought you guys were a spiritual family? and that is more important than blood ties. What if you so lovingly disfellowshipped an elderly sisters family and she obediently cut off ties with them. Then what? Are you suggsting that she go groveling back to them and asking for their forgiveness, and to please take care of her? Or let's even go further with just "worldly" relatives. Elderly sister doesn't come to family gatherings, wedings etc. etc. etc., because going out in service and prerparing for the meetings are a "more appropriate use of her time", but now the Society expects them to financially provide for her because she didn't prepare for such circumstances due to the fact she was constantly told the end is right around the corner? Give me an effing break. This is a problem caused by the loving "Mother". Any "Godly Organization" worth it's salt should take care of these poor souls they've done nothing to but taken from their entire lives. And to suggest that Satan's earthly rulers should take care of God's people, that it's somehow the Devil's responsibility over "God's earthly organization". The fucking nerve of you people. Seriously?!
There is no end of the world
by maccauk11 inrevelation was wirtten to those seven 1st century churhces not thechurhc of doolaly in florida etc.
those 1st cnetruy beleivers were fully expectant of the returning king in power and he did.
he didnot lei or mislead them.
Eh... I like holding books, making notes etc. etc. in my research. The internet is great for researching certain aspects, but for a base I prefer the written word on paper. Thanks though. Just out of curiousity what do you consider your theology. How is it different from preterism? It seems you hold many of the same beliefs.
There is no end of the world
by maccauk11 inrevelation was wirtten to those seven 1st century churhces not thechurhc of doolaly in florida etc.
those 1st cnetruy beleivers were fully expectant of the returning king in power and he did.
he didnot lei or mislead them.
I've been looking into preterist theology lately. Any good recommendations on books?
Jws and poverty
by Julia Orwell inwhen i say poverty, i mean not knowing where your next meal is coming from or being unable to pay your bills or afford necessary medicines poverty.
i'm talking the kinds of poor people who have to get food from charities kind of poor, or long term unemployment living in a trailer/caravan kind of poor.
holes in clothes poor.
Don't cherry pick
I'm not cherrypicking. I'm saying that in larger cities with large homeless populations, in my experience, witnessing to the homeless was part of the preaching work. It wasn't a matter of just "sure, some will".
Jws and poverty
by Julia Orwell inwhen i say poverty, i mean not knowing where your next meal is coming from or being unable to pay your bills or afford necessary medicines poverty.
i'm talking the kinds of poor people who have to get food from charities kind of poor, or long term unemployment living in a trailer/caravan kind of poor.
holes in clothes poor.
"Maybe these type of people never get the chance to be jws because they are not on a territory map (homeless) and let's face it, jws are judgemental. Who's going to "witness" to the wino in the park, people living on the fringes of society."
I disagree here. We lived in various cities throughout the US and my family, and others in the congregations, preached to the homeless. My dad ususally had at least one bible study going on with somebody homeless in a public park. Suits are cheap and available at thrift stores, but usually somebody in the congregation would donate them to someone in need.We even brought a homeless person into our home on a couple occasions. Both after months of bible study with my dad. My dad got them both jobs. One went back to crack after a month or so. The other got baptised and shortly thereafter moved back to his hometown in the midwest. As far as I know he's still a witness.
"I shall surely multiply your seed . . ."
by leaving_quietly ini've been thinking about the 144,000 and them alone being called to heaven.
it does not make logical sense, given the promise given to abraham, which was still thought to be in effect even in the first century, thus should still be in effect today.
the promise was: "i shall surely multiply your seed like the stars of the heavens and like the grains of sand that are on the seashore.
C'mon man! These guys are just fricken' silly sometimes
Good find friend. Good Find.
How do you guys feel during the holidays?
by Joliette inthis is a very lonely time of year for me i admit it.
i'm suppose to be going over my aunties house wednesday after work.
but going to christmas/holiday parties and get togethers, i still kinda feel out of place.. i really wish i grew up celebrating the holidays more.
"How do you guys feel around the holidays?"
Usually a little tipsy, super full and happy watching my kids opening gifts.
How many JW apologists really post here?
by Londo111 inyesterday, stand for pure worship confessed that he has been trolling jwn, as he has through many incarnations.. it makes me wonder if any of the jw apologists that have posted here over my last two years have been real: scholar, recovery, and so forth..
That's cool. You don't have to.
How many JW apologists really post here?
by Londo111 inyesterday, stand for pure worship confessed that he has been trolling jwn, as he has through many incarnations.. it makes me wonder if any of the jw apologists that have posted here over my last two years have been real: scholar, recovery, and so forth..
@problemaddict - I disagree. Sometimes it's a wonderful experience to play devils advocate (arguing a point you don't agree with) in order to refine your personal beliefs and help others define their own. What better place to do that than an internet forum?