Wouldn't it be easier for people to just collaberate on an objective historical site? Call it something like JWHistory.com. Then put all the publications we can find from the past, present and future there. Maybe add videos of recorded talks and assembly parts there too? I don't know. Just something i've neen thinking about lately.
JoinedPosts by wearewatchingyouman
Leaving a legacy for future exJW generations
by ILoveTTATT ini just thought of something: considering that from 2013 onwards, it seems, there won't be a watchtower library cd, and everything will be online, and therefore every trace of "old light" can be deleted with the push of a button.... .
is there a way to download a copy of the entire jw.org webstite, and keep a "certified copy" somewhere, like archive.org?.
perhaps this can be done monthly or every quarter or something.... .
Sign this petition - Investigation On Jehovahs Witnesses Religious Policy That Violates Human Rights and Abuses Religious Freedom
by TJ Curioso inlaunch an investigation on jehovahs witnesses religious policy that violates human rights and abuses religious freedom.
wearewatchingyouman, you sound like a statistical outlier, and while your example may be noteworthy it won't be representative. I only heard of one ex-JW that joined the Services out of many that got disfellowshiped, DA'ed, faded, etc.
What exactly does me being a statistical outlier have to do with anything? Of course I'm a statistical outlier. I watched as 99% of my friends, and family my age, took the plunge. I'd say 50% of them actually believed, and the other 50% of them did it out of pressure from their parents or just because it was the thing to do. Everyone knew the consequences. Hell, most of them had an older sibling who was already DF'd.
It was a living hell for me from the ages of 15-18. Basically being the only kid my age not to be baptised. The pressure from my father was immense due to his fear of losing his position because of me. I was looked at as a black sheep in the congregation even though I was arguably the most respectful, honest and well behaved kid there. I was honest with my family, and the elders, about my doubts, not only with the organization but the existence of God. However, I wasn't rebelious about it. I didn't actively try to bring others over to my side.
I didn't give into the pressure. I made my decision. I stood tall. Now, I still have a social relationship with all my JW family. Those who felt the same way I did, but still took the plunge due to a lack of spine don't. It's that simple. Everything in life comes down to a choice. Those choices have consequences. IMHO, and experience, if you're honest with yourself and others about who you are and what you believe life works out pretty darned good. If you do things just to fit in with a group, because you feel a need to belong, or be accepted, shit goes downhill fast. You reap what you sow.
Sign this petition - Investigation On Jehovahs Witnesses Religious Policy That Violates Human Rights and Abuses Religious Freedom
by TJ Curioso inlaunch an investigation on jehovahs witnesses religious policy that violates human rights and abuses religious freedom.
their continued attempts to supress any debate or other way of thinking whatsoever don't make them much different than the organization they are trying to bring down.
Funny how that works, isn't it.
"I will permit no man to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him.” - Booker T. Washington
Do you think JWs know what apostates really are?
by KateWild inmy friend was slagging off one of my other friends saying they have been known to say apotate things.
she does apostate things herself without realising it.
she meant well because she fears the word apostate as i once did, but she openly says to me my jc was lacking in holy spirit.. she doesn't have a clue what apostacy really is she just wants me not to mix with ones who have been known said "apostate things".
Apparently, an apostate is a dog that has returned to its own vomit. Not nice!
This little illustration never made any sense to me. Let's break it down:
The dog represents an apostate.
The dog had previously eaten the food lovingly provided by the faithful and discreet slave.
The dog then vomited up this food, and became an apostate.
So returning to the vomit to eat it is actually what the FDS wants.
They want the dog to return to the vomited up food and lap it up again.
An apostate is nothing like a dog eating it's own vomit. An apostate is just a dog who vomits up the food it was fed. People who go back are like dogs eating their own vomit.
Elders and spying eyes
by Crazyguy inis it normal for the elders in your congregation to spy on you through your wife?
texting her to see whats up with you and what your doing or saying etc.
using her as the in house spy???
Of course do what The Searcher has suggested to you first. I just assumed you already had that conversation since you were informed of the texts. I'd also confront the elders first and let them know that you are the head of household, you don't appreciate what they are doing and if they'd like to know what's going on in your house they can contact you. THEN if they continue maybe try my suggestion.
Breyers is not allowed to call it's product "ice cream" anymore by the FDA!
by EndofMysteries inmany other so called ice cream at grocery stores as well.
have you noticed how it seems to be different than from a couple years ago?
that it doesn't melt, it just warms up and becomes like a whipped cream texture?
Blue Bell - 'Cause everything else is crap!
A New Lightbulb
by wearewatchingyouman in"the truth" it seems to me like a lightbulb.. .
when i think of "new light", i don't think of the sun or the moon or the stars.
an ever present ray of light.
LMFAO! I think I've watched that movie a half a dozen times in the last month.
Appointed by holy spirit
by Ben57 ini have been reading the posts on who is and or had been an elder.
it amazes me at what many have said.
perhaps i have misunderstood what they were saying.
SMH. He's got to be yanking our chains. There's no way this can be for real.
A New Lightbulb
by wearewatchingyouman in"the truth" it seems to me like a lightbulb.. .
when i think of "new light", i don't think of the sun or the moon or the stars.
an ever present ray of light.
"The Truth" it seems to me like a lightbulb.
When I think of "New Light", I don't think of the sun or the moon or the stars. An ever present ray of light. Constant. Dependable. Long lasting.
No, I think of a lightbulb. You see, "New Light" is not like the light of the sun. It burns out much quicker. It has to be replaced by a new bulb, and when you've popped the old one out and are screwing in the new one you know deep down you'll be here again. Another lightbulb is in your future. More "New light".
And don't get me started on the new lightbulbs. This new lightbulb isn't consistant. It's less warm and fuzzy feeling than the old bulb's light. The wattage might be a little higher, or a little lower. You never can tell. New regulations are completely changing the new lightbulb. The light just isn't the same.
The light isn't getting brighter. It's just getting more intrusive. It's sharp and blinding. Not warm and inviting like a fire. When I'm looking at the picture, I struggle to connect the things that it highlights with what the old light highlighted. It doesn't help you see things more clearly. Instead it blinds you to what lies behind it.
So enjoy your "New Light". Truthfully, I didn't care for the old lightbulb's light much either.
I'll take the sun and an old oil lamp myself.
Elders and spying eyes
by Crazyguy inis it normal for the elders in your congregation to spy on you through your wife?
texting her to see whats up with you and what your doing or saying etc.
using her as the in house spy???
Personally, If brohers in the congregation were texting my wife behind my back I'd make a formal complaint with the CO, get a restraining order and change congregations.