Please pay him. Don't be as petty as he is. Give him a call and tell him you want to pay him in person. Hand him the money, fire him and explain to him that his actions have consequences.
JoinedPosts by wearewatchingyouman
My Window Cleaner
by happy@last inmy window cleaner is a jw and as i am always working when he comes to my house i haven't seen him or spoken to him in years.
the other day i was in my local town and went into a cafe for some lunch.
who is sitting there but my window cleaner and his wife.
Is this still their view about "Those resurrected"?
by Snoozy indo the jw's still teach that those resurrected will not marry and be without a sex?
can't help but think that it is the same with those hit with radiation during a bombing.. .
So then I guess that what's implied is there will be sex, but no marriage. No reproductive organs would be needed in a perfect human inhabiting a paradise forever. I'd think God would be that smart. But being as Angels we'd still have sexual urges. Marriage was created as a form of control invented by God. A patriachal society. Perfect humans who had no offspring would have no need for such an arrangement. There'd be no logical reason to supress these sexual urges. There's nothing imperfect about the act of sex itself. Especially perfect sex.
WT wants members to auxiliary pioneer in place of vacations now!!!
by EndofMysteries inthe may 2014 km, posted in another thread is a link to download it.
page 2, for week starting may 19th under the service meeting:.
I'm really surprised that I can't recall there ever being a big organized push for teens to pioneer during summer vacation. This is an untapped resource of distribution for the society. Not that there seems to be many teens left in the congregations these days.
I don't care what you say anymore.....
by wearewatchingyouman ina litle inspirational love from one of the greats for those who still allow their lives to be controlled by the watchtards - have the courage to say, "keep it to yourself.
it's my life.
A litle inspirational love from one of the greats for those who still allow their lives to be controlled by the Watchtards - Have the courage to say, "Keep it to yourself. It's my life." 'Nite all.
Bible is inspired of God??????
by Crazyguy inis there anything in the bible that makes you believe that some or all the writings in the bible are inspired from god?.
"All scripture is inspired by God........" wasn't a scripture, but simply a letter when it was first penned. Somehow though, this is supposed to be proof that the rest of the NT, along with whatever scriptures Paul was referencing, which who knows if they ended up in the Bible, are the word of God. The End.
Hi!! What are you doing/drinking/thinking this fine eve and weekend?
by Jon Preston inforgive me europe for i know you have all commenced and ended your night but what are you all drinking this evening?
what are your thoughts?
what arenyour plans since you may not be out in service tomorrow?
Basil Hayden. 3 fingers, one rock. Just poured my second. No big plans this weekend. Just the usual - family, friends and fun in the neighborhood.
ATMs in assembly halls
by Xanthippe ini only heard about these atms last year on this forum.
the poster seemed to be saying they are for donating only, is that correct?
absolutely gobsmacked over this, don't the brothers see any correlation between this and the likes of jimmy swaggart?
I'm sure a five dollar donation is barely worth it with the transaction fees. So when it comes to the "widows mite" the Society would probably lose money. I wonder if there is a minimum donation when paying by card?
Is the Governing Body trolling us?
by kneehighmiah ini'm starting to believe the bethel higher ups are trolling us.
the outright contradictions and stuff like overlapping generation is too ridiculous.
calling out the harold camping when we did the same thing.
Rutherford wasn't a Jehovah'sWitness?
Um - Pretty sure Rutherford coined the name "Jehovah's Witnesses" at the 1931 District Convention in Ohio to separate those who followed his version of Russell's tachings from those of other Bible Students.
If you wrote book about JW's what title would you give it?
by LogCon inmany, after leaving or being cast out of 'the society,' have felt so strongly so as to write a book.
some well thought out and good reading.. my questions are the following:.
if you were to write such a book what title would you give it ?.
Why Do Men Have Nipples? - Pacifiers
Book Title - Born In And Broken Out
They don't know what to do....
by pbrow inhave been going to a few meetings to support my kids that have to go with their mother.
i knew it would be a powerful lesson for them to see how these loving people treat their father who da'd a while ago.
couple of elders tried to corner me the 2nd or 3rd time i went to remind me that i cant talk to anyone.... i however reminded them that i am not df'd and i can talk to whomever i want to.
I think this is a wonderful way to stage a rebellion. DF'd and DA'd people just start going back to meetings. Go to their get together's at public parks and restaunts etc. When told not to talk to witnesses, do it anyway. Make them look you in the eye and offer hand shakes. Be cordial and loving. These are indeded public meetings, and get-togethers in public spaces. Show them that you deserve to be treated as a human being. You have no desire to be part of the organization, but they hold no power over you. Maybe a set week a couple times a year or something. Make it an international to do. What would the society's reaction be? Could you imagine?