I want Gordon Downie to sing Long time Running at my funeral.
JoinedPosts by Naeblis
Who/What Preached at Your Funeral?
by Sam Beli insomeone started an interesting thread about what music wed like played at our funeral.
the logical next step is to ask of what the funeral itself would consist.
since becoming an ex-jw i have been wondering what my wife (also now an ex-jw) would do if i preceded her in death.
You're allowed to start new threads you know. You don't have to edit your old ones :P
by JUSTAMOM inhello to all today:.
just reading in the book of isaiah 55-....and came across chapter 58. .
"Know what I find SO 'peculiar', though, Naeb, with folks like you?(Actually, I find it 'amusing') Is that you BELIEVE the acts of vengeance, so as to have an animosity toward my Father... and yet, you have NO fear with regard 'checking His hand'! I mean, IF, dear one, my Father is such an 'exacting' God, such a 'forceful' and 'unforgiving' God... such a hateful, angry, malicious God... what in the WORLD makes YOU think YOU... with your puny mere exhalation of an existence... are going to be OVERLOOKED in the day of His 'vengeance' when YOU... have, in essence... mocked and called down evil upon Him? What makes YOU think you will 'get away'... with checking His hand?"
Wherever did I say I believed the acts of vengeance or love? Your association with god sure doesn't seem to have helped your reading comprehension. I said I didn't OVERLOOk them. Much the same as reading and commenting on any other book I read. I read the bible. And I note the savegery of God in places, and the mercy. I already explained why I think this is. Go back and read.
"Methinks you need to 'figure out' just what it is that you BELIEVE, Naeb, dear. 'Cause if He DOESN'T exist... or if He DOESN'T
'exact vengeance'... then your anger... is moot. But if He DOES... then your HEART... is eventually going to cause your MOUTH... to sin against Him. And indeed, if He IS a God of 'acts of vengeance', SURELY... you don't want to 'fall into His hands' for the sins of YOUR mouth. Do you?"I have my whole life to figure out what I believe. In fact. I AM adpoting a wait and see attitude. Just because I'm calling you out doesn't mean I'm burning my bridges with a possible god. I do NOT believe in a god who could justify killing babies. Especially a god who offers free will. Your argument falls flat on its face. And Shelby? If God DOES turn out to be this god of vengeance you seem to believe he is? I will suffer an eternity of torment rather than bow myknee to his madness.
"My advice to you? As someone here so succinctly puts in their "motto" line... 'get in, sit down, shut up... and hold on.' In other words, wait and SEE. Wait and SEE if there is a justification... and explanation. If so, then you are out of line. If not, then... well, 'call' Him on it. But do it like a MAN... face to face."
Do it like a man? Face to face? I ussue a personal challenge to your god. Is he sitting there with you at the computer? Tell him if he isn't I personally challenge him to come here and debate me. If he does not come tonight, (im at work so he might have to wait a bit) then it will be exposinghim as a coward, and you as a liar.
Anxiously waiting Yahweh.
by JUSTAMOM inhello to all today:.
just reading in the book of isaiah 55-....and came across chapter 58. .
Shelby. You have completely ignored my question. How are the babies "free will agents" when they were killed before they could sin? If god can see the evil in potential hearts why doesn't he kill evil people as he seemed tohave no trouble doing there? Because of free will? Why was it ok then? Your veiled threats do nothing and yes I can see them. The reason that I don't believe that god talks to you is not because Idon't believe in god, but because your "insight" is so cliched and unoriginal it could only come from someone with delusions of grandeur. Take care Shelby. Get help.
In fact. I will be so bold as to say that you have trapped yourself.
Humans have Free will
There are CONSEQUENCES to that free will, one of which is death.
You claim the babies at the flood were killed because god SAW in t heir hearts.
Where is the Free Will Shelby?
What is the point of allowing us to make decisions if god looks in the future, sees the decisions we make, and kills us at birth?
Just Curious
by StifflersErSlayersBrother inhow many of u guys are sorta in btween right now, like me?
just curious... come across lotta things lately that make me not so convinced bout wut i been taught to blieve my whole life :|.
I was there about 4 years ago. I took my time, didn't make any rash decisions, kept my mouth shut and did a lot of reading on my own. Then one day I made up my mind, announced my decision (to my thoroughly shcoked and UNHAPPY family) and never went to another meeting again. Heh 100% attendance til the last meeting I ever went to. Take your time, do research. No pressure. Everyone has to make their own decisions.
What song do you want played at your funeral?
by ballistic inwhat song do you want playing at your funeral?.
i'll be having "going underground" by the jam.
i was too far out... and not waving but drowning - stevie smith
Hello! We're the Apostates
by bboyneko inwe're the apostates!
we're a special group of colorful, round snuggly little apostates whos job it is to help you understand your own feelings and share them with others.. as you can see, we have special pictures on our tummies, and those pictures tell you the special job each of us loves to do.. .
i'm tenderheartsimon, and it's my job to help people reach out to each other.
Another list I'm left out of. That's it. It's time to start snapping some necks.
1975 Reaction
by MadApostate inthis past weekend, one of the few remaining jw relatives who will still discuss jw stuff with me told me about his recently attending a home bible study being conducted by an elder.
evidently, the study had been told or had picked up some info about the 1975 fiasco.
the elder totally denied that the society had stated or even led people to believe that armageddon would occur in 1975, and he naturally blamed some individual jws for misinterpreting the society's materials.
In 1975 I was still only a twinkle in my Daddy's eye :)
For those of us who still believe in God...
by MrMoe ini would like to know why you still beleive in god and what, based upon the bible, leads you to believe in god.. i likethe scripture that states the earth was a circle and hung upon nothing.
i also find that there is evidence the flood existed.
anybody know the stats of the "supposed" ark on mr. ararat?.
Why did God murder babies?
Official Report From the Sydney Apostate Picnic
by Stephanus inwell, well, well, folks!
it was the first i attended and i must say, it was all very exciting.
i found out that ozziepost is not his real name at all - it's really oswald q. postenhoffenmuller!
God bless you.......