Why not?
JoinedPosts by Naeblis
Prophecy Blunders
by Brutus in" (watchtower p. 56, 1894) .
" (watchtower, p. 150, may 15, 1922) .
" (watchtower, jan. 1, 1924, p5) .
JW Stumper Questions!!!
by Brutus inif the organization did not actually prophesy the end in 1925 and 1975, then how come so many witnesses left the faith immediately afterwards?
("they lost roughly three-quarters of the movement between 1925 and 1928, then suffered huge losses after 1975, when the end didn't come as they had implied over and over again," said jim penton, an ex-witness who writes entries on jehovah's witnesses for the encyclopedia americana.
if the watchtower organization rejects others calling them "inspired" yet the watchtower organization does call themselves "god's spirit-directed prophet" what is the difference?
Why on earth would he answer your questions when you ignore his and ignore your own errors?
Prophecy Blunders
by Brutus in" (watchtower p. 56, 1894) .
" (watchtower, p. 150, may 15, 1922) .
" (watchtower, jan. 1, 1924, p5) .
Sure looks like they called themselves prophets :)
Jdub: Oh they never SAID they were prophets
Me: *shows list*
Jdub: Oh.....
Why Not An '80%' Revolution?
by metatron inmuch thanks to maximus for revealing what many of us.
have long suspected - that 80% or so of witness kids.
leave the "truth".. this is a very valuable point!
Still seems fairly high. Never thought it was that bad as I was sort of an anomaly in my area.
Hi Again
by tattoogrl333 inwell the elders do not accept me.
i do not fit the mold and nor will i change too.
they asked for a book for me to see the questions answered for baptisim but they wouldn't give it to me because they have to decide if i can join???
I like pink hair and tattoos :)
funniest signs
by buffalosrfree ini was driving down the street the other day and seen a sign for a store the sign read.. "kocks liquor" .
i immediately had visions rolling about my head.
talk about roflmao.
"Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses"
JW Kids Leave the Organization: Facts
by Maximus inthe october 1 watchtower 2001 features articles on training children "properly" and dealing with a "prodigal child.
the latest inside u.s. figures reveal that 86% of jw children leave the fold, with some 29% who eventually come back for reasons of family ties, most never "reaching out.
" that means over half leave permanently.
Ihate to do this Lisa but it's 110% not 120% :P
by JUSTAMOM inhello to all today:.
just reading in the book of isaiah 55-....and came across chapter 58. .
"Naeblis... you are speaking of things before the New Covenant. BEFORE such covenant... everything was answered... by death."
Why has God suddenly become more merciful?
"SINCE the New Covenant, the answer... to EVERYTHING... is love, forgiveness, mercy... and life. Vengeance is no longer carried out immediately."
Why the flip flop?
"You asked about the babies; I do not know my Father's mind..."
That's the whole point you lunatic. You claim god talks to you. Ask him.
"but I DO know that His 'law': an 'eye'... for an 'eye'; a life... for a life. If babies died, know that other babies... those that belonged to my Father... died before."
So because "babies that belonged to him" died he thought it was ok to kill other babies? Sounds like a rather petty god.
"Okay, with that said, (dang it, Naeblis! I HATE this...)"
Spare me your contrived pity
"The word of my Father to YOU, 'naeblis' (and no, He has not revealed your true name to me...)"
Why not? Any computer person with mediocre skills could find myname from the internet. Your god is really disappointing me Shelby.
, "THROUGH my Lord... is that your challenge HAS been heard... and you will be answered. Your heart will become even more hardened"
What you did there was rather clever. You knew you had no answers and knew I would mock you, so you make a prophecy that my h eart will becoem more hardened knowing I will fulfill it. Looks like you paid closer attention during your Witness years then you care to admit.
. "You WILL see Him... face to face. Indeed, though, you were warned, that it is a TERRIBLE thing to fall into the hands of the living God. But with your OWN mouth... that you have judged... and sentenced... yourself"
I clearly asked him to come. To this point, the only person who has joined me tonight is the Pizza delivery girl,a nd while she was moderately cute, was hardly god like. Is your god so weak and cowardly that he won't come debate a simple Greeklike myself?? Aren't you embarassed for him? I would be.
In concusion Shelby, you ignored my argument because you realized you had slipped up, your only way of dealing with it is by saying " I don't know my lord's mind" Well then what good is this relationship you have goin on? ASK HIM!! Of course you won't. Because you can't. You have proven yourself to be nothing more than the charlatan I expected you to be. In this case you 'talk the talk' but can't 'walk the walk' Good night.
This is for those of you who asked for my exp...
by MrMoe 2 init's long, so take a deep breath!.
ok, this is for those of you who wanted my life experience as a jw, so here goes.. i was born to a beautiful woman/mother who was abandoned by my biological father.
my mother was raised as a jw and left in her teen years and turned to the baptist church as an adult.
Homer: Steady as she goes MrMoe..steady as she goes.
Moe: Idiot...
:) Thanks for sharing moe. Glad to see you getting back on your feet.
Who/What Preached at Your Funeral?
by Sam Beli insomeone started an interesting thread about what music wed like played at our funeral.
the logical next step is to ask of what the funeral itself would consist.
since becoming an ex-jw i have been wondering what my wife (also now an ex-jw) would do if i preceded her in death.
Yes. Why don't you email me *winkwink* Oh god. I can't help it ;(