Jehovah you crack me up - seems like an all powerful god like you wouldn't be running a 15 year old copy of UNIX. Maybe you should upgrade to Mandrake since it's using Linux 8.1? Perhaps you could then access that pesky Freewill file. It's sitting in the boot sector, that's why you can't access it. Perhaps it's time for a low-level format?
JoinedPosts by NameWithheld
It sure is hard being your lord
by Jehovah_God inmy login session .
--------------------- let there be light!
:let there be light!.
Living in a bottle
by Haereticus inthrough the years jw are taught not to read this and that, ham radio was evil (altghough awake listed frequencies and sceduled times for jw hams), today this is applied to internet as well.
i hope this ngo/dpi alone will prove the dangers associated here.
blind faith simply does not pay off.. here is one way of describing the difference how faith can be based either on assumption or a proven knowledge.
I take your point is that the one alcoholic can ASSUME he's OK, based on the fact that he hasn't taken a drink in while. While on the other hand the other alcoholic who pours a drink every day, but yet does not consume the drink has proven that he has beaten alcoholism?
Nevermind, re-read your post ... you're saying the one who takes a single drink and has the power to put the bottle away after that has beaten it.
Pros and Cons about Jehovah's Witnesses
by Leander inthe purpose of this post is to try take a close but un-biased look at whether or not jehovahs witnesses are the right religion.
in my few months of doing research about jw's outside of their own publications i've came across a wide variety of viewpoints.
some people are skeptical or unsure if the wts is really the right religion, some are certain that jw's are wrong but have no ill-feelings toward them, some individuals downright hate the organization and still others are certain that the wts is the real deal.
Leander: Good for you for not being one sided on this issue (for any one side). It's a great (and very hard) step for a JW to take.
That being said, I think that you have seen LOT'S of things made very clear on this board and elsewhere that the JW religion is not all the the JWs make it out to be. Why is that a problem? As you say, doesn't it do SOME good? Yes, in certain ways, there are positive things about the JW religion. It can transform some people from 'bad' to 'good' people (leave the 'bad' and 'good' to the discretion of the reader). However, so do other religions. It has provided some material aid to people, mostly of course to existing JWs. However, so do MANY other religions. It teaches the 'bible'. However, so do MANY other religions. Getting the picture? It's really no different than any other man-made, man-run orginization.
Why is that bad? It's not. It IS a problem though when that org DEMANDS loyalty until death DEMANDING it is the one and only channel to god. DEMANDING followers to conform or die (Yes, I know they won't kill you, but can effectivly do so through metal depression, family cut-off, emotional trama, or even real death due to blood/transplant/neutrality issues). When an org DEMANDS that it's followers follow IT and IT alone, then fails to live up to the lofty pedistal it has placed itself on, where does that leave you?
by OUTLAW ini like molson canadian,except when i`m out of the country.then i only drink imported beer...molson canadian.
Anything German!!!
Help!! I am extremely confused.
by Leander ini'm at a definite crossroad in my life right now and i don't know which direction to turn.. for my entire life i've been taught to believe in one thing but now i'm seeing things that i never knew where there before.
i find it very disturbing that there has been so many predictions the wts has made in the past that failed to come true.
also the bouncing back and forth on certain doctrines make me question my beliefs.. but on the other hand i can't ignore things like the fact the organization is growing while other religions are on the decline.
More typical blah blah blah blather from You Dont Know Shit.
Here's the long and short of it, according to Booby wack job you know, the org has 'run ahead' of itself all those times in the past when they got things wrong. They were trying to interpret prophesy before 'it was time for god to reveal it' or some such bunk.
So I submit then that until god himself comes down and says "OK boys, you've finally got it right" I am going to assume that the wackos in Crooklyn are STILL just doing WAGs - Wild Ass Guesses. Why would what they are teaching as 'truth' right now be any different that that old 'truth' from a few years ago. We KNOW that today's 'truth' is tomorrow's 'old light'.
Nice try Booby, but you're still a wack job. O, by the way, I haven't seen the 'present finacial system' crash yet ... still waiting. The gal's at hope it's soon, they want to get busy taking over that evil apostates house - just as soon as the 6 billion rotting corpses are cleaned up ...
we got problems
by teejay inyou probably heard about the guy breaking into the cockpit of a flight earlier this week.
edward coburn was charged tuesday with interfering with a flight crew, a federal felony.
he is being held without bond.. even with all the preparations the crew had made in advance, the situation became critical within a split second, according to dean weber, the pilot of the airliner.
More panic... <sigh> the reason this one man was not ripped a new one by every passenger on board is they were aware off his mental problems, just like the crew (by that time). So there was no real threat. Trust me, someone tries a 'real' hijacking, and there will be hell to pay. It's not going to be easy to rip off a plane anymore.
BTW, I've flown, and will continue to do so. People need to quit living in fear all the time and get on with it ... if something happens, deal with it, but until then don't live consumed in fear, that's no good...
Help!! I am extremely confused.
by Leander ini'm at a definite crossroad in my life right now and i don't know which direction to turn.. for my entire life i've been taught to believe in one thing but now i'm seeing things that i never knew where there before.
i find it very disturbing that there has been so many predictions the wts has made in the past that failed to come true.
also the bouncing back and forth on certain doctrines make me question my beliefs.. but on the other hand i can't ignore things like the fact the organization is growing while other religions are on the decline.
This is not to say that I doubt any of the replies that were made here but why do the majority of the people who are associated with JW's have such a hard time shaking the feeling that they are doing something wrong by leaving the organization?
Because when you've been brainwashed you are indoctrinated to feel that fear whenever you step outside the boundries the brainwasher sets for you. It's classic cult-manipulation ... why do you think SO many stay involved when they can see thru the total BS that occurs in the JW org? It's out of fear. It's the age old "But what if they're right?" question that keeps so many in. It is VERY hard to break free, and no matter what it takes time, but ask yourself, why would god give you free will to think for yourself, then demand you belong to an org that demanded you DO NOT THINK AT ALL? That makes no sense. It is up to each human to forge their own path through life, not to be led about by the nose by a group of men who are OBVIOUSLY concerned for no one but themselves.
Why would god make belonging to the JW org a requirement for life and then allow the 'one true org' to be SO corrupt, so un-loving, so wishy-washy? And think about this, JWs is YOUR life, it's huge to you, but trust me, 99% of the world has NO idea what JWs are about, don't care, and never will know. You think that god would be doing such a bad job of getting the word out to people that they 'must join or die' if he was using JWs?
Where does the WBTS stand on Anti Depressants?
by LizardSnot infirst, some background info:.
my mother is a 4 meeting a week, no field service, 26 year veteran .
of the jehovah's witness who just moved in.
I just have to pop in and say that from my personal experiance there were MANY JW's I know/knew who suffered depression and many who were permanent users of anti-depressants. I won't generalize to say most/all JWs were, but I knew of so many, and there are those who are taking them who don't make that known publicly (out of shame?).
Not that I have a problem with anti-depressants, but from watching my wife fight thru those drugs it's very clear to me doctors are basically playing a guessing game with those drugs, as in "Try this for 3 months and see how you react". And talking to others they go thru the same med shuffle, trying to find a drug that helps more than it hurts.
Funny thing is, once we left the JW org, my wife's health problems disappeared .... hmmmm. Wonder if you can get disability benefits for being a JW?
Questions concerning world events!
by Lollylou inas someone who was once associated with the wt (over 30 years) i have to say i am in a quandary.
with world events shaping up as they are i keep reflecting on many things i learned as a jw and some of the pieces fit together.
however, the many things i have learned about the organization upon chosing to leave have me stumped.. how can an organization put out teachings about the "scarlet colored wild beast", apply it to the un and yet be a ngo of that organization?.
Yea, I have to echo the fact that if you still beleive that the JWs are the 'only ones' who are 'close to the truth' then you have yet to do enough of YOUR OWN research on the matter. Start from ground zero and don't go into the search with pre-conceived (JW) ideas. It's very hard to do, but a veil will be lifted from your mind ...
Start with this fact: Humans are humans no matter what org they belong to/profess beleif in. There are those that do good with their lives, there are those that are 'neutral' in as much as they seem to just try and live their own lives (albeit somewhat selfishly), and there are those that seem to be truely evil. That remains true no matter the org. The JWs are no different. There are kind hearted ones in it, and there are those that take advatage of others in it.
If you were convincing a JW to leave...
by Leander inwhat would you say and what would you show them to prove the wts has misled many?.
also if that person asked if the wts had violated any scriptural prinicples how would you respond?
Joel you're on to something there, since the typical JW response to having their eyes open to the reality of the F&DS/org is "But where are we to go, they are the closest to the truth". And how do you fight that powerful tool? The only way is to help them realize the world isn't as black and white as they have been taught. And that good is everywhere, just like 'bad' is everywhere...