I've never been to any of them?
JoinedPosts by NameWithheld
What to these 28 "lands" have in common?
by Skimmer inwhat to these 28 "lands" have in common?.
american samoa.
BEAT that Child!
by Farkel inthis is sort of a continuation of threads on dubs and how they are conditioned to discipline their children.
someone questioned whether the society actually encouraged dubs to whup their children.
i only had enough time to dig up a few salient quotes from the wt magazine.
This reminds me how my parents would constantly remind me that in old time Isreal I would have been stoned to death for <insert bad behaviour here>. No doubt made them feel better when whipping a young child. How loving that now god doesn't require parents to participate in casting a horrible death upon their children! Someone forgot to tell this freak of a father about that "new Light" though ...
Listen! Her blood cries out from the ground!
by Bridgette ini cannot forget this little girl.. ezekiel 34:12 this is what the sovereign lord says: i am against the shepherds and will hold them accountable for my flock.
i will remove them from tending the flock so that the shepherds can no longer feed themselves.
i will rescue my flock from their mouths, and it will no longer be food for them".
This made it onto the Drudge Report too ... http://www.drudgereport.com
Brown makes statement about Laree
by mommy inhttp://www.suntimes.com/output/news/cst-nws-girl14.html.
i caught this on a link from a link from a link.
the group known as the christian congregation of jehovah's witnesses disavowed corporal punishment as an acceptable way to discipline children, said j.r. brown, a national spokesman for the jehovah's witnesses.. "it has nothing to do with the religion,'' brown said.
Again, you have to realize the 'reality vrs what we say' aspect of JW-hood. Of course Mr "We're so squeaky clean you can eat off of us" JR Brown, Press Officer extraordinaire can trot out lot's of WT and other articles that seem to prove that JWs don't 'encourage' physical punishment. Of course, and JT puts it "Which way is the SOCIETY leaning?" All good JWs can read between the lines, not too mention the good old environment issue, as many JW children are the product of several generations of JW and the parents were raised by the belt, so too the new generation will be raised by the belt.
Not too mention all the 'well meaning' sisters that preassure new parents into 'punishing' children for being children and doing things like playing at the meeting (o horrors of horrors, how dare they do THAT!). Or better yet the 'ones taking the lead' - read elders - telling the parents to get their kids under control and stop being a 'distraction'.
The funny thing is that it's only a distraction since the freaking meeting is so damn boring that people would rather do ANYTHING than listen to the talk ...
Should People Be Disfellowshipped?
by Frenchy ina reply i made on another thread prompted me to post this.
i was going to do so on the other thread but that was really not the topic and i didn't want to corrupt it by flying off on another tangent.. i have no problems with disfellowshipping from an organization such as jehovah's witnesses.
i don't think a person should be allowed to remain within an organization while practicing things that are condemned by that org., things which they, themselves profess not to believe in.. my objection is to the shunning.
"jehvoah vs. allah"
What are the odds? Whose taking the bets? Can I contact some one in Vegas?
"In this corner, we have the defending creator of the universe, all the way from Pisadea(sp?), protector of the Jews, killer of all who dare question him, JEHOOOOOOOVAH" <wild applause>
"And in the corner, the challenger, he who provides for all, defender of the middle east, destroyer of towers, killer of infidels, ALLAAAAAAH" <more wild applause>
Can't see exactly how the fight shakes down ... after all Allah tag teams with the Taliban and others, but Jehovah's helpers refuse to get in the ring, just chanting "Wait on Jehovah" and "You just wait till Jehovah gets thru with you - the birds 'll peck out your eyeballs". It might be a close one ...
How Much Are You Worth?
by ItsJustMe inif you want to know, go to the website www.humanforsale.com.
i'm officially worth $1,801,662.
have fun!
Being truthful ... $2,206,280.00
'Streeeetching' the truth a wee little bit ... $2,802,140.00
What about the money
by miner ini read not long ago that the wts rakes in some big bucks every year from sales of printed materials.
can someone please help me understand who pays for their materials.
in the country where i live, it seems they distribute their literature free of charge.
Actually, in the US, the 'box' is normally located, you guessed it, right at or on the counter where you pick up your books/mags. So as for you to not miss an opportunity to 'donate' for those books/mags you just got. Also the 'brother' handing out the books/mags sees who dontates and who doesn't and don't think that info is not duely noted.
Nothing is ever 'free'. Someone pays for it.
Any Former Elders?
by ItsJustMe inwould any former elders like to share their experiences serving on judicial committees?
were your decisions subjective?
do you feel that the "system" works?
Do a seach on the title "JUSTICE" or "JUSTICE #" Amazing posted 12-15 or so pretty 'amazing' articles about some of the meetings he was part of ...
some 2001 year figures reported on wol
by expatbrit innot sure of the accuracy: http://www.witnessesonline.com/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/witnessesonline/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=5&t=000129
Thanks Moxy!
some 2001 year figures reported on wol
by expatbrit innot sure of the accuracy: http://www.witnessesonline.com/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/witnessesonline/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=5&t=000129
Is the total number of hours preached going down? Where was that web site that listed the previous few years of JW stats?
I find it funny that the # of pioneers is dropping so fast, yet they have dropped the hour requirements. I guess not too many are 'developing the pioneer spirit'