Longer than 100 years maybe. Forever? I don't think so. It'd get old after awhile ...
JoinedPosts by NameWithheld
do you still want to live forever?
by sleepy inimagine that chance was offered to you .is it something you still desire?.
i wonder how desriable it would be to live forever.what problems it would bring.would we want to stay married to the same person, would we get to know everyone on earth?.
how would it effect our attitude toward life , would we get anything done knowing there was no rush?.
Zev's UN/WTS Scandal Web Site - Part 2
by hawkaw inhttp://www.geocities.com/plowbitch69/.
over 1,440 hits in a few weeks..
JosephAlward is throwing up strawmen. No, I doubt the actual 'form' they signed contained the words containing the words 'to support the UN charter' it was probably quite simple with blanks to fill in the required info. However, the filling out and submitting the form DID bind them to ALL the qualifications required of being a DPI associated NGO - which are QUITE clear from 1968 onward of including language of 'supporting the UN charter'. Wether or not they were aware of the full ramifications of their acts doesn't excuse them - if you enter a contract with someone you'd BETTER know what you are signing into!!!!
Turn back on God because of WTS or JW's??
by IWish4Truth inin my opinion, it's one thing to not agree with organizations that impose certain rules upon it's members, but it's quite another to turn one's back on god himself because of disagreements.
is there not still some higher power out there who has the best interest of humans at heart?
how can it be denied, especially in these terrible times, that something or someone is gonna have to step in and take over and end this havoc.
Wow Seeker4 - well said. <clap clap>
Why is it so many come out of the JWs but never really open their eyes. They sound like a rehashed WT article over and over. Open your eyes to the real world here. If you think times are so bad, go find a cave to live in, wipe your but with dead leaves, forage for food, and die toothless at 30 years old. Or maybe you'd get the plague and die at 20.
Big sky daddy has never done a thing for humans yet. Will he? I don't think so, but even if he does what are YOU supposed to do about it?
My boyfriend is a JW
by little_red_birdie ini am just a young teenager, and my first ever boyfriend is a jw!!
at that time i didn't even know what a jw was, no one at school ever really mentioned anything.
i had no idea what i was getting into.
IF, and this is a big IF, as he get's older and can investigate the JW religion for himself, you may be able to open his eyes to the reality of what the JW religion is. Many young people raised in the JW religion have never seen the 'other side' so to speak. If he is already willing to involve himself with a 'wordly' (non-JW) girl, it shows that perhaps he already isn't TOO concerned with the JW rules. Although hormones in a teenager tend to over-ride anything else, and I hope that once the infatuation wears off he doesn't get a 'guilty' conscience and dump you. It's happened MANY times before. Trust me, he's getting or willget SERIOUS grief from his parents about you, and the elders in the JW church if/when they become aware of it.
IF you can open his eyes to the religion, you MUST replace the brainwashing that he has been raised up in with something else. Otherwise he will continue to beleive the JW teachings even if he were to be kicked out (disfellowshiped). Many disfellowwhipped people will go years away from the JW religion, yet still be mired in those beliefs - if they don't learn the 'truth' about the 'truth'.
Best of luck to you!
Friends we are too unbalanced.
by sleepy inwell sometimes we are.. look we have the knowledge and experience to help a lot of people.must of us have one time been jw's and understand how many think.so lets not put them off by being too negative.. when we were witnesses most of us were quite happy .
we tried to be good people , to put into practise principles that many people think are good.
we did this sometimes even when we didn't want to , because we thought god would hold us accountable and because we cared for people .
Some of you are missing the point I keep trying to make ... does the fact that JWs do 'evil' works make them 'evil' people? <shrugs> I don't know. What I do know is that after WWII the trials established that even though the 'peons' of the Nazi system were following orders (and had they NOT done so would probably have been killed) they were NOT excused from blame for their actions. Extreme example? Yes. But it establishes the point that simply being 'mis-informed' isn't a good excuse for 'evil' works.
Do they support an evil system? Again, define evil. Do the ends always justify the means? God would kill 99% of humanity. Is this good? Sure would solve a lot of problems - population control, environment, etc. Perhaps we would be better off living in caves wiping our butts with leaves rooting for plants to eat everyday - wure would be 'better' for the earth. Doesn't mean I want to live like that though. Doesn't make the baby that god would toss into the fire just because it's parents weren't JWs feel any better.
This doesn't mean that I hate JWs. No in fact I feel very sorry for them. If I could I would get them all out. I know/knew a LOT of very fine people in the religion. Doesn't mean that they wouldn't shun me in a heartbeat though. Doesn't mean they wouldn't 'turn me over' to the elders in a heartbeat should they see me perform an 'illegal' action. Doesn't mean they were true friends who would stick by me when I was 'spiritually weak'.
So, do I think they're 'evil'? Not in motivation, but yes in actions. Does this mean I shun them? Never, I know that if it were possible to open their eyes many would come out in a fine manner. Sorry to say I am not as powerful as the WTBTS brainwashing techniques.
Things that make you go HMMMMM?
by ashitaka inregarding the "my boyfriend is a jw" post, with all of the hmmmm's.
the meaning of hmmmmm?
and what makes you go hmmmmmmmm?.
You pretty much got the definition of 'troll' - you'll have to excuse us we've been burned before by stories like this, but just ignore the Hmmms for now - they'll go away once you've been here for a bit. It's the same on any discussion board - you don't carry much 'weight' until you've been there awhile. Maybe not the best policy, but on the net people can pass themselves off as whomever they please due to the anonimity. So many people err of the side of not beleiveing stories ...
MORMON SHUNNING - On front page of LATimes
by bluesapphire inhey, there is a very good article on mormon shunning on the front page of the saturday los angeles times.
i'm going to respond to this journalist and tell him about the dubs.
i think maybe if many did this, a good story on dubs might come out - maybe even front page too.. go here: http://www.latimes.com/news/printedition/la-000095596dec01.story.
Wow. Could have replaced 'Mormon' w/ 'JW' and the article would have fit to a tee.
early marriage
by concerned mama inin a previous post, some of you talked about your current age and number of years married.
subtract and voila, many of you married young, by which i mean before 20 years of age.
congrats to all of you couples, married long and short!
early marriage
by concerned mama inin a previous post, some of you talked about your current age and number of years married.
subtract and voila, many of you married young, by which i mean before 20 years of age.
congrats to all of you couples, married long and short!
ItsJustMe: You took the words right out of my mouth. My wife and I married way to young. Why? We were horny and it was the only way to legally 'get some' Do I regret it? Not on your life!!! But we too were lucky to grow as people in the same direction - it could have been bad. And it was rough during the phase where I tried to miss as many meetings as possible and she was feeling guilty about it. Luckly she saw the 'new light' shortly after that.
It does seem that if a JW isn't married by the time they're in their mid 20's then the chances of them getting married begins to drop rapidly. The good ones are always taken early!
Ditto on the pressure to turn dating into marrage as quick as possible - since dating is such taboo anyway, and not supposed to be done for 'fun', but only in leading to marrage.
Friends we are too unbalanced.
by sleepy inwell sometimes we are.. look we have the knowledge and experience to help a lot of people.must of us have one time been jw's and understand how many think.so lets not put them off by being too negative.. when we were witnesses most of us were quite happy .
we tried to be good people , to put into practise principles that many people think are good.
we did this sometimes even when we didn't want to , because we thought god would hold us accountable and because we cared for people .
We go round and round with the word evil ... I don't think the average JW is 'evil' in the sense of the word that they are plotting the destruction of their fellow man. I think their actions and the effects they have on others have 'evil' results though. We go round and round with motivation vrs actual results. They may feel motivated out of love, even the ones that are so 'loving' they shun their children/g-children/parents whatever. They feel very justified in their actions. Doesn't make them 'right'.
By applying this definition of 'evil' you have to come to the conclusion that most people are 'evil' since the majority of their day to day activities are spent on providing for themselves, not fellow humans. But the JW carry it to a further extent by denying themselves all avenues of truely helping others - at least the busy non-JW business man (for example) sooths his conscience by donating $100 to Red Cross/whatever. While the JW sooths their conscience by waking you up at 9am sat morning to tell you to 'convert or die'.