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Believers and their "Free Will" Dogma
by JT inone of the most interesting dogmas found among believers is the concept called free will- on the surface it starts out sounding reasonable, until you start the ask questions and listen to the explanations that are given , after awhile you realize it has no legs to stand on.
we are told by believers that god allows each person to make thier own choice and we are not robots and therefore we are able to exercise free will, the only problem is when you ask the question, what about when someone exercises thier free will and it harms someone else, why would a loving god allow someone the free will to hurt someone innocent, at that point free will sounds more like an excuse to give god a bye in terms of having to do anything- i read this posters comment and i couldn't for the life of me see any logic or reasonablness behind the concept of free will when folks get hurt like this person has-.
one of my earliest memories is of my grandfather raping me.
Jesus Sacrifice - How Stupid and Illogical
by MrMoe injesus dying for our sins... um, why.. because adam made a mistake?
based upon what?
jehovah's rules?
How Do You Deal With Stress??
by JerryTX inwhat do you do when you're being blindsided from seemingly every direction and you're drowning in stress?
what do you personally do to counteract it?.
reading joelbear's latest post ("joelbear needs to calm down")reminded me of what it was like when first exiting the watchtower.
Woman turns tables on JWs
by QCA1 inhello everyone.
i would like to share this with the daily mail newspaper today there was an article about a woman who was so fed up of the jws calling at her home(which they have done for the past 12yrs)she decided to stop them once and for all,each time they called she told them she was not interested but they still came,so,the other day she went to the kh whilst there was a service and knocked on the door until someone answered,when they did they were not amused,the woman then started to ask completely irrelevant questions,she remained there for about 30 minutes then the police arrived to remove her,she went quietly and said she did it to prove a point.. paul gillies, spokesman for the jws in britain,said "representives did stop calling at homes if asked",he says "if someone states they do not want a visit we make a note and avoid calling",he also says that "we go to peoples homes because we are obedient to jesus's message,we want to spread the word of jesus and offer bible studies.if people phone our national headquarters saying they didn't want visits we would contact their local congregation and let them know".. i hope you don't mind me sharing this with you guys
by Will Power inthere is a book called "god speaks".
it is a compilation of billboards that were put up around the usa.
in 1998 an anonymous donor wanted an ad agency - smith - in fla. $150,00 to create this advertising campaign to reach people who have "drifted".. it's a great coffee table book.. here's a few of my favourites.. (hope its ok to post these).
A question about Theocratic Warfare
by AjaxMan ini read that term a few times when i was reading xjw sites.. my question is what is theocratic warfare?.
i like to read any example of it as well as other descriptions or any of your experiences.. .
The Baby and the Bath Water
by NeonMadman inthe other day, i was messaged by a young jw guy (using yahoo messenger, where i am breezyone2001; chat me up, gang!).
his opening line to me was, "why are you attacking the witnesses?
" i responded by asking him in what way i was attacking the witnesses, and he said that he saw my name in a yahoo club for ex-jw's.
no blood cards this year!
by DIM inlast night at meeting they told us to just use our blood cards from last year.
in the past they've always told us how important it was to get it signed every year so that people could see our current views as jw's.....doesn't this new arangement negate everything they've ever said in regards to this?
absolutely nuts!.
To Norm: Nazi camp numbers
by TheOldHippie ini just post this as a new one, as perhaps you are too busy to keep track of replies to older threads of yours:.
i think most of the dissimilarities /"problems" as to the concentration camps figures you give, or more correctly, the watchtower literature gives, is due to the perspective from which it is seen, what the articles are really about.
when you quote from the 1974 yearbook, that article deals with the history of the german witnesses.
Received AWAKE! in the mail today
by TR inwhaaaa?
i wrote a letter to the society months ago asking for a subscription.
it's been so long that i forgot all about it.